
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"Make each day your masterpiece."

- John Wooden


"Go pack your stuff. Just bring the important things. You guys might be staying in Zerk for a few months.", Kane told me when Mrs. Rethers went back inside and resumed to what she was doing before we arrived.

I quickly went up to my room and got my backpack and some clothes. My whole wardrobe consisted of skinny jeans, joggers, sweaters, jackets, hoodies and plain black and white t-shirts. I closed the zipper and slung it over my shoulder. As I held onto the doorknob, I remembered my journal and quickly grabbed it and ran back outside.

The boys were waiting for me inside the car. I went to the trunk and placed my backpack there. I kept my journal with me inside the car. Euno turned the engine on and looked behind him where Kane was snuggled in the backseat. He was rubbing his butt on the seat like a child.

Maybe there weren't any cars on Zerk that's why he seems so fascinated? Whatever he was doing, it was cute, I thought to myself.

What the hell am I thinking? I shook my thoughts away and put my seat belt on.

"You should go back to your place and pack your things too," Kane said, addressing Euno who was backing up the car.

"Yeah. I live near here anyway so I'll be quick," Euno replied.

He drove to his house and luckily his parents weren't home. Their cars were not parked in the open garage. He went inside leaving Kane and I in the car. I felt quite awkward so I cleared my throat and tried to start small talk.

"Hey, Kane?"

"Yes, Your Highness?", he answered back.

There was just too much formality and it made me feel more awkward. "Can you just call me Lyrmie?"

"Oh, okay. Lyrmie, what were you about to say?"

Still not looking back at him I said, "I still don't understand why I'm needed on Zerk. Don't get me wrong, I really love the idea of finally knowing who I really am and where I came from but-"

He cut me off saying, "Lyrmie, if you really know who you are, you wouldn't need to question why you need to come home." I looked back and he gave me a small smile.

I just sighed as Euno opened the door and got in. After that, we left Euno's house.

"What did your parents say when you were carrying a backpack?", Kane asked Euno.

"They weren't home and besides, they never cared where I was or what I was up to," Euno replied, looking at Kane through the mirror.

"Oh," was Kane's only reply.


When Euno asked where we needed to go Kane replied that we needed to go back to river.

"Why are we going back to the river?", Euno asked. I was looking out the window, lost in thought. Kane wiggled his butt on the seat again causing it to make a fart-like sound. Euno and I stiffled a laughter and Kane just kept wiggling his booty.

"Portals to other worlds have specific areas for sonrics who have not mastered their magic in opening portals to other worlds yet. In Earth's case, it's the river behind the waterfall," Kane explained. Euno just nodded and continued to drive. No one said anything until we were parked in front of the cabin. I went out and opened the trunk to get my backpack. It was a good thing Kane gave me time to pack clothes because the clothes in my room in Zerk were too sparkly and girly.

The three of us went to the river. Euno and I had our backpacks slung over our shoulders. Kane walked to the other side of the river and explained what we needed to do. Kane looked at me as he started explaining how to open the portal.

"The last time you triggered the portal to open, your subconscious reminded you of your parents's voices which the waters heard. It heard your desire to know and meet them that's why you were able to open it and end up in Zerk. It was subconsciously done."

Euno just looked at me and back at Kane who continued to explain about this swirly wirly concept. "To open the portal with you knowing you want to open it, you have to think of the planet you want to go to. Usually, we imagine the planet and close our eyes. There are certain words we say to open a specific portal."

Kane positioned himself closer to the river and continue explaining. "But when we are in a hurry and have mastered the magic of the waters to open portals, all you have to do is reach out your hand and say where you want to go."

"Lyrmie, you need to concentrate and imagine Hali Beach. Once you have that picture in your head, touch the water, close your eyes and whisper 'Take me to Hali Beach'," Kane said. He then turned back into a butterfly and started flying over the river in circles.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and shook my nervousness away. I can do this, I whispered to myself. I moved closer to the river and knelt down. I placed my hand in the water and closed my eyes. My mind instantly pictured Hali Beach with the tree Kane and I spent time at. The sun setting over the horizon and the way the sky was painted with pastel colors.

"Take me to Hali Beach."

The waters started to form the tornado thing like last time. It started to glow and the portal started forming. Kane flew next to me and I heard him whisper, "Grab Euno's hand. He can't enter the portal without your help because he's a rictor."

As soon as the portal was formed and glowing brightly, I grabbed Euno's hand and intertwined our fingers. The portal instantly sucked us in and my eyes couldn't see anything but crystals.

My body felt like it was spinning round and round, making me dizzy. I felt my clothes getting wet and finally, I fell on sand and felt Euno fall after me. He was lying on the sand next to me when I slowly got up. I blinked and adjusted my eyes to the moonlight. It had turned dark here on Zerk. When I stood, Euno had passed out next to me. I immediately called out for Kane. He appeared in front of us and helped me carry Euno back to the castle.

We were walking while helping each other carry Euno when a ball of fire was shot our way. Kane passed Euno to me and teleported us behind a huge rock. I was shocked that Kane could teleport.

"Don't move. Wait for me here. I'll find out where that came from."

With that, he left and I held Euno tight.