
Star Wars: Youngling

Star Wars fanfic. A new character is taken in by the Jedi at the age of four. U can support me on Patreon. com/JediCO 20+ chapter ahead.

JediCo · Movies
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41 Chs


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16+ chapter ahead. --------------------------------------------------

I've made considerable progress in my work with the Force during this time. One night I realized that it was a waste of time to try to slow down that "fog" that was not part of me. No, it is possible to act that way, but it was much easier... to adjust to that movement. And when I did, I realized that I didn't need to slow it down. After all, I'd done it just to be able to control it, so why slow it down now that I did?

But the drinking of my body with the Force continued at the same rate, in spite of these advances. The problem wasn't shoving the Force inside, that was easy, the problem was tamping down what was already there. And if you don't do that, then the absorbed Power wears off very quickly. At first I used to push this "fog" inside me and then begin to "digest" it, but the more the Force accumulated in me, the harder it became to keep... uh... unprocessed part of it. So now I first "cram it in" and only then pump in the new one.

The management of external energy also had its own nuances. The first thing I learned to do was to lift things into the air. Yes, yes, trivial telekinesis. But I did it, let's face it, through the ass. I could feel... "saw" that every object around me: the walls, the floor, the ceiling, the kids sleeping nearby, all filled with the Force. But if I could control the fog around me, I could not affect the fog inside anything. Or rather, I couldn't do it from a distance. But if I took it in my hands... Mm-hmm... couldn't, in fact, do it either. Except to start slowing the Force within it. It had some effect, though.

There was also the problem of distance. So far, my zone of influence was about three meters around me. And as the little Starkiller, whatever his name was... I don't remember, never mind... Anyway, how he managed to snatch the lightsaber out of Vader's hands when he was a few meters away, I could only imagine in theory. In particular, I strongly suspect that it was the fear he felt at the time. A lot of fear. And the fact that he'd been trained, even a little, by parents.... God, what has it come to? I take the thrashing game as reality. What,I'm gonna start reminiscing about Super Nintendo games? Ugh. What the hell is left to do? The Jedi are real. So is Palpatine. It's better to be fucking safe than sorry.

But I've had my share of bummers. For example, I never understood how the Forceusers managed to create mental techniques. At least the foresight that allows you to fend off blaster charges. And persuasion? I couldn't even theorize about it. How could you do that? What was there to influence? How to influence. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, nothing came out. I could only assume that the user had to be influenced in order to have micro-vision. And even then, it doesn't wake up right away. Skywalker Jr. was pretty badly scratched before he could repel the droid's charges. I'm already able to sense the Force, though, so I might be able to get through this stage quicker. When they give us the training swords. I was wondering why I had to wait. I had fucking sparring every day, so why not use them to train for the Force as well? More specifically, in controlling it.

The next morning, after stretching at the gym and taking a shower, we went to breakfast. After that there were two lectures, Botany and Racial Studies. Botany was a new class, and it didn't teach us everything in the galaxy, which is understandable, but only the most common useful and dangerous plants. And where there's plant science, there's animal science. So soon, it seems to me, we'll be taught zoology as well.

It's funny, because when you think about it, Anakin Skywalker, immediately given to Kenobi, was deprived of at least most of that. Something was undoubtedly taught to him, yesterday's slave, but not nearly as much. And he's here somewhere in the Temple now...

After lunch our group went to the gymnasium, where after the warm-up mentor began to teach us again, I mean to teach. And that's too bad. So we have a few more lessons of repetition, assimilation, and then sparring. Yeah.

A couple of weeks after that incident, they started teaching us another subject, General Technology. And everything would have been cool to me if it wasn't for the way the knowledge was presented. I get it, kids and all, but what was it like for me, feeling the time running out, to sit in a crowd of kids and listen to tales of a little repulsor traveling around the galaxy?! Fucking fucking repulsor! I was so annoyed that after another squint from my mentor, who seemed to sense something, I gave up on the tale and started meditating.

In general, I could not stand it. And after this... lecture, I went up to the mentor.

- Um... uh... - I forgot his name.

- I'm listening to you, Rain. Do you have a question? Don't be shy," the man said with a smile.

- Mentor," I began. - My father's a technician.

- Is that so?

- And a very good memory.

- Oh.

- I know what a repulsor is. I know what parts it's made of, what generators it runs on, the most common types of breakdowns. I know where you can put them, where you can't, and if you can't, why you can't. I know how to work safely with them.

- It's... - he did not immediately find what to say, - very good.

And now be careful, Lex, the main thing is not to sarcasm, yelling five-year-old child - this is already much more suspicious than the same child, so related to talk. Especially after that. Or am I getting a little carried away?

- Mentor, could you give me something to read... you know... so that I...

- For self-education?

- Yeah, that's right.

- Hmm. Actually, you won't get your personal datapads for a couple of months...

- I have money," I interrupted him. - My dad gave it to me. Maybe you could buy me a datapad early. - I didn't even have to make a smiley face, they were all smiley at my age.

- You're a slowpoke," he patted me on the head. "The thing is, with the datapad, they'll give you some free time, and when are you going to read now?

Damn, he's right. I took as much time as I could from sleep as it was. Interesting information, by the way.

- At mealtime," I said. - While jogging. When we go from the gym to the gym. Please.

- Okay, okay. Heh, what a bunch of kids. I'll get you a datapad.

- Thank you," I said happily.

- All right, go get your own. I'll get you a present for your next class.

- I have a money chip in my spa....

- Wait, wait, you don't need any money. I'll get you the standard one. You just get it before anyone else. And go ahead and run.

So I ran, trying to keep the smile off my face. That's lucky. I thought that at best they would give me a tablet with textbooks on it. But here's a datapad. My father had one, so I know what it is. If you try to put it into one word, it would be a laptop. It's almost identical in function, if you translate it into the Star Wars universe. Only the datapad is smaller and doesn't unfold like a book, although there may be some. And even if I only get it a couple of months early, but two months is such a freaking long time. I hope I don't get my holonet exit cut off.

And at the next hand-to-hand combat class we started sparring again. It was like a gift-giving day. Didn't get me anything, though. Except a good beating. I was lying on the mat after another fall, trying to figure out what was wrong. I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing-removing from reality, practically in a trance, feeling the Force all around me all the time. But I still got poked and prodded and fell to the floor. Rama was surprised and happy at first, even hissing something cheerful, but in the end he was acting uncertainly. He obviously couldn't understand what was going on, but even his childish understanding was enough to realize that something was wrong. The strongest boy in the world yesterday could not be the one who had so badly thwarted the fight.

- Rayne," my mentor walked up to me, "are you all right? Nothing hurts? Your head, maybe? Any dizziness? Your stomach?

Or maybe it's just that I went too deep into a trance. After all, they say to feel the Force, not meditate during combat?

- Rayne? - The man squatted beside me, rubbing my shoulder.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Coach," I jumped up from the floor. - I wondered.

- Yeah? Maybe that's why you lost?

- Maybe," I put my head down.

- Let's get out of here," he said. He clapped his hands and raised his voice. - Then he beckoned me to follow him and moved about five meters away from the main mass of children. - Explain to me, youngling, what did you want to do in sparring?

Oh shit, my head is oaky. The instructor couldn't help noticing that I wasn't just sick, but trying to work the Force. Okay, it was my own fault, I got carried away.

- I... ahem... uh... - He didn't push me. He just stood there and waited patiently. - I was trying to... meditate," I blurted out. The important thing was not to fall into an outright lie. I'm supposed to be too young to know about the Jedi's reflection on the bl... Stop. I'm an idiot. My dad's an ex-youngling. - My dad told me the Jedi could anticipate blows," I said without raising my head. - Reflect shots with his sword. So I thought... ...maybe I could... that... well...

- For that, Rein, you have to learn to feel the Force. You won't learn how to feel the Force for a few months," he said. He paused and added: - A month and a half, to be exact. If you don't, you're bad at best, and at worst you might hurt yourself or others.

- But I can do it! - I grinned. I hope it was childish. - Cor Chuu-tal taught me how to meditate. When he brought me here. I can feel the Force.

- That's... that's... - ...the mentor was clearly surprised. - Interesting how. You are a real prodigy. How long did it take you to learn to meditate?

- Mm-mm.... - I tried to remember. - In four days. - I wonder if that's slow or usual. Rama and Pal took about a month to learn, but with a teacher like me, it's.... The fact that it's fast is kind of hard to believe. I mean, it would be cool to know that I'm so special, except I don't think so. After all, I realized a long time ago that I'm not the center of the earth.

- Hmmm.

- Slowly, huh? - I did an act of sadness.

- It's hard to say. Sometimes it takes longer to learn. - Oh, so I met the standard? Then why is he so pensive? - But not at the age of four," he finally said. - What am I going to do with you? - Mentor muttered.

- Forgive ? - I couldn't help it.

- Ha," the man gasped. - What?" I lowered my head again. I even shuffled my foot. - Come on, let's go. Let's get on with the lesson.

- And Rama and Palatt can sense the Force, too," I told the boys. Just to keep it low-key, in case anyone didn't get it.

- What? You know.... What about them.... No, that's it. It's time to continue the lesson. We'll deal with you later.

The conversation resumed only in the evening before bedtime, and already with the curator of our group. He called me, a Togruta, and a Tispian to join him, and took us to the corridor, where he sat down on one of the benches there. As you might have guessed, stone benches. And after a little silence, looking at us, he asked:

- How long ago did you learn to meditate? - And just as I was about to answer, he added: - I already know about you. - He smiled and waved at me. - And you, younglings, how long have you been meditating?

Palatt answered for the both of you after a moment:

- Four months.

- How long have you been at it? - The man asked another question.

- Uh... A month. - And, stooping down, he asked: - Slowly, huh?

I almost choked on that question. He couldn't hear me talking to the trainer. Oh shit, they're toggruts, they've got hearing like dogs.

- Quite well, younglings, quite well," the handler nodded. - You've managed to live up to the standard at your young age. As far as it is possible. - I was at a loss. Then what about my score? Am I that good? Stupid. Of course you are, with an adult mind. Unlike these kids, it's much easier for me to concentrate on anything. - The problem is that you jumped right over the step. It's like if you didn't learn to walk, you learned to dance. Now you have a very high chance of breaking your legs dancing. Just one mistake... - he pursed his lips.

Maybe that's why I can't learn how to dodge punches. Where a beginner relies on instinct, I've used my head. That is, if a normal youngling has to subdue his instincts, I have to awaken them. So you think, Lex, whether that's good or bad.

- And now what to do? - I asked the man. Snake and red-skinned after the words of the curator somehow slumped. As if they had done something bad, and they were caught doing it. So I had to take the conversation into my own hands.

- Learn, kid, learn. Very soon your group will have to be disbanded. Put you five in a room, provide you with a few things. Like a datapad... And an alarm clock," smiled the blond boy. - And, of course, you'll have your own time, which you can spend on sleeping, or you can choose an additional subject of study. Over and above the standard program. And the program itself will change. You will finally begin to learn the mysteries of the Force.

What's all this talk about, then?

- So I don't get it, Master Spock, what do we do now? Or do you mean we don't have to do anything?

- We could do nothing," the Jedi grinned, "but we don't want to take things for granted, do we?

- No," I sighed.

- Then let's see what you've learned.

First he questioned Rama and Pal. It turned out that the kids were still trying to slow down the movement of the Force inside their bodies. To be honest, I thought they were past that stage. But they're not. After their words, the joyful curator told me that we were on the right track here - meditation was created for the purpose of coming to a balance with the Force. It was later that meditation was adapted to other things, but that is what beginners are taught - to calm the Force within themselves. However, these two little rugrats are not very good at it yet. As I understood from Spak's explanations, younglings are first taught to feel the Force and to use it, and only then meditation, which allows them to work directly with it. If that's the case, then the dancing example is incorrect. It's more likely that we will spend the rest of our lives dancing. This will have little effect on the walking itself, but we will not be able to learn another dance. Well, or it will be difficult.

When the curator first asked the boys about it, I was about to downplay my accomplishments so that I wouldn't stand out, but as soon as he started explaining what meditation was and what it involved, I started to think about it. Maybe I should just give it up. I was going to really screw up all my options. On the other hand, I hadn't gotten that far.

- Well, Rayne," the blond turned to me, "now let's see what you've done with us.

- Uh... - What can I say, what can I say? - Um... - Think, brain, to confess, not to confess, to withhold something? - Well... I kind of...

- Come on, youngling. Get over your shyness," the man laughed good-naturedly.

Half-truth. Yes, let it be a half-truth.

- I'm pumping the Force into my body," I murmured, my head still lowered.

- So," the Jedi nodded, "you can control the Force inside your body. Well, you've always been a talented guy. - And he paused for a moment and continued: - "Well, it's too late now. But tomorrow we'll go to the meditation hall and you'll show me what you can do. By the way, when did you do that?

And I answered again.

- Before I went to sleep. About two hours at a time. And at the lectures... as it happens.

- Two hours," the man said thoughtfully. - Lectures don't count. Hmm. That's funny. All right," he clapped his hands together. - Go back to sleep. And you know.... Anyway, okay, run along.

He never told us what it was going to be.