
Part 8

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The children ran out into a huge hall with a mirror in the middle of it and two people standing near it.

- Professor? - Hermione looked surprised.

- Draco? - Mephistopheles tensed.

The two turned around and while Malfoy's face read doom, Quirrell's face was triumphant. Mephistopheles looked at his classmate, anger clear in his gaze. Draco lowered his eyes, but didn't say a word.....


A couple of hours before the meeting.

Draco had been following Quirrell for the past hour, but with no success. The boy wondered what Potter found in him that he considered him a threat to himself. But young Malfoy didn't observe anything unusual. The professor was teaching classes as usual and everything was normal. Everything as suddenly...

- Mr Malfoy, do you think I'm an idiot? - An ingratiating voice behind him made Malfoy go pale. The Professor spoke without a stammer and there was a clear sense of menace in his voice.

- Professor I was just...

- Watching me, young Draco. - Malfoy was ready to shit himself at this point, as the voice didn't belong to the professor. Quirrell smiled and slowly turned around, unwinding the turban on his head. There was a different face looking at Draco. A face that read curiosity and threat.

- 'Hello Draco,' the face hissed quietly, 'do you know who I am?

- My Lord? - Draco whispered, wondering how to act. Draco realised that he was facing the Dark Lord at once, and now he was praying to himself that he would get away alive. Somehow he wasn't sure that Voldemort would treat him favourably. Meanwhile, the Lord was broadcasting.

- I, young Draco, despite all the wizards' speculation, have never died. Yes, I was weak for a time, but there were those in my ranks who remained loyal. Not like your father Draco.

Malfoy stood and listened to the Lord's speech, deciding to himself which side he was on. On the one hand - his family served the Lord, fought for his ideas, but Potter... After getting to know the boy better, Draco didn't want to fight with him, he was afraid. Though what could a first year student, albeit with surprises, do against the most powerful dark wizard of the last 4 centuries?

- And now, young Draco, we will go down to fetch the Philosopher's Stone. You will assist my faithful servant.

Nodding petulantly, Draco followed the professor. They successfully passed the Cannon, enchanted harp, passed the hall with the flying keys that the professor had just burned, passed a room that resembled a terrarium. From the bodies of dead insects, Lorde had put together a ghastly monstrosity. At the risk of asking why, Lord nevertheless answered.

- I have a feeling Potter will be coming for the stone, Draco, so let's see if the chosen one lives up to the rumours.

They found themselves in a huge hall, where a strange mirror stood, inside of which, according to the Lord, lay the stone. But no matter how he tried to get it out of there, nothing came out. And then there was a surprised exclamation from two people.


- Professor?

- Draco?

Potter and Granger were frozen at the entrance to the room. Hermione looked triumphant and surprised, but Potter was angry.

- Harry Potter, the boy who survived," the Lord's voice came in a murmur and Hermione and Harry's wands flew to the side. Potter raised an eyebrow in surprise. It was only when Voldemort turned to face Potter that Mephistopheles grimaced in disgust. The urge to tear the gondol to shreds appeared. But at the last moment, the Prince overcame the outburst of rage and took the form of a confused child again.

- You... You're Voldemort," Mephistopheles made a frightened face.

- Yes, Harry, do you see what I've become? Just a shadow, a chimera. I cannot survive long without the body of my host, as my faithful servant has become. Your father fought bravely, your mother was a brave woman. Join me and together we will bring this world to its knees! - finished the Lord in a pathetic manner.

- And what, you came to Hogwarts just to offer me a seat next to you," Mephistopheles smelled scepticism. - I thought you'd come for the Philosopher's Stone, like me, that's a coincidence," the Prince said, spitting on the conspiracy and speaking swaggeringly.

- The stone is hidden in the mirror, but I can't get it," Voldemort didn't seem surprised by this speech, "Come here and look in the mirror Harry.

Mephistopheles came over and stared into the mirror, barely restraining himself from laughing. And just how did that thing get in here? The so-called Jerigon Box, an artefact capable of showing people their desires, thus distracting them from the contents. Yes, the mirror was essentially a hiding place where you could hide a rabbit or a spaceship. Mephistopheles found the entrance to the sub-stral dimension with a mental tentacle and got inside the box. From there he pulled out a blood red stone and stuffed it in his pocket.

- So Harry, what do you see? - The lord was tense from the long silence.

- I'm sitting on a throne, with people around me ready to fulfil my every whim, and you're hanging in a noose in the middle of the hall," Mephistopheles' voice oozed venom. Voldemort instantly became furious and screamed in pain as his right arm hung powerless: the chain had broken every bone in his arm. Malfoy, who had been holding Hermione's wand in his sights, was distracted by the screaming and fell to the floor at the same second - Hermione had thrown a shard of bricks at the Slytherin, which were lying around in abundance. Draco groaned in pain, but as he started to rise, all he could see was the Gryffindor's foot, which crunched into his nose. Clutching his face, Malfoy fell to his knees and Hermione snatched both of his wands from him, hers and Harry's. Draco's own wand was lying on the floor beside him, the boy just unable to pick it up.

Meanwhile, a battle was simmering in the middle of the hall. Voldemort was throwing spells left and right, but he couldn't hit Potter, who was too quick to dodge and repelled some of the spells with chains that were flying chaotically around the boy. Besides, in Quirrell's body, the Lord couldn't deploy his full power.

- What, your aim's off, baldy? - Mephistopheles chuckled and barely dodged another Avada.

- You're an amazing boy Harry," he sounded like he wasn't even a little tired, "you have a talent for battle magic. Join me and I will forgive your insolence," the Lord swung to the side, letting the dagger pass him by. Mephistopheles went on the offensive. Now Voldemort had to fight off the chains and sharp stakes that flew at him from all sides. But the title of Dark Lord is not just given for nothing. By the time Mephistopheles began to tire, the professor's body was covered with only a couple of dozen small cuts and his arm was hanging by a whip.

- Harry, catch! - Potter stretched out his arm and caught his wand.

- Well, Harry, it's time for a fair duel," The Lord was forced to put up his shield sharply as Mephistopheles didn't wait for the end of his speech.

- Avada Kedavra, - the Prince was already tired of bouncing around the hall, reasonably deciding to end this circus for now, - Reducto, Reducto, Reducto! - explosive spells flew at the Lord, but he managed to block them with his shield.

- Reducto, Avada Kedavra, Seco," the Lord shielded himself from the explosive, dodged the Avada, but Seco was the target. A deep cut appeared on the professor's chest, but it didn't slow Voldemort down much.

- Meta Frago! - Steel stakes instantly transfigured from the air flew at the Prince, but he retreated into an intangible state and regained his form, firing a string of spells, - Incendio Maxima, Reducto, Crucio, Reducto!

The goal was achieved, the last spell hit Voldemort exactly under his feet, severely damaging ligaments and breaking bones. Screaming in pain, the Lord let out a few Avadas at Potter's side, but then suddenly a few weak Seco's hit him, but it was enough to cut off his last arm. Screaming fearfully, Quirrell began to crumble to dust.

Rising above what used to be the professor, Voldemort flew away from the hall in the form of a dark cloud, with promises to return. Apparently realising that he had lost, the Lord decided to abandon his servant, thus condemning him to death.

Mephistopheles looked round. A dozen metres away from him lay a pale Hermione with her wand in her hand, and to her right lay Malfoy face down. The prince walked over to the girl, helping her up.

- You're not hurt, are you alright? - Mephistopheles inquired sympathetically.

- It was the Dark Lord, wasn't it? - Hermione was breathing hard, the girl was shaking from adrenaline.

- Well, as you can see, he's vulnerable too, so it's no big deal," Mephistopheles seemed to radiate calmness. - But we have what we actually went for," Mephistopheles demonstrated the Philosopher's Stone.

Hermione stared mesmerised at the treasure and taking it in her hand felt warm.

- It's incredible, it's real, we did it! - Hermione screamed, throwing herself on top of Potter and hugging him.

- Okay, let's not be gentle," Potter let go of the girl after petting Hermione for good measure.

Their attention was drawn to the movement on the floor. Draco had finally deigned to come to his senses and was now sitting on the floor, looking up at Hermione and Harry.

- What am I going to do with you, Draco? - Mephistopheles spoke and a dagger whistled by the Slytherin's ear," Maybe we should kill you and then blame it on Voldemort, Hermie, what do you think?

Hermione had a sinister expression on her face and walked over to Malfoy and smacked him in the face with her knee with all her might.

- How many times can you do that? - Malfoy wailed, trying to cover his head from the blows Hermione was methodically delivering. Mephistopheles, on the other hand, just stood there and didn't try to stop the girl. Finally Hermione ran out of steam and left Draco alone.

- I'm done," the girl sang out, fixing her hair.

Mephistopheles hummed and walked over to Malfoy. He was huddled in a ball and whimpering quietly, seemingly begging not to be killed.

- What are you afraid of Malfoy, we're friends," The Prince stepped on Malfoy's arm, making him scream again, "friends don't just betray, Draco, you betrayed me and you will be punished.

- Please don't," the Slytherin sobbed. - I didn't mean to, he made me! - howled the boy.

- But you could have warned me, left a clue, a sign, anything," Mephistopheles looked indifferently at Malfoy's suffering. - What can you offer for your life? You've seen and heard too much, and I don't want to risk it, I want to live knowing that you won't blabber.

- I'll... I'll make an oath," Malfoy breathed heavily.

- No, there's a way around the oath, keep thinking," Mephistopheles said, playing with the stiletto in his hand.

- The oath... The oath of service," Draco ventured.

- So you'll give me," the Prince looked towards Hermione, "you'll give us an oath, swear to obey any orders, do no harm by action or inaction, and snitch on everyone and everything?

- Yes, I'm ready, just don't hit me," the Slytherin whimpered.

Calling Hermione over, Mephistopheles took the girl's hand and stood opposite Malfoy. The latter, as the oath required, knelt in front of them and began to swear.

- I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, swear with my life and essence to serve faithfully and truly Hermione Jean Grainger and Harold James Potter, to do no harm by act or omission, and to report any danger to them and their families.

A glow enveloped the trio and rune rings appeared on Harry and Runes' wrists, which immediately became invisible. The same jewellery appeared and disappeared around Malfoy's neck.

- Well, now we need to get out of here without arousing suspicion," Mephistopheles said and led the boys to the exit, "we'll go the same way we came in, using my robes. - Hermione, you haven't lost it, have you?

- Of course not, Harry," Hermione pulled out her invisibility cloak and all three of them headed for the exit. Without much adventure, they made it to the Gryffindor lounge where Hermione had been escorted to and then headed towards the dungeons.

- You know, Malfoy, don't betray me, I may have limited myself to a couple of Crucio's, but I peeked into your mind briefly while Hermione was having fun with you. I know you decided it was more profitable to turn me over to Voldemort than to try and help me. You got what you deserved.

- And Hermione? What do you need her for? - Malfoy grumbled, wincing.

- I'm interested in her, the rest is none of your business, Draco," the classmates reached their room. It was 5:00 on the clock. Exams were scheduled for the next day.

Next chapter