
Time for School!

"Time for School", Jane shouts from the kitchen. While Jeff is ready with Evan, Jane was searching for Sarah. And they found her nowhere. "Sarah, where are you my girl?", Evan yelled. But they found her nowhere. Jeff kept laughing and said to Evan, "It's gonna be one more play dad". Jane kept laughing and was very sure about the devil's plan. Evan said to Jeff, "Lets find out what she has got today!". Evan went along with Jeff to her room and she was not there. But a low voice peeped out under the bed. It was baby Sarah, blabbering in half sleep, with half the bedspreads cross her face. "Let's listen to her story Dad", whispered Jeff. "Ma'am I haven't completed my homeworks", said Sarah in a fearful tone. They kept giggling at her innocence and listened to her. "Ma'am, ma'am", she yells and wakes up. Meanwhile Jane arrives to the scenario. "Is it ma'am or mom?", scratching her head, Sarah falls asleep as she sees Jane staring at her. Evan guessed what the devil was about to do and asked Jane to wake her up. "Get up Sarah; It's already late", Jane said to her baby. "Ma'am!....Oops Mom, can't you see me shivering?? My temperature has raised to somewhere like the hotness of a desert."... "Just chill dear! You are as normal as you were yesterday. Now get up and we shall go to school", Jane replied. Sarah had no other go. She rolled over to her dad, hugged him and said "Daddy, I haven't completed yesterday's homework....Please save me from my Ma'am as well as Mom.... Please, please, please!!",Sarah pleaded like anything. Evan looked at her and said, "Darling shall we go out today?" "Hurrahhhhhh!!!", Sarah exclaimed in happiness. But Jane didn't agree. She wanted Sarah to go to school. Meanwhile Evan took her beside and whispered to her," Just look at her eyes and her smiles...Her happiness is more important than her homework". Sarah looked at Jane with eyes full of loaded drama and doubt. Jane smiled and took her up and said, "Shall we have a bath and go out?"...."It ll be fine unless I m not scared by your face after the bath", Sarah giggled and ran to the washroom. "Ready up Jane; I ll drop Jeff school and come home. I ll take you along with Sarah. But as my baby said "Don't scare me with your makeups. You look so beautiful by nature." Jane hit him and chased him down the stairs and when he got caught, she hugged him and said,"Come soon my love!". "Enough of your Romance mom; Its already late for school...Take care of my doll...", Jeff said bidding goodbye to his mom. Jane stood beside the doorstep and bid goodbye to them. "O my God, whats her next plan!!", she asked giggling herself and went upstairs to look after Sarah!

To be continued