
Star Wars: Youngling

Star Wars fanfic. A new character is taken in by the Jedi at the age of four. U can support me on Patreon. com/JediCO 20+ chapter ahead.

JediCo · Movies
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41 Chs


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16+ chapter ahead. -------------------------------------------------

The breakthrough happened a day after Laira informed us that we would soon have new tenants in our room. And exactly one month later, as the coins began to move in the boys. When asked "who exactly," she only smiled enigmatically. Probably does not know herself. Anyway, the main thing is that I finally "felt. Only how to describe this feeling in words? It's probably most reminiscent of the knowledge or the very "understanding without words. When your father walks into your room with a sad face and silently casts a glance at you, and you just realize that he can not find the car keys, and just as wordlessly poke his hand somewhere in the hallway behind him. Then your father's face lights up with understanding, and he runs away. And, oddly enough, he finds those keys. That's how I now just knew that the Force was flowing in me and around me. I knew and understood, not with my mind, but with something deeper. And I didn't need to feel or "see" this "fog" in order to lift the coin in front of me. I wasn't afraid of getting caught, for, as you may have guessed, I had long since told you what I was really capable of. Lairi wasn't even surprised, though I might not have noticed, but she scolded me for hiding important things about my training. And Lairi explained to me that the only reason I could lift a coin was because I'd been able to do it before. Meditation and the ability to sense the Force are part and parcel of the training of younglings, but it was just too early in my training. What I had been working on for a month and a half, a normal youngling would master in two weeks at the most. When I heard that, I was very rude to Chuu-tal, who, instead of giving me the time of his life, had just given me a meditation theory, like he thought I wouldn't be able to do it at the age of four. Or that I would even give it up. Asshole. He'd been on a three-week flight to Coruscant, and he didn't have the guts to explain it to me, did he? Asshole.

A couple of days after that lesson, we got a new class. The first one to come into the room was Jiro Jiss. Yes, yes, the jawed ogre who'd been the first to talk to me in the Temple dormitory. The second was the red-skinned little twi'lek I didn't know.

- Samu'arakan GoraTina tei," he bowed to our trio. He seemed to have already met Jiro.

- Hmm," I looked back at Pala and Rama as they approached us. - "How about a simpler way?

-Sam Arakan," he bowed again.

"He's a funny fellow. We didn't know much about him on the first day, of course, but afterward we realized that the boy had a dream about spaceships, and preferred fighter planes. And it seems that his parents, who work in the Justice Corps as pilots of BR-23 - the old Sienar shuttle. The one for seventy thousand. And if his passion for ships holds, the Order will have another Jedi ace. What am I talking about? Jedi purge and all that. I don't think the kid's gonna live long enough to be an ace. Yeah. It's kind of sad.

The two new arrivals blended in quite organically, not surprisingly, given the presence of a member of the Ongri race. Jiro was a walking confirmation of what we'd been told about the race in class. Despite his appearance, which only I seemed to react to, Jedi Ongri have traditionally been considered good diplomats, and Jiro proved this by not only fitting in, but dragging Sam in as well. After that, all the little people piled on top of me.

- Rayne, let's get in the ring.

- Rayne, help me with the datapad.

- Rayne, let's go to the library.

- Rayne, what do you think of this ship?

Fuck off! Fucking spinoffs. Jesus, what did I do? What the fuck are they doing to me? My peers at Pzoba were scared of me, but here they're fucking sticking to me. What am I doing wrong? I almost groaned when I checked with Lairi, they don't give us our own room until we're ten. At ten! I'll go crazy in five years!

At first I thought the new kids... or rather, the old ones would encourage the newcomers to work with the Force, but it was just the opposite - Sam was distracting everyone from their training with his irrepressible energy. He did it himself, of course, but it was a must for him - he could sit for an hour with his handler, but he refused to do it in his own time.

- Rayne, look what I found," Sam waved his datapad at me.

- Sam," I raised my hand.

- Huh?" He slowed down beside me.

- Do you want to be a Jedi?

- A... well, yeah.

- Do you want to be a Jedi? - I turned to the other cubs.

- Yes.

- Of course I do.

- You bet I do.

After they said that, I reached for the Force, opened my nightstand, and made a coin float out. Which slowly, for all to see, flew toward me and landed in my palm.

- Well, forget it. You'll never be them.

They fell silent and grunted... and whoever could, grunted.

- I'm going to be a Jedi! - Sam exclaimed. And I remembered Naruto.

- That's not fair," Palatt said. - We can do that, too. Later. It's just that you... well... it's you.

- I can fight," Rama said to something.

- Let's train, too," Jiro said. - We'll become Jedi quicker that way.

I'm really a future diplomat.

Well, they've been spending more time practicing since then, but they haven't stopped bugging me.

- Rayne, help me, please, help me.

- Look, look, Rayne-- it moved, the coin moved.

- Rayne, I don't understand what it says.

- Rayne, is it true that Jedi can strengthen the body?

Holy crap!