
Star Wars: Wrath of a Saber

We did it. Mastered The Force... saved the next generation of Jedi. For a long time we’ve wanted revenge. For what Father Blood has done to us. But he made us stronger, better. Ripped us down and built us back up as the best Jedi out there.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter three

Paul's POV

My eyes were slowly open. The sound of screaming and yelling was muffled through the thick metal walls. I look around my room.

My table had my things in it. My saber, poncho, and my tools to fix my robotic arm since I lost it in a saber fight.

As I look into the mirror at my dark skin and long dreads, I heard a thud.

My heart drops. Slowly walking to the door, the cold metal beneath my feet touch my toes, making me freeze with every step I take. The screams only got louder.

Laser beam sounds shoot down the hall as I put my ear against the door. I wasn't that tall. Maybe 4'10 being I was only 10 years old at this time. I wave my hand in front of the door, opening it using the Force.

I step just outside of the doorway. I turn my head to the left... nothing.

As I turn my head to the right, red laser beams shoot down the hall, killing a Jedi not too much older than me.

My heart sank so deep. My breath was held up by fear as I back up into my room, shutting the door as fast as I could. "Hey, get him! He's in that room!" I heard.

I shake my head, racing to my table. I grab my saber. I turn it on, letting the bright red beam shot out of the emitter.

The doors slide open so fast. I throw my saber only for another Jedi to deflect it.

I grab it as it comes back to me. I was so relieved. It was this grown, Mexican man. He has a boy and a girl with him. Both stood by his side. I know them. A different class of Jedi. Maddie and Jose. They're in and we're about the same age as I was.

"You need to run, alright. Find some way out of this damn mess. My children and I are going towards the spacecraft at the entrance of this facility. Don't be late!" He says.

I was shaking as the children nod at me and run along with their father.

The door shuts back up as I run to my desk, packing up all my stuff. My saber hooked on my loop as I rush, still hearing the laser beams being shot from outside of my room.

My sliding door opened. A trooper sins his gun at me, shooting instantly.

My reaction was too fast. I block the beam before using my Force to push him outside. I jump into the air, sticking to the wall using maximum Force to keep myself levitated off of the ground.

The door opens again, letting six troopers in and one flame-trooper.

I drop down, slowly backing up as they searched the room with their back facing me. The door closes and I wave my hand, locking it from the outside.

A beam shoots past my face as I fall back, flipping back up as if I were getting ready to fly. My red saber flashes as I block tens of hundred of beams being shot at me.

The troopers close in on me, trying to hit me with their guns.

I chop on arm off, using the Force to push him back before blocking another hit from the second trooper. I kick his leg before slashing at his neck, decapitating him as I block a beam before it returns to the shooter, hitting him center of the face.

I ran down the hall, seeing the exit instantly.

I ran out, being forced to close my eyes as I ran in the snowy weather. The winds were so strong. So cold.

I push through, getting closer and closer to that ship.

So close yet so far. Each second felt like three minutes.

I get to the ship, hearing the wind muffle as the door shuts behind me. Pitch black. I look around seeing nothing. A few lights from the technology to control these things.

I put my hand on my waist where my saber was. Something was off. I could feel as if someone were watching me.

Out of nowhere I quickly take my saber, turning it on as I was met with three other Jedi.

They all seemed to be around my age.

"Who are you?" One yells.

I knew these guys. I aim at them as three aim back at me.

"Nate, Remi, Gabby... it's me" I say. They all seemed so scared. Nate has a burnt face. Gabby had a bloody face, Remi had blood running down the side of her arm.

My red saber was matched with their blue, green, and yellow. "Why is your saber red?" Gabby asked. I couldn't respond. I know red meant the Dark aside. Master spoke of it all the time. I gaze around the lot area of sabers to see if I could find Maddie and Jose along with their dad.

"I can't answer that. Just the color they gave me." I say.

Gabby nods as the lights turn on. She turns her saber off.

"Master tried to give me a red one as well. I'm guessing he tricked you into getting a red one. No way we can change the color. We will just stick with it for now," Gabby speaks.

Remi and Nate turn their sabers off as the walls of the ship began to be blasted with sabers. Nate rushes to the controls, pressing any and every button he saw.


Gabby runs to the window, using the Force to hold back as many troopers as she could. They just kept coming.

Behind the troopers lit a red saber. A person dressed in all black points as flame troopers began to fire. Snow troopers shoot with everything they had.

The ship began to lift from the ground as the black cloak man uses the Force to try and stop it. I did mine on him, holding him down just enough to stop him from controlling this ship.

The ship took off into space at the speed of light. We all fell back knowing we just escaped the man behind all this madness.

It really was just us. Remi, Gabby, Nate, and me. We all just sit in silence.