
Stars de la Pub

A boy who wants to participate in a bands contest haven't memembers to do it, so discover a strange but fantastic way to find companions and with it, also friends.

EdoardoLuppi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Part 2

We arrived at the university pavilion where the registrations for the contest were being held, in which, in fact, there were more couples and groups of people who also wished to participate. I was glad to have Alfonso Simón by my side, because in truth, I would have been embarrassed to contemplate the way he was the only one going alone. And when we were standing in line, I noticed that in the registration forms, those interested were asked for an artistic name, but not their real name, so I said to my companion:

- Not for nothing, but Alfonso Simón sounds like the name of the protagonist of a soap opera, why don't we give you a cooler name.

- What do you mean? He looked at me, certainly offended.

I pondered for a while on some name until I came up with something simple:

- How about "Simon" (as pronounced in English)?

- It sounds. I smile after a few moments of reasoning.

- And what will your stage name be?

- Diego.

- Just "Diego"?

- That's right.

Finally, it was our turn.

- Names of the participants? asked the guy manning the booth.

- Diego and Simon. I answered by putting my hand on my partner's back, because just a few hours before, I was feeling very unhappy believing that no one would join me.

Moments later. We drove back to my home since it was already dark, where I thought about which number we would present in the contest.

- What song will we be able to submit?

- Yume no naka" would be fine.

- I agree, but... Not for nothing, but, I don't know how to play the guitar, I sing very badly and the song doesn't have a drum part, I guess we'll need one where there's keyboard music or at least where we need some drumsticks.

- You are absolutely right.

I then asked Simon the following question:

- Do you want me to drop you off at your place?

- My place? he asked in a confused tone of voice.

- Yes, just tell me where you live.

- Actually, I don't remember where I live and I'm not even sure if I have a home.

That last point really struck me as odd, but I didn't want to touch on it too much.

- Okay, you will stay at my house (at least for today).

When we were at my place, I urged Simon to sleep on the couch in the living room, where he was settling in, while I, in my room, thought of a track we could play at the band contest we were entering.

- "Souvenir" by Orchestral Manouvres in the Dark might work, but, I'm not sure if it would be to the audience's liking, they might want something more "upbeat".

I barely left such thoughts when I reflected on Simon, I felt more tense when I took the notebook I wrote in just the night before and read everything I wrote down.

- He said he doesn't remember where he lives, he knew how to sing that Japanese song and he even has the names I wrote down, what the hell is going on, is it just a coincidence, or is someone spying on me or just has dementia, besides, he showed up just when I needed a partner, but he has never been aggressive with me.

Somewhat stressed, I put the music player on my cell phone and pressed the "shuffle play" button. A peculiar French song called "Stars de la pub" came on.

After that, I contemplated the notebook for a while and said to myself:

- What if?

Then, in a very altered mood, he began to write more lines on the white sheet of the notebook.

- Alfonso Simon, the young man whose musical talent was amazing, not only knew how to play the guitar and the bass, apart from being able to sing in Japanese, he also knew how to sing in French and was fascinated by "Stars de la pub" although it was a rather strange song that few people knew, he also knew the chords.

My heart pounded violently as I dropped the pen with which I was jotting down, and as I took a shaky breath, I felt a little foolish.

- How could I have come up with such an idea, it is not possible that Alfonso Simon is a strange creation of something that by mistake, I wrote in a simple notebook (which is not a magical object or anything like that), but, if not, what is it?

Then I heard Simon's voice interpreting the lyrics of the aforementioned French song I heard earlier as well as a guitar being played by someone.

- Don't tell me that...

Somewhat startled, I went out into the living room where, moments before, I had left my companion settling in and, astonished but incredulous, I saw that he was indeed playing "Stars de la pub".

- How do you know that song? - I asked him - nobody knows it, only me.

He stopped singing and answered me:

- How can I not know it if it is an amazing song, you better not ask any more questions and come, it would be good for us to do an express rehearsal.

I wanted to question him about whether he was there to harass me or about where he had come from, but, I let myself be carried away by his interpretation and in a matter of seconds, he was playing the guitar and I was playing the keyboard, and we were both singing the part of the song where they sounded twice. Once we finished playing, I told him the following:

- It is decided, this will be the song with which we will participate in the competition.

- Are you sure? Simon asked.

As soon as he asked that question, I thought about the part where a woman also sings.

- Now that you say it, we will need a female voice to interpret that part of the song we are missing as well as we would need her for some backing vocals and also someone should play the drums, I guess it would look bad if we skipped all that.

- You said no one else knows "Stars of the Pub", maybe no one will notice.

- I agree with you, but, I want it to be spectacular.

- So, where will we get that person we need (especially at this hour?).

He had been right, it was two hours to midnight and also a few days before the contest was to take place. So, anxious, I said to Simon:

- I'll be right back!