
"The Betrayal and the Synthronauts"

Just as I looked around me, I spotted a Synthronaut a great terror to be feared by the people of my planet. Scared, I ran back towards the lab. As I went inside, I realized that Violet was not there. To my surprise, the Synthronaut had found me, even though I had been extremely cautious about attracting its attention. I traced my eyes around to look for an exit, but I was defenseless without any fighting equipment. Just as my eyes fell upon the window, I saw another Synthronaut. My suspicions grew stronger that Violet might have another side to her personality and might actually be working along with the Synthronaut.

The door greated open and out walked a girl .To my surprise it was violet she walked up and ordered the Synthronaut to tear me to shreds. At that moment, my suspicions became clear as crystal that she was not my long lost childhood friend, but a completely different person. Somehow, I managed to escape by the skin of my teeth, but due to the fear I felt, I fell sick and was not able to go to school.

As I lay in bed, trying to recover from the shock of encountering the Synthronaut and the betrayal of my supposed friend Violet, I couldn't help but wonder what was really going on. I had always thought that Violet was the same sweet girl I had known since childhood, but now I realized that she was not who she seemed to be.

Days later, my friend Violet turned up at my door with my assignments. To my surprise, she acted completely different than before. She was much nicer, sweeter, and a pleasant smell was emanating from her.

When I asked her about our previous encounter and what had happened to my surprise, Violet denied everything. she had not been the one to attack. I still tried to be cautious.She also told to me that she was in fact working with the government researching the synthronauts

At first, I was shocked and angry. How could she have lied to me for all these years? But as she continued to explain, I began to understand the weight of her situation. She was working day and night, all in the name of protecting innocent people of earth

As the days went by, I began to forgive Violet for not telling me . We started spending more time together, and I began to see the kind and caring person I had always known her to be. She even helped me with my school assignments and brought me food and medicine when I was too sick to leave my bed.

But even though I forgave her, I couldn't forget that the person who attacked me looked quite like Violet it could have been a coincidence. It was a constant reminder that things were not always as they seemed, and that danger could be lurking just around the corner.

As I went back to school and tried to resume my normal life, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something else was going to happen, that something was waiting for me just beyond the horizon.