
Starlight on the Mirrors

In a world where the power of precious stone is still unknown and people live ignorant of all the powerful kingdoms that harbor evils, the town of Blue Castle lives a life simple and fulfilled in itself. Nia, who wanted to save her kingdom, lives disguised in here to search for a precious stone that is too hard to acquire. Together with Mr. Neil Preston, she's up for anything the work demands. But lately some weird things have started happening and Nia might just assume this to connect somehow to what she's looking for. The story talks of Nia and her expedition, love and war and all the people who get involved in the quest willingly or unwillingly.

Nia_Blossom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Why do you sound like it is true?" Violet glared at me.

I thought the incident wasn't worth mentioning so I did not tell her about any of it. I did not expect that anyone from town might've actually seen us since it was really late at night and the one that we suspected to be watching us couldn't possibly be one of them- or at least that's what we thought. But now that I think about it, why did I even assume that it couldn't be somebody from the town? It could've been anyone, we couldn't possibly be the only outsiders disguised in here, how could we even know if there stood one in front of us.

I tried to not look her in the eyes when I confessed to her that the thought of it being seen and discussed slipped my mind. She was not convinced but let me off easy this time warning me to not blot out details like these from her. I assured her that I wouldn't.

Mrs. Yates joined us. She was listening to Willa talking about all that she heard people talk since the morning. Mrs. Yates said that it was good in the way that people would be careful with her now that they assume that she belongs to Mr. Preston. "Look at how you can use it to your advantage." She advised, "A woman should always look for how she can use different situations in her favor because no one else will do it for her. Society devours women who cannot look for themselves."

Her words were strangely convincing and we had nothing to comment on it. I knew I'd absorb what she said even though it wasn't really applicable to a society where I grew up. She said this for the society in which she lived and since I am supposed to be living here for I don't know how long I might as well remember it.

"It might not be that bad of an idea, I guess." Wicca winked at me. "I like the guy. He's a gentleman, though he certainly is an enthusiast when it comes to matters concerning you."

"Oh yes, do you not remember how he convinced the townsmen to crowd the shop for Nia's leave-day. He convinced everyone by describing them the misfortunes of people who had to live without their parents in places faraway for reasons completely unknown to anyone and how sad and lonely one might be without anyone to celebrate with." Violet added.

"Gosh I remember how someone also started crying, repenting about missing his parents that are now no more. He then promised the guy of any help he might need with his finances. He's certainly a smooth talker. I might as well fall in love with him had he been doing all this for me. I wonder how you still have not."

I have not, and I certainly don't want to- ever. I wanted to speak it out loud but did not. I smiled it off when Violet further added how women in this town are trying hard to lay their hands on him. Every family with a daughter in their twenties is aiming to land one of theirs in his castle. He was popular man, indeed.

Mr. Yates informed me that the delivery was to be in the evening and asked if I could do it before leaving for the Diner. I agreed as it was on my way.

I left the store at four and headed to the address written on the piece of paper that I was handed over by Mr. Yates. When I arrived at the door, I looked up at the worn out building, it looked as if it was barely keeping together. A young girl opened the door, I asked her to call Mr. Walter- supposedly her father- but he wasn't home. Her mother came to me.

"Hello, dear." She said as she looked at the flowers, "God, they are so pretty. He certainly outdid himself. I may assume you assisted him?"

"I only advised, Madam. He already had in mind what he really wanted, I helped him find what he was looking for." I replied.

"You are such a modest girl, my dear Nia. Why don't you come inside. Have a tea with me."

"Oh I'm sorry Madam, I need to arrive at the Diner so I must leave now. Thank you for the offer. I will compensate for it some other time." I said, as I turned around to leave I collided into an old lady. I apologized at once while helping her get back her balance.

She stood looking at me while I was constantly apologizing to her. I should be more careful, I thought to myself.

"Young lady," she said, "you should be careful where you're running to."

I looked at her perplexed, as if these words meant something more that what it sounds.

"Some time you'll collide into something and no apologies would be able to fix it. Look where you're headed to before stepping into the road." She added as she entered the apartment without looking back. Was she really saying all that to me? I stood there amazed, what did she even mean when she said that? It definitely was something more than what it looks like.

"I will, Ma'am." I said with an obeisance. She nodded and I was again on my way. The Diner was crowded so I barely had time to think anything, I was occupied the whole time I was in there. By the time I was done it was late night. I thought I should wait for Orion but he was nowhere around. I waited for about half an hour assuming that he might be involved in something important and that he'll be here soon but when he did not come I was disappointed.

He is usually on time everyday, but waiting anymore wasn't really a good idea. So I left for home alone. I hurried home, I really hoped that I'd find him somewhere mid way or perhaps, at my door. But when I reached home and found no one I really became anxious. Not that I wanted him to be there but he said he'd be there.

Intrusive thoughts crowded my mind, I sat on the chest in my bedroom and looked around as if he might appear anywhere out of thin air. Hours passed and he did not come so I went to bed.

I almost dozed off when there was a loud knock on the door. My first thoughts were that it was him but I knew better. It couldn't be him. Why would he knock when I already permitted him to enter my living room for nights. I sat there and the knocking only grew louder and continuous. I took the daggers from underneath my bed and hid them in my robe and went for the door.

"Who is it?" I shouted. No answer. Could it be, again? I thought.