

Astra Morgan.

A not so normal girl who specializes in being a loner. She didn't have much to say about herself other than a few books that she read some times or anime that she watched. Astra was forced to mature earlier than others her age and couldn't help but feel bitter as to why. Astra's family life certainly didn't help, her twin sister whom did better than her in everything was the adoration of her parents whilst her parents ignored her as a child and threw everything they had into her twin, Kana. The only person she could truly be 'childish' around was also Kana.

Was she angry at her twin? No. She was very happy for her and enjoyed congratulating her on her achievements. Her parents however? Perhaps. She was no spoiled brat whom would whine over her parents not paying her any attention. She was a little mad at the sheer amount of effort the put into babying her twin sister however but that didn't stop Astra from loving her twin sister.

Was she hurt at first whenever her parents didn't ask her anything about her day? Yes. She could definitely not deny that she was hurt by that and if not for her twin she would have been a sobbing mess, but hey.. what kind of 7 year old wouldn't after her parents practically ignoring her for lack of a better term, hell they even almost forgot her name on her 9-15th birthdays but was swiftly corrected by her twin.

"*Sigh*" Astra sighed softly while rubbing the temple of her forehead.

Throwing aside all of her family issues she really only enjoyed occasionally drawing and hanging out with her few friends, Her love life... that was complicated. Most people didn't want anything to do with a lesbian girl in her town.

"Welp. Can't help what you like," Astra grumbled while picking up her buzzing phone.

[Kana: Are you coming home yet?]

Looking down at her phone she saw a message from her twin sister, she tapped a few buttons before ultimately saying she would return soon and closed her phone.

Silently strolling on the sidewalk on her way home she watched as some of the cars raced by her. Crossing the street, she checked both sides since she was not an idiot and began to walk once no cars were in her line of sight.

Or at least she was until a truck materialized on the other side of the cross walk and drove straight into her.


A outline of a girl was sitting in a blank white space currently contemplating, 'Why can't I feel anything?' She pondered until a letter appeared in front of her that read.


You have been chosen as the inheritor of %#$@@%@!'s legacy and bloodline. To answer the questions you would most likely ask, you were brought her on the day of your Fated Death. The truck that ran you over was there to make sure your soul would arrive here first. Your family is alright and your twin sister mourned your death for years before settling down with a happy family and passing away peacefully.

Now moving on, the only ability you are strong enough to learn from your legacy is the beginnings of Teleportation. You will be given a Grimoire with information that you will gradually unlock the stronger you are.

P.S: Your emotions are temporarily blocked so you can process this information properly.


"Well that explains a lot," Astra said blandly while re-reading the content of the letter a few more times in order to memorize it.

After a few minutes of memorizing the contents of the letter she felt a pull from behind her as Astra's body vanished.

Once she was fully out of the white void her emotions came back full throttle. Tears streamed down her face as a happy smile made its way onto her face, "At least you were happy.. Kana," Astra said before taking a closer look at her surroundings.

Rough looking trees with large claw gashes imbedded into their trunks. The trees were thick but not very tall compared to ones she saw previously. She was currently standing in a small open area with a small river running through it.

"The note said something about a Grimoire? Where is i-" Astra thought out loud before a beautiful book appeared in front of her.

The book was decorated with a crescent shaped galaxy that was filled with a myriad of colorful stars. Small ornate carvings were craft fully carved into the leather cover as the depicted different constellations.

"Woah," Astra muttered while grabbing the book that was floating in the air in front of her.

The book flipped open once she made contact with it and she read the first page.

[Teleportation: %#$@@%@ was a master of teleportation, and due to your receiving both his legacy and bloodline you have the talent to become a master as well. The more you use Teleportation the more the range will increase.

Current Range: 5 meters]

The only other visible letters were random symbols with (Locked) in front of them. "This'll do for now. Still don't know what type of world I'm in though," Astra said to herself while thinking of where to store her Grimoire.

Looking at her clothes she was wearing an oversized black hoodie with loose grey pants. She felt a weird tingly sensation originating from her lower back but ignored it. Carefully placing her Grimoire into her hoodie pocket, Astra walked over to the river to get a drink before abruptly stopping. S

"Hmm. Kana always said to boil the water first even if it was from a creek to kill bacteria... Eh fuck it, one drink won't hurt.. I'll boil it later," Astra said while continuing her stroll to the small creek. The water itself looked a lot cleaner than the ones nearby her house looked when Kana used to take her hiking.

Astra looked straight down into the water before looking at the top of her head in confusement, "Why are there.. cat ears? And why do I look so much prettier?" She thought before poking one that caused a tingle of bliss to shoot down her spine.

"Great! Just fucking great! Am I even myself anymore?" Astra thought while looking at her new features. She looked around the same age as she was previously, 15. She had a beautiful face that many of the models on Earth would kill for, and silky light gray hair with two protruding triangular cat ears with white fluff puffing out. Slightly pronounced canines jutted from her teeth, lightly scraping against her bottom lip. Her eyes were a mix of a dark purple and very light brown that intertwined with one another in beautiful rings.

Lifting up her hoodie she saw that her body itself gained more pronounce curves that were hidden under the thick hoodie she was wearing. Her body filled out quite a bit more as well, not as skinny or scrawny as she used to be. A cat tail swayed behind her that was colored the same as her hair with an almost unnoticeable wisps of white.

Thinking harshly about her previously spoken words she came to a conclusion, "While my body has -obviously- changed.. I still have my memories after all and most importantly.. my bomb-ass personality," She answered while looking at her swaying tail.

"*sigh* I guess I should go and look for a town? I don't like the idea of camping out in the woods.. that was more of Kana's thing.." Astra mumbled before picking a direction and walking forward.


(Yo. World suggestions anyone? As you can see I didn't clearly state a world since I'm deciding on a few so toss some suggestions!)