
Starbound: A Space Odyssey

As red tentacles burst from the ground, the whole planet trembled and fell into chaos. It was the beginning....the beginning of the end. Earth was destroyed with the attack of the mysterious creature. The Terrene Protectorate, the defenders of the universe, were left in shambles after the attack on Earth. Only a few people were able to flee from the planet before its complete destruction. John Connor, an 18 years old fresh graduate Protector, was one of those lucky enough to survive and escape. Armed only with his dubious expertise and a few tools, he will have to avoid the dangers the universe without the Terrene Protectorate can offer, repair his ship, restore the symbol of a defunct organisation and carry the burdens of the fate of the world that lies on his shoulders. Surviving in this turbulent era won't be easy for our inexperienced John Connor. With the end of the Terrene Protectorate, numerous factions that were once dormant, will rise and start to fight for power. Outlaws, fanatics, greedy corporations, and governments, the conflict of interests of those groups and factions will lead to an incredible amount of deaths. Follow John Connor as he explores the wonders of the endless universe, and discover how harsh and unforgiving reality can be. --------------- Chapters will be about 1000 to 1500 words. (Except for some special chapters.) ------------------ * YOU CAN READ THIS WITHOUT EVER PLAYING THE GAME OR KNOWING THE LORE! EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTERS, AND EVEN HAVE SOME AUXILIARY CHAPTERS WITH MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION. I also had to change a lot about the lore of the game to fit in the format of a novel, I really mean a lot, since the game itself doesn't give a lot about its lore and neither have detailed storytelling, since the focus of the game was in exploration and doing whatever the player wants. ------------------- Disclaimer: This Novel is based on the videogame Starbound by Chuckle Fish. The image is from the artist LemanRush; I downloaded it from the site DeviantArt. Also, sorry about my English, it isn't my primary language. Enjoy... :D

ArthurHFSS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
185 Chs

The Great Hunt (21)

"Good, you're ssstill alive."

Nuru casually appeared behind John, scaring him a little.

"I thought you would have been dead by now, you're ssstronger than I initially thought." Nuru said a joking way with a wide grin. She extended her hand toward John, willing to help him get up.

"Thanks for the compliment, I think..." John grasped her hand and stood up. "How did you managed to open up that hole?" John scanned Nuru's body up and down, and he didn't saw anything that could be used to cause such explosion, there was no Rocket Launcher, grenade, etc, visible, she was only with the spear in her hands.

"It'sss a little trick, take a look." Nuru smiled and pointed at the spearhead. She slightly shook the spear and at the same time a small sphere, seemingly made of energy, appeared in there.

The blue energy ball quietly hovered over the green and brown spear, it didn't seem to menacing, but John that was to it could feel the power within it.

"It's...your spear?" John asked, unsure if his guess was right. It could be something in the spear, a new Tech Ability, or something like what Peri showed him before.

"Yes, you are right. This is my ssspear'sss Ssspecial Ability, Energy Bomb, but I don't think we have time to discuss about this now." Nuru pointed at the Ixodoom that have recovered itself from the pain and dizziness cause by Nuru's Energy Bomb.

The Ixodoom instantly ignored John and stared at Nuru with its eyes filled with rage.

"Looksss like I have his attention." Nuru calmly spoke to John, "While I keep hisss attention in myssself you need to go and attack the openingsss that I'm going to make in itsss ssshell. I can't repeatedly ussde the Ssspecial Ability one after the other. I also am using a close range weapon. Before I can even fire another Energy Bomb, his ssshell would have ressstored. It'sss your job to caussse irreparable wounds into the flesssh of the holesss that I'm going to make. If we keep with thisss ssstrategy I think we might end thisss rather fassst."

"Alright..." John nodded as he agreed with the plan she suggested.

With a simple motion the Spitfire Assault Rifle appeared once again in his hand.

As they readied themselves, the Ixodoom started to charge at them.

John took another Flashbang, the white grenade, and threw at the Ixodoom.


With a muffled explosion and a bright flash, the Ixodoom was once again blinded by a Flashbang.

The creature stopped the charge instinctively, and stayed put. It didn't start to roar and madly move around like before, it stood in the place and cautiously listened to the surroundings. It clearly learned from the previous lesson.

Nuru positioned herself in a safes distance and swung her spear, sending the cracking energy ball at the Ixodoom.



The creature roared in pain and anger as it started to erratically move around.

John focused his eyes at the Ixodoom and waited to the opportunity to fire at the the crater that was created in the monster's forehead.

Bullet Time.

Using his ability he was able to lift his rifle and focus at the creature through his gun's iron sights.

Once the opportunity presented itself to John, he held his breath, his eyes sharpened, and his finger firmly pressed the trigger, sending a barrage of fire.

*Bang, bang, bang...*


The Ixodoom roared again in agony as the bullets penetrated deep into his flesh, spraying huge amount of blood everywhere.

The recoil of weapon was big and so after about 10 bullets from the 50 that were on the megazine, John had to stop and reposition the weapon again.

He tried to open fire again, but the creature turned its head to the side, obstructing his sight of the hole made by Nuru.

"Damnit, this isn't going to work..." John cursed under his breath. Even though he was able to land a solid 10 bullets in the Ixodoom's flesh, the amount of real damage dealt was way too small.

John needed something with way more power to deal serious damage at the creature, a few small projectiles wouldn't be so effective as he thought.

He looked at Nuru and saw that she was also frowning.

"I have a plan." John said as his eyes flashed with determination.

"Alright, what I have to do?" She asked while keeping her eyes glued at the Ixodoom that was still roaring in agony.

"You just need to throw another Energy Bomb at its head. I think I might be able to kill it."

Once he spoke until there, Nuru switched her sight from the Ixodoom to John. Her eyebrow slightly lifted and she stared with uncertainty at him, but she still nodded at the end, she was without a plan as well to deal with such troublesome beast.

"We have do it fast. When your ability recharge, and you have a clear aim, send another Energy Bomb in the Ixodoom's head." John said with a serious tone while he stored his rifle back at the PIPS, and retrieved only a Grappling Hook and a grenade with a slight yellow coloration.

"What are you planning to do? I think we could ssswitch placesss, you fire up the Energy Bomb while I do what you want." She suggested when she realized caught wind of the uncertainty in John's undertone.

"That won't work." John shook his and spoke, "I have already dried up my UE by trying to stay alive."

"That'sss a problem then. I only have UE for another ssshot. It would take sssome time until I have enough for another ssshot."

Nuru said calmly and in a light tone, but John couldn't help but tense up when he heard her statement.

He was uncertain if his plan would work, and even more uncertain that he was in a physical condition to do so in the moment.

There was only one chance, they probably could run away if they fail, but Ixodoom are know to be very vengeful creatures that would hunt their offender doesn't matter the price. They are fast enough to outrun the creature for a time, but they would eventually get tired while the Ixodoom would have energy to spare.

His hand over the Grappling Hook tightened and slightly shuddered.

100th Chapter without counting the Auxiliary ones

it has been a long road, but there's more ahead, a lot more.

Next chapter is probably going to be the last of Volume 1, I don't know yet. I'm planning to make a longer chapter and finish this.

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