
Starbound: A Space Odyssey

As red tentacles burst from the ground, the whole planet trembled and fell into chaos. It was the beginning....the beginning of the end. Earth was destroyed with the attack of the mysterious creature. The Terrene Protectorate, the defenders of the universe, were left in shambles after the attack on Earth. Only a few people were able to flee from the planet before its complete destruction. John Connor, an 18 years old fresh graduate Protector, was one of those lucky enough to survive and escape. Armed only with his dubious expertise and a few tools, he will have to avoid the dangers the universe without the Terrene Protectorate can offer, repair his ship, restore the symbol of a defunct organisation and carry the burdens of the fate of the world that lies on his shoulders. Surviving in this turbulent era won't be easy for our inexperienced John Connor. With the end of the Terrene Protectorate, numerous factions that were once dormant, will rise and start to fight for power. Outlaws, fanatics, greedy corporations, and governments, the conflict of interests of those groups and factions will lead to an incredible amount of deaths. Follow John Connor as he explores the wonders of the endless universe, and discover how harsh and unforgiving reality can be. --------------- Chapters will be about 1000 to 1500 words. (Except for some special chapters.) ------------------ * YOU CAN READ THIS WITHOUT EVER PLAYING THE GAME OR KNOWING THE LORE! EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTERS, AND EVEN HAVE SOME AUXILIARY CHAPTERS WITH MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION. I also had to change a lot about the lore of the game to fit in the format of a novel, I really mean a lot, since the game itself doesn't give a lot about its lore and neither have detailed storytelling, since the focus of the game was in exploration and doing whatever the player wants. ------------------- Disclaimer: This Novel is based on the videogame Starbound by Chuckle Fish. The image is from the artist LemanRush; I downloaded it from the site DeviantArt. Also, sorry about my English, it isn't my primary language. Enjoy... :D

ArthurHFSS · Sci-fi
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185 Chs

Side Story (3): Among Florans

For a Human scientist like myself, every day among the Floran is a fascinating experience.

I have spent several months now observing a typical colony of the plant-like race and have made countless groundbreaking observations.

The common opinion is that Floran are inherently savage or evil, but from my experiences, I can concede that they merely lack understanding.

They simply cannot empathize with flesh-based races, in the same way, you or I may not empathize with a blade of grass.

To the Floran, the game of the hunt doesn't hurt anyone, at least, not on any level that they can comprehend.

There is a powerful kinship among a tribe, Florans aren't completely asexual, or so to speak, they do have different body types, from male to female. They consider a whole settlement to be a single family unit.

Every tribe is lead by a special Floran they call Greenfinger.

Greenfingers, as most already know, they are special because different from most of the other Florans they seek knowledge and have the power to reverse engineering almost any type of technology. They have very high intelligence and can even be diplomats.

Unfortunately, because they have almost no contact with the outside world they don't understand the culture and education of the various races, different from them.

But, I believe it is not entirely futile to educate them, I even managed to explain to some of them how I am sentient, just as they are.

Small steps, but there's hope for them yet. I just wonder why I am the first to make these discoveries. Maybe others were simply not as cautious about their own survival.

Tomorrow I'll accompany them and see first handedly the event what they call "The Great Hunt".

The event is extremely big and important for the Florans of the Gamma Sector, every great Great Warrior from all the Official Colonies recognized from by the Greenfinger Council is invited to partake in this huge event.

Even though I'm a Human, they allowed me to go. I must take this chance to see for myself and comprehend more deeply about the culture of the Florans.

Wish me luck!