
Starbound: A Space Odyssey

As red tentacles burst from the ground, the whole planet trembled and fell into chaos. It was the beginning....the beginning of the end. Earth was destroyed with the attack of the mysterious creature. The Terrene Protectorate, the defenders of the universe, were left in shambles after the attack on Earth. Only a few people were able to flee from the planet before its complete destruction. John Connor, an 18 years old fresh graduate Protector, was one of those lucky enough to survive and escape. Armed only with his dubious expertise and a few tools, he will have to avoid the dangers the universe without the Terrene Protectorate can offer, repair his ship, restore the symbol of a defunct organisation and carry the burdens of the fate of the world that lies on his shoulders. Surviving in this turbulent era won't be easy for our inexperienced John Connor. With the end of the Terrene Protectorate, numerous factions that were once dormant, will rise and start to fight for power. Outlaws, fanatics, greedy corporations, and governments, the conflict of interests of those groups and factions will lead to an incredible amount of deaths. Follow John Connor as he explores the wonders of the endless universe, and discover how harsh and unforgiving reality can be. --------------- Chapters will be about 1000 to 1500 words. (Except for some special chapters.) ------------------ * YOU CAN READ THIS WITHOUT EVER PLAYING THE GAME OR KNOWING THE LORE! EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTERS, AND EVEN HAVE SOME AUXILIARY CHAPTERS WITH MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION. I also had to change a lot about the lore of the game to fit in the format of a novel, I really mean a lot, since the game itself doesn't give a lot about its lore and neither have detailed storytelling, since the focus of the game was in exploration and doing whatever the player wants. ------------------- Disclaimer: This Novel is based on the videogame Starbound by Chuckle Fish. The image is from the artist LemanRush; I downloaded it from the site DeviantArt. Also, sorry about my English, it isn't my primary language. Enjoy... :D

ArthurHFSS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
185 Chs

Ferris Laparte and Arianne

Somewhere else in the universe...

Ferris was seated on a small chair while she looked at the starry sky of the planet she was currently located.

*Beep, beep*

Her train of thought was cut when she felt her PIPS vibrating and beeping.

"Mr. Kurogane." Ferris bowed as she greeted the hologram that appeared before her as soon as she answered the call.

It was an old Hylotl with a long white beard and black scales all over his body. He was wearing an old and somewhat stylish ancient clothing belonging to Hylotl race.

His deep, three eyes gleamed with wisdom and authority that had been accumulated throughout years of hardship and battle.

His whole being was shrouded in an aura that belonged to war veterans that had their hands stained with a fair share of blood.

Ferris kept her head lowered in sign of respect and also because she couldn't stand looking at those crimson eyes that seemed to be able to see through her.

"Ferris Laparte." The old Hylotl known as Kurogane Kishi said with a deep and husky voice, "You surprised me. I never thought we could have a comeback so soon after the mess with Tepei. You did well, Ferris." He smiled as he praised Ferris.

"I did what I had to do, Mr. Kurogane." Ferris said with her head lowered so that Kurogane Kishi couldn't read her expression. "I ask for your pardon because I didn't report to you about this, but I had to act quick before Jevil could escape."

"Yes, you should have reported to me first, but since it worked out in the end, I won't hold it against you. But... if you have failed, our talk would be different now." Kurogane Kishi said in a flat tone.

"It won't happen, Mr. Kurogane." Ferris knelled by the hologram, "I will guarantee not a single action of mine could reflect badly onto the Reef Faction." Ferris vowed.

"Good, good." The old Hylotl lightly laughed as he smoothened his beard, "With this mess in the Sumeragi's hands, we can sway the public and political opinion to have us in a better light once again. I'll make sure that this doesn't die down fast."

"Yes, I'll assist in whatever is needed."

"Good. I have something that I need you to do."

"What would it be, Mr. Kurogane."

"We need to show that we aren't pushovers. Kill those two that created the mess in Lunar Base 12."

"Pardon?" Ferris lifted her head and confusedly looked at Kurogane Kishi, "You mean John Connor and Lenny? They were just dragged into this by external factors, and they had no hands in the overall situation. The one set up the situation to get Tepei arrested was Miss Sumeragi Itsuki."

"I know, but Tepei's family want some kind of revenge, and we can't touch that brat, Itsuki. To quench their thirst, nothing better to give them the death of someone that was somewhat involved in the situation that led to his death. From the reports I received, John Connor should be nothing more than a little stray Protector with no backing beside that old hag, Esther Bright." Kurogane Kishi sneered once he spoke the name of the previous Grand Protector.

"..." Ferris frowned and kept silence for a bit before speaking, "Are you sure you want to do this? From the investigation, it seems like he entered in contact with Miss Sumeragi. We don't know their relationship. I think it's too risky to make a move now."

"Ferris Laparte, listen to me." Kurogane Kishi pronounced each word at a time. He was clearly somewhat angry, "You are nothing more than a Human, Ferris. Don't question my orders; just do as you are told to do. Just because you accomplished something great this time, it doesn't mean that you have the liberty to question my orders. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Mr. Kurogane." Ferris lowered her once again, "I ask for forgiveness, I acted brazenly and rude."

"You are pardoned, this time. I hope that it doesn't happen again." Kurogane Kishi waved his hand and allowed Ferris to get up from her kneeled position.

Ferris slowly rose to her feet but kept her head lowered. Her expression, unreadable.

"Do as you were told, bring me John and Lenny's head. I want them dead even more now that you told me that they have some kind of connection with that brat." Kurogane Kishi then concluded the call by saying, "You did a good job; you'll be promoted once you return to the home planet."


The call ended, and the hologram disappeared.

"He's still as rude as I remember."

Ferris was surprised by the sudden voice and looked behind her.

By the door of Ferris's room, there was a beautiful woman that was resting at the door frame with a small charming smile on her face.

"Arianne..." Ferris said the woman's name.

The woman approached Ferris until they were just a few centimeters apart from each other.

It was a young woman with curly brown hair and enchanting yellow eyes hidden behind round glasses on her face. Her body was curvy with somewhat large chest. She was in her middle twenties.

"Why do you keep working for them?" Arianne sadly looked at Ferris, "I know you hate them, why torture yourself?"

"You know why." Ferris dodged Arianne's eye and looked at the window, "I have ambitions to reach. Ambitions that only a large organization such as Letheia can help me reach it."

Arianne sighed and embraced Ferris from behind. She caressed Ferris's long blonde hair, and she spoke softly at Ferris's ears, "I know very well, but I don't think is worth it."

Ferris let her head fall down and rest at Arianne's shoulder, "I already have my hands completely tainted with blood. I have suffered a lot more before. This much abuse... is insignificant compared to what I have gone through in the past."

"That's why I think it isn't worthy. You have already suffered so much... why don't just give up and move on."

"Impossible. I have already walked so far, look at what I just accomplished. I finally outsmarted Jevil, my rival. I climbed the impossible ladder of rising up to this position inside a faction with clear bias against non-Hylotls such as the Reef Faction... they are not like the Ocean Faction that usually employ other races and even have high staffers from other races. Reef Faction always had only Hylotls. I'm the first to climb at such position." Ferris reasoned while Arianne silently listened and gently caressed Ferris's head.

"Yes, yes. I'm very proud of you." Arianne just smiled at nodded with her head. "I personally hate the Reef Faction and almost everyone you have worked with. Personally, I would have left long ago."

Ferris's body instantly froze when she heard Arianne.

"But... I'm more than willing to stay here, because of you, and share your burdens."

"Arianne..." Ferris turned around and met with Arianne's enchanting yellow eyes, "Thank you..." She said softly.

If someone else saw how Ferris Laparte was acting right now, they would have thought it was an entirely other person.

Most people only knew the Ferris Laparte persona that she wanted them to see — a sadistic, calculative seductress.

"It's a pleasure to be at your side." Arianne's eyes showed the affection she felt for Ferris as she once again embraced her. "But I have to warn you that this isn't over. You and Jevil have been fighting and scheming against each other for years, you know him better than anyone else. So, if even I can feel that this is far from over, how could you not feel. Even though his mistake was legitimate, he will certainly find a way out of this predicament."

"Really?" Ferris was surprised for a moment before she remembered the conversation she just had with Jevil. It didn't seem like he was lying throughout the whole discussion, but she had always been unable to read his thoughts and emotions, the main reasons she hated being around him. Now that she thought about it, Jevil always had the talent to improvise and get himself out of trouble. "It's possible... but... I don't know. I think the Ocean Faction will have him locked up in a secret maximum security prison with no way for him to escape..."

Arianne chuckled before nuzzling at Ferris's neck. "Okay, okay..." She seductively whispered at Ferris's ear causing her to slightly blush, "Let's not talk about him anymore, we can't do anything to him now that he's on the Ocean Faction's hands. Even if we warn them, they will suspect our intentions since we belong to the Reef Faction."

"Indeed." Ferris tried to separate herself from Arianne to escape from her embarrassing position, but Arianne's embraced just tightened. The door of the room wasn't locked, and she was in one of Reef Faction's military base, it was forbidden to have romantic interactions in these kinds of places. "They can catch us..." Ferris embarrassedly whispered.

"Don't worry." Arianne mischievously smiled, "I hacked into the base's security network, and I'm in control of all the sensors, if somebody gets closer to this room, I will be the first to get the notice."

"You..." Ferris wanted to speak something, but just helplessly sighed, "Bad habits die hard, huh."

"Yep." Arianne nodded and tightened the embrace, "Now what's the plan? What will you do with those two, John and Lenny?"

"What else can I do? I can just send the kill order."

"Is it really necessary? I mean, they were just caught in the situation..."

"Arianne... you know better than anyone else the amount of innocent blood in my hands. All those workers in Lunar Mining Facilities. All those slaves in the Debt Enslavement Camps. I have a part in all of it. I regret none of my actions. In this universe, you have to learn how to be cruel, how to be merciless. I was born in the lowest of the lowest places. In my infancy, I learned through the hard way that only by climbing up a mountain of dead bodies would I be able to succeed, and that's what I did. That's what I am now. The most successful Human inside the Letheia Corporation." Ferris lowered her head in Arianne's bosom.

Ferris lifted her hand and stared at it with deep eyes, "Don't you feel disgusted by being touched by these hands?"

"No." Arianne grabbed that delicate hand and moving it to her lips, "I love them. I love everything about you. If you someday decide to destroy the whole universe, I will be there with you. I own my life to you. Use me however you want."


Ferris locked her arms behind Arianne and embraced her and then sealed her lips with Arianne's lips in a deep and passionate kiss.

Arianne was surprised for a moment before responding by tightening her hug and enjoying such passion that Ferris rarely demonstrate.