
Starless Mage

Noah was born into a corrupt family where he was forced to do many hellish activities in order to survive. After being killed by his brother he vowed to become the strongest and never allow anyone to ever push him around again. Follow Noah’s story as he reincarnates into a world full of monsters and magic as he rises to the point where no one can stop him. ———————————————————————— Contains swearing and non explicit sex scenes. MC does have a ruthless and anti-hero personality that will not change. However he won’t purposefully commit genocide for no reason. There will be romantic interests that won’t falter the novel in many ways (NO HAREMS). If none of this is to your taste I suggest you look elsewhere. ———————————————————————— I am a high school student if the spelling and grammar is poor forgive me. Along with my ever changing schedule. Also this is my first ever story. Enjoy! ———————————————————————— Discord: https://discord.gg/CzPAUM8b5X *This is not my cover if it needs taken down I will do so immediately*

Zach_Lecher · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Ch 18 - Master Plan (1)

'Uhh, she won't stop crying!' I said to myself annoyed as I rolled over in the bed.

Luke was taken to the town prison where he will be interrogated until the final decision is made two days from now.

However, luck will smile down on him because I can still use him.

After my family broke away from the embrace at the crime scene they took me home.

Luckily, they didn't ask where I was all day. Although, that's probably because it's the least of their worries.

In the end it worked out for me since I was able to find the location of where we live.

It's one of the fewer nicer stones houses towards the center of the town.

The place is pretty cozy it's about double the size of the apartment that I lived in when I was in the city.

There are two bedrooms which means that I would be sharing with Luke... maybe I should let him die.

The only problem is that Madelyn won't stop crying! I can't sleep over her sobbing due to our rooms being right next to each other.

Annoyed that I wouldn't be able to get any sleep I decide that it would be best to make use of the time to finalize my master plan. Plus I could continue to practice my magic.

Getting up and out of the bed I exit my room.

As soon as I do, I enter into the living room where there is some furniture and some decorations proving that the family that adopted me doesn't have to worry about money to survive.

Passing by the lunge I enter the kitchen where the main doorway is located so that I can leave the house.

I don't want to practice my fire magic inside the house in case I accidentally burn the place down. Or if my parents see the flame and wonder where the light is coming from.

However my plans are foiled because right as I make my way into the kitchen Ralph is sitting on a chair having a drink.

'Shit I don't want to talk to him,' I say to myself.

"Hey! Hi! Hello! H-how are you Noah?" Ralph slurs mostly likely due to him being drunk.

"Uh, hi. Well umm, I'm okay but worried for Luke," I say going back into my role as a helpless child.

"Ha! Worried? No way. L-Luke didn't do it... he woul- wouldn't do it! So don't s-s-say that there...s nothing to w-wor-worr..." Ralph tries to convince himself before blacking out.

Sighing I put the alcohol away in one of the cabinets then lifted him up with wind magic before placing him on the couch in the living room.

'Jeez, this is annoying! I'm the kid they should be cleaning up after me not the other way around. Well it's better this way at least being alone I won't have to keep an act up.'

Being back in the living room I could hear back inside my parents room.

'Damn, it sounds like Madelyn cried herself to sleep. Of course when I decided to go out for the night everyone falls asleep but when I want to sleep the house is a ruckus,' I think to myself shaking my head.

Leaving out the kitchen door and exiting the house I step onto the road in the empty town.

'Time for the second phase of my plan! I got distracted before, but now I can complete it,' I say with a smile.

Taking off towards the edge of the town where the gate is I make my way to where Greg is stationed.

After a couple minutes of traveling through the bare streets I arrive at my destination.

'Ah, Greg you should really hide your emotions better or else someone might just take advantage of you,' I say menacingly before taking action.

Hiding myself somewhat but still making myself visible I try to sneak out of the town.

Crawling on the ground I slowly make my way further to the gate.

When I get close enough I hide in a bush and wait till the guards change roles.

Around the same time that I arrived yesterday the guards changed giving the first two a break and replacing them with Greg and the lead guard.

At this time I take advantage of the switch to try to escape.

Making it only so far before Greg notices, he calls out to me, "Halt! Who are you and what are you doing sneaking around?"

I turn around so that he can get a glimpsed my face.

"Noah? What are you doing out this late?" Greg asks.

"SHHHHHHHH!" I say putting a finger up to my mouth and pointing at the lead guard.

"You don't want him to hear?" Greg asks confused.

I nod my head up and down.

"Okay...? But that still doesn't explain what you are doing. I'm sure your parents are worried about you. Especially because of what happened today," He told me.

Looking defeated I whisper to him, "I lied. Zaul killed all the bandits but he also bleed out and died. So I ran away to get to the town because I was scared. Which means that everyone died so I can go and pick up the gold chest."

"Gold chest?" Greg asks as his eyes begin to sparkle.

"Yes! When we were traveling I got bored one day and went to explore the back of the carriage. When I crawled back there underneath some of the supplies there was a wooden chest. When I opened it, it was full of golden coins. However, before I could do anything one of the guards told me to get out of there. But now that everyone is gone the gold is just laying there. So I decided to go out and get it tonight. I remember where we were attacked and I could make it back by morning... but you caught me," I say depressed and turn around to head back home.

"Wait!" Greg calls out.

"I can make a deal with you. Because I am the guard for the rest of the night I can make sure that you get in and out of the town easily. It would be a perfect partnership if you just promise to give me a couple of the coins that you get."

"Really?" I asked letting him think that he got the best of me.

"Of course and as you said we can't let anyone know about this. When you return I'll make sure that you can get back home in one piece. Just remember that we made a deal and you wouldn't be able to do this without me so you need to give me a share of the profit."

Nodding my head I replied, "Yes, yes, thank you Greg."

Greg then went over to talk to his commander to give me a chance to run off.

However, unbeknownst to Greg I didn't run off into the forest but rather returned to the town and set off in a new direction.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Who dares to wake me up in the middle of the night I swear if it's a kid pulling a prank I'll k- oh hello Noah how are you? What can I do for you," Edwards tone completely changed when he realized that it was me.

When I left Greg at the gate I went to visit Edward's house in order to make the most of my diabolical plan.

"Edward I have something very important to tell you," I said acting concerned.

"What is it? Couldn't it have waited till tomorrow? If it's about Luke I'm sorry but laws are laws and punishments are need," Edward responded.

"Yes it's about Luke! He's innocent!" I stated firmly.

"Now I know it's only your second day here so there's no way you could have built a strong relationship with Luke. So don't get yourself in trouble trying to protect him. Let the inspectors determine whether he is guilty or not," Greg said looking somewhat disappointed.

"No. No. You don't understand. I saw it. He didn't kill the people," I said trying to wipe away his doubts.

"What? What do you mean you saw it? Explain now!" Edward said giving me his full attention.

"When I left Eugenia's house I forgot to ask for directions to my parents house so I was wondering around the town. When I came across Luke and four of his friends in front of a man in black clothes. I was about to call out to him when I saw the black clothed man make an explosion happen. After that I hid in a corner scared that the man would come after me. However, after a while Greg came over. I thought he would stop the bad guy but instead they started talking and Greg said that he did his job well and would get paid tonight," I told Edward as I came up with a modified story.

"Is this true? Do you know how important this information is? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Edward asked still conflicted.

"Yes it's true and I couldn't tell you because Greg was always with you. I'm sure that if you go and check up on Greg he will be waiting for the person who really killed Luke's friends," I said with absolute certainty.

"If what you are saying is real then this is much bigger than I really thought. You did good by telling me about this. Return to your family, I've sure that they are worried about you. I will go and check up on Greg and if I find something you might end up saving Luke's life," Edward told me before taking off towards the border of the town.

'Time to see how my plan plays out,' I say to myself also taking off towards the gate.