
Starless Mage

Noah was born into a corrupt family where he was forced to do many hellish activities in order to survive. After being killed by his brother he vowed to become the strongest and never allow anyone to ever push him around again. Follow Noah’s story as he reincarnates into a world full of monsters and magic as he rises to the point where no one can stop him. ———————————————————————— Contains swearing and non explicit sex scenes. MC does have a ruthless and anti-hero personality that will not change. However he won’t purposefully commit genocide for no reason. There will be romantic interests that won’t falter the novel in many ways (NO HAREMS). If none of this is to your taste I suggest you look elsewhere. ———————————————————————— I am a high school student if the spelling and grammar is poor forgive me. Along with my ever changing schedule. Also this is my first ever story. Enjoy! ———————————————————————— Discord: https://discord.gg/CzPAUM8b5X *This is not my cover if it needs taken down I will do so immediately*

Zach_Lecher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Ch 12 - Art?


24 hours later


Getting up from under the covers of the bed I looked around to see exactly where I was.

It was a small empty room with curtains shutting me out from the world. I could leave at anytime however there was a window in front of me and I wanted to look out it.

I got out of the bed feeling refreshed for the first time that I could remember.

I walked over to the window where I saw a huge city bustling with people going every which way. It was far more developed than the town I was born and incomparable to the crappy village.


The curtain were pushed off to the side and a male doctor came in.

"Ah, your awake! You know, you really gave us a scare sleeping for over a day. Along with the fact that we couldn't give you any fluids. Whenever we tried to give you an IV the needle would either break or bend unable to pierce your skin," he said.

I just looked up at him dumbfounded.

'I really need to learn this world's language. I can't understand anything that anyone says. I've probably missed out on a bunch of information,' I thought annoyed.

"Opps, I forgot you don't understand us. Well no matter my job is done, you've recovered fully. I didn't even have to do anything it's like you have some holy body that can't be harmed and heals quickly," the doctor said before ringing for the military head to come in telling him that the boy had awaken.

*step* *step* *step*

Another much bigger man came into the room. He also wore a red and black uniform but there was a bunch more stripes on his.

"You are free to go doc I'll be handling the boy from now on," he said as soon as he saw that Noah was alive and well.

"I'll be on my way then," the doctor replied before stepping out of the room to check up on his next patients.

'Damn, this guy has muscles bigger than my head,' I observed.

"Come with me boy we are going to learn precisely what happened out in the forest," the burly man said as he made a waving jester that motioned for Noah to follow.

'It seems he wants me to follow him. Well, I have no idea where I am and they have yet to harm me in anyway so I might as well go with them,' I figured following behind the military man as we left the hospital and made our way through town.

'I need to think back to what happened at the village. I killed all the villagers however, once I began complaining about how easy it was I apparently got knocked out? How though? I know that my body is unbelievably strong and that nothing the villagers used to torture me could harm me in anyway. So then why did everything go dark and I end up in a cell?'

'One of these army men must have been near the area. Based off them trying to interrogate me I assume they don't know what happened.'

'If someone supposedly come upon the area they probably saw a young boy by a bunch of dead bodies. They then probably thought that I killed them and knocked me out.'

'But how could they knock me out I thought I was indestructible? Hmm, I wasn't focusing on my surroundings however if someone where to sneak up on me I would have sensed it. That means that they were at a distance.'

'Then the only way I could have been harmed was if the person who attacked me was a mage!' I thought finally coming to a conclusion.

'Wait. Does that mean mages can harm me? After the four years of torture my body became strong enough to resist everything they used on me. However, they didn't use magic...'

'FUCK! A knife can't cut me but a tiny wind blade can decapitate me just like I did with the monsters. I WASTED FOUR YEARS!' I thought ready to cry but no tears came out of my eyes.

'If I empower my wind magic and create a force field no one would be able to harm my body anyway. So what was the point of me allowing those idiot villagers to abuse me everyday?' I said to myself pissed off.

'Well it was worth it because I now have the ability to use dark magic so guess it wasn't a complete waste of time.'

'Oh, now that I think about it these military men who keep popping out of nowhere probably want to know what occurred at the village. Damn, now I have to think of a different story. I can't let them know that I can use forbidden magic or else they would also experiment on me or just straight up kill me.'

As I continued to form a story over and over in my head to make sure that I had no plot holes the military man abruptly came to a stop. We were in front of a grand building that was absolutely massive. It was more of an ancient looking monument but still modern enough to resemble the city's technology.

The muscular man went into the building as I continued to follow behind him. As soon as I walked in I instantly knew what type of building it was.

'An art museum? Why would a man who wants answers bring me to an art display center?' I wondered curiously.

The man never stopped to look at even a single piece of work and made his way through the building before reaching a specific room.


He opened the door and led me in. It was a plain room yet there was a weird machine in the center.

The man pointed at the machine then at himself and then at me.

'Is he going to go first then make me do the same?' I wondered.

And that was exactly what the man was planning to do.

He made his way over to the machine, turned it on, then jumped in. After a moment a 3D screen came up.

'YES! This was the technology that I was imagining,' I said happily.

After the 3D screen came into view. I saw what took place from the time I met the man to the time we arrived. It was all shown in front of me in the form of thousands of pictures.

'Holy shit! This thing can capture the memories that one has and turn them into pictures. That must be why he brought me to an art museum. Every one of those pictures out there must have been a memory of someone's. That's amazing!' I thought to myself.

'Wait. If that thing can see my memories then... IT CAN READ MY MIND! HELL NO! NO. NO. NO. My plan. My perfect plan is burning up in front of me. I'm so fucked! How the hell would I be able to explain my dark magic abilities?'

'I can already see the future now. Endless experiments as human greed dissect me. Ah, this life was terrible but the world having magic shown some light on it. Too bad, I might as well accept my death now,' I though distraught.

The military man got out of the machine and pointed towards me.

'I know, I know. Just let me have a short moment before the end of my day's,' I say as I take a deep breath before walking over to the machine.

'Here we go...' then I jump in.

Everything was black.

'Alright go ahead, go through all my memories, but make it quick so that I can get this over with,' I think depressed.

Yet nothing happened the screen was still black.

'Hmm? Why isn't it working?' I thought confused.

'Maybe I actually have to think about what happened in order for it to be shown?'

'If that's true then all is not lost! I can just imagine a different story and make it appear to the man.'

I test my idea by thinking back to the time I was a baby and Christopher had just handed me over.

'Ha! It worked as soon as I thought about that event it was projected on the 3D screen,' I said happily.

'Now I wonder if I can modify the memory? I don't want to go back to Christopher. Due to him giving me up he obviously doesn't give two shits about me. Thus, I'll just imagine his face blurred out that way I can take full advantage of this city!' I think proud of my ingenious idea.

Then it happened Christopher's face was burred and the 3D screen accepted the memory before printing it out for the military man to see.

I then went on to recreate my whole experience in the village. I showed the man handing me over to Jack and Kim and how they tortured me day after day. I didn't include all the experiments they did on me and left more than 80% of it out. If he knew what I really went through he would wonder how I even survived.

Then after four years of recreated memories were displayed I remade the final day of my time spent at the village.

I instead showed a bunch of people being sacrificed as the villagers surrounded them praying as if they were a cult curing the world of the plague that was humans.

I showed person after person being killed then I showed myself being brought up to be murdered. However, right before I was to be killed I showed the sky splitting open and the world killing the villagers. I made it seem as if their actions were hated by the planet itself as it was divine intervention that saved me.

Then I made everything go black and replayed what had happened since I was taken into custody.

Once I finished I got out of the machine only to find the entire room filled with men that each had a different expression.

Some had a look of pity, some sadness for me, others looked at me as if I was an angel that was blessed by the heavens.

'It looks like they enjoyed the show,' I said to myself smiling.

Never before in history had a man much less a child been able to manipulate what could be shown on the machine.

These high ranking officials all fully and undoubtedly believed everything that Noah had shown them.

Now they just had to make sense of what the hell they had seen.