
starfield chronicles ( prototype story )

this is experimental story for my upcoming story , starfield chronicles, if you have any suggestions to make main story better please let me know. the story follows the protagonist Ryujin in a distant world where magic, superpowers, demons and many fantasies are real. The story progresses as Ryujin is inspired by a man to follow his dreams of becoming the aether king. He joins the magical school in his state and makes many new friend, allies and even enemies. The struggles he faces, the relationships he develops to become the aether king are the main contents of this novel.

vyxel · Fantasy
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chapter 0

prologue - the world of the Starfield chronicles is mainly divided into 4 realms. Divine realm, Demonic realm, Living realm and void realm. The biggest and most beautiful realm is the Living realm, most beings in the living realm do not even know about the existence of other realms and think of the living realm as the only world.

There are many species in the living realm including dragons, demons, demigods, giants, elves, humans, dwarves and many more. every one of these species have established their kingdoms around the realm. It is said that every species have a special magical attribute exclusive to them, but the 4 basic magical techniques of earth, water, wind and fire can be performed by any species. They have also learned to use their magic with weapons. The living beings are given a rank based on their proficiency in using the magic and their techniques in combat and their achievements. The measurement of the magical capability of someone is measured on a scale of 1 to 21 stars, where higher the stars you have stronger you are considered to be. A normal human can not use any type of combat magic and to obtain even 1 star ranking one has to learn combat magic for 4 years. after they have reached the power level of 1 star they are considered to be combatants. 

The living realm consists of countless kingdoms, and one of them is the human kingdom of Theia. The kingdom of Theia is divided into 12 major states and administrators of these states are called 'Warriors of lights', each of the warriors of light command an army comparable to that of an ordinary empire, and the capital is ruled by the king of the Theia. In one of these 12 states named the state of Erzya lived a 16 years old kid named Ryujin, who like countless kids around the world dreamed of becoming the 'aether king', he who is referred as the symbol of peace in the living realm. 

this chapter is supposed to give relevant information for the reader to understand the world of starfield chronicle. As the story expands more relevant information that is not considered to be spoiler will be added here.

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