

Jade pov:

your eyes they reminded me of the ocean ,your hair it felt like the most beautiful thing I have ever touched it was like satin and I know that you will never read this but I just felt that the moments we shared should be something we should right down


I know that you don't care anymore and you got older and have moved on but I still linger here in these memories of ours ,weren't we best friends ,was it so easy for you to let go of me ,of us ,was I the only one that felt more for you ,did you even care and now I am venting, I feel like the memories we made were all fake ,the promises , everything you said before feels like lies.

why have we become like this?

I see you there at the lunch tables where all the "it" kids sit , didn't you hate them before ,you are laughing at something Samantha just said ,have I ever told you how much I love your laugh ?

are you the only one that changed or was it me too that changed?

you just looked over , why are you smirking ?

please don't come closer because I already know what is going to happe...

...... CLANK!!!

Before I could even finish typing ,I felt cold water pour down my shirt ,why does it have to be here? why does it have to be you ?

is it fun seeing me drenched?

I could feel the cold steep into my skin and now great it's sticking to my body, I could hear people laugh at me ,

you know that I hate being the center of attention and so I did it and I don't think I am sorry for it.

3 person pov

As they were laughing at Jade suddenly a piercing sound of skin being slapped was heard . Everyone stopped what they were doing ,

Storm was just slapped in the face by no other that Jade willison the shy kid who nobody ever noticed.

" have fun laughing with that cheek of yours " Jade said and walked away .