
Starks of Winterfell

Eddard Stark was raised to be honorable and chivalrous by Jon Arryn, breaking thousands of years of Stark ruthlessness and pragmatism. His eldest son and heir, however, is a true Starks of Winterfell. Winter is coming.

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Chapter 11

Robb's POV (Age 10), 289 AC Moon 11

As he entered Winterfell, the first thing he saw was his sister being restrained from running by his father. And mother standing beside him and hiding behind her was a small boy, his brother, Brandon Stark. He got off his horse and went and stood in front of Father. At almost namedays, he was five feet tall.

"Father, Mother it's good to see you again. Seeing you all is much better than reading your letters." He kneeled to his sisters and hugged them both. As soon as he hugged them, they started crying. "Sshh. Little sisters. We are Starks of Winterfell. Noble in Peace. Wrathful at War. And always self-composed in public." To which they nodded and tried and failed to control their crying.

After a few minutes of reunion with his sisters, he was going to meet with his little brother. "Hello, Brandon Stark. I am Robert Stark, your elder brother. We will play a lot now that I am back here." That brought a smile across Bran's face and hugged him with his small arms "Hello, big brother." Standing up while carrying Bran, Arya said "Brother, show us your links"

He laughed a little before reaching under his robe and removing his links, giving it to his sister. It contained twenty links for every subject he had learned at Citadel. A Black Iron for Ravenry, Grey Iron for Warcraft and mapmaking, Gold for Mathematics and economics, White Gold for Alchemy, Copper for History, Lead for Diplomacy and law, Grey Steel for Smithing and metallurgy, Black Steel for Architecture and engineering, Blue Steel for Seamanship & Navigation, Silver for Healing & Medicine, Brass for Animal Husbandry, Bronze for Astronomy, Platinum for Natural Sciences, Antimony for Survival in the Wilds, Pewter for Agriculture & Foraging, Electrum for Administration & Logistics, three Zinc links for Languages.

'Look at everyone's shocked faces' he thought. "How many subjects are taught there, Robb?" Father asked. "There are twenty subjects taught. Except for Pottery and Jewelcraft, I have a link in every subject and three for languages of Old Tongue, High Valyrian, and Common Tongue." He enjoyed watching his mother & father's shocked faces. "Bran, you can keep these links as my first gifts to you.", he added.

"Father, Me and my friends would like to rest today. Some are in wintertown, while the ones with me now, can they be housed in keep?" As his father nodded and gave permission, Valyon Poole led everyone to their quarters. "Father, today I would like to rest. On the morrow, I ask for a private meeting with me and my friends."

"Okay. After breaking my fast I'll be waiting in my solar." Father said. The rest of the day he spent with his family, telling stories about oldtown, and playing with his siblings. And playing a prank or two, on Fat Tom. As he finished his dinner, he went to the Winter Throne and sat on it, runes carved on the seat shining dimly. "Ancestor, the first task given by Old Gods is complete. I hope I have made you proud," he said in a low voice.

And a reply came, sounding like spoken by hundreds of people in a low voice, "We are, young king". As he went and prayed to the old gods, and told them about clearing his first task, a strong wind was his answer.

Small Council Chambers, King's Landing, 289 AC Moon 09

Many years he had seen rested heavy on Jon Arryn's shoulders, as he sat in small council chambers. The members of the small council were as usual gathered for a meeting for the 'welfare' of the people of Westeros. Robert had been attending the council meeting today.

Robert belched and took a deep sip of the wine and slurry half drunk and spoke, "Let's get on with this shit. What's the last agenda to be discussed today." Jon Arryn felt great shame upon seeing the state of his former ward had come to.

Varys cleared his throat, "Last agenda is about North, your Grace. My little birds have reported that Robb Stark has left Oldtown with a ship bound for White Harbor. He also carried with him ten cart loads worth of books, which is said that he transcribed. Also a fortnight before leaving, he sat with maesters, gave the exams, and obtained three links in languages and a single link in every other subject except Jewelcraft and Pottery."

Every council member sat in shocked silence. King Robert laughed. "Good for Ned. And the North", as the king toasted to his friend good luck. Every other member of the council was thinking that knowingly or unknowingly, there was a new person in the Great Game. Varys and Baelish had two of the largest spy networks matched only by Queen of Thornes and Tywin Lannister.

"Your Grace, Maybe we should call Robb Stark to the capitol and give him a position on a small council" Baelish suggested smirking with his eyes gone cold.

"A child of nine namedays when there are men, who could do a much better job than him" Queen Cersei screeched.

"Stop shouting woman." Robert roared, "And No I will not have Ned's child in this snake pit."

"Your grace, Young Stark has so many ideas and theories that had my fellow maesters at the Citadel impressed. Archmaester Marwyn has become a personal maester for Robb Stark." Suddenly chimed Pycelle in an energetic voice.

"What of the dragonspawns?", King Robert turned toward Varys and asked.

"They were last seen near Volantis, Your Grace," Varys answered.

"Well put more men into it. Anything else Jon?" Robert commanded.

"No, Your Grace"

"Then dismissed."

Sitting in a room, Varys read the report from his little birds. His job was to weaken Westeros so that when his nephew was ready they could easily take over Westeros. He had whispered false information to Mad King Aerys making him suspicious of his lords, his friends, and eventually his family. His goal was for the Black Dragon to finally have its rightful place. For that to happen Red Dragon had to be alienated from its lords.

However, Aerys in his madness had burned a Lord Paramount and his heir choked to death. It had pushed the realm towards the rebellion. He would do as he had always done - Wait and Watch. The Black Dragon will prevail in the end.