

Living in New York is one thing. Being a hero in New York is another And being the daughter of one of the most loved and hated heroes in New York is completely crazy. But this is my life it goes from peaceful during the day and crime-fighting action at night to running for my life and those I have come to care about's life once the world discovers whos daughter I am. Can I keep my secrets in the shadows? Will I get to continue to be White Wolf? Or will my whole world crumble before me? I guess that is the life of a STARK. It can be real shitty.

Jasmine_Marvin · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 21

I sit there as the sounds persists and a guy gets thrown through the wall. After him Iron Man comes through the hole. Saying "Excuse me but I'm looking for someone." He looks around the room and I say "Well your screwed tried to help you out but no you were stupid and wanted to face him" I nod my head in Iron Man's way. The man who took me growls deep in his throat.  Running at Iron Man unarmed.

While he is distracted I start working on the ropes around my wrists. I managed to cut them with the chair they had me in. Once the ropes are gone I sneak up on the man while he is busy. I then end up finding  a small low powered Stark tech defensive bomb activating it as I run up putting it in his pocket standing next to Iron Man crossing my arms across my chest smiling saying "3...2...1" then a small explosion happens but only one powerful enough to hurt alot but not cause any harm.

Iron man looks at my work saying "Huh guess you didn't need any help." I smile saying "Before I had powers I dabbled in the black market a little turning in criminals to the proper chanels anonymously that put a target on my back so I learned to talk my way out of a situation by turning people against each other. If you had given me about another hour or so I would have been out of here anyways." He looks at me saying  "What if they didn't give you an hour or so?" I start walking out saying "Thats when you improvise and hope for the best." I stopnand look at him saying "Its going to take a lot more then some goons to be able to take me down I was classified as a genius not too long ago. Now on other news do you have anything on my little sister?" He shakes his head grimly saying "No not yet because we stopped looking to look for you sorry if that's not what you wanted but Pepper made me." We both laugh and he take us to Avengers Tower through the air while he is in his suit.

When we get there he shows me to an area that I can work with the top of the line computer tech and Tony says "Jarvis Help Luna any way possible so she can find her sister." He responds "Yes Mr. Stark anything else I can do for you?" Tony says "No thats everything  now. I am going to rest and I suggest you do so to Luna." I shake my head no saying "I can't waste any more time I have to find my little sister before its too late." He just nods his head and walks off. I turn my attention to the computer system and get to work on finding my little sister.