
Star Wars: Wrath of a Saber

We did it. Mastered The Force... saved the next generation of Jedi. For a long time we’ve wanted revenge. For what Father Blood has done to us. But he made us stronger, better. Ripped us down and built us back up as the best Jedi out there.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter ten

25:68pm, Paul's POV

Lie there comfortably. The ship was quiet. Everyone had gone to sleep about three hours ago for the early morning five hours from now.

I couldn't fall asleep. We were planning on taking down the empire.

Haven't used my weapon or Force in years. My skill has vanished. Barely survived today. So I don't know what I'd do. I roll to my back, putting my hands behind my head, thinking in such great detail.

Anything could go wrong. Gabby wouldn't have to worry about anything. Her power is so strong. She doesn't even try yet she could destroy things within a two-mile radius of her person. She doesn't know her full strength yet.

I blink wildly as I lift one leg and look at the ceiling in the darkness.

The sound of the AC blowing felt good yet made it a little chilly.

My heart drops when I see a figure come into my room. I sit up and squint my eyes since they have yet got used to the darkness around me.

It was Gabby. She sat on the foot of my bed and swallowed.

"Don't be weird, yo! We're just friends," I say. Gabby waves her hand as if she were brushing it off like she didn't care.

"Leah is outside. Talking to herself. I don't understand what she is saying. I figured you were up. But you have dark skin and don't like to investigate. Am I right?" Gabby whispered. I sit up and open the curtains to my window.

Outside under the moonlight, I could see Leah squatting down.

Three rocks in front of her as she nodded her head a little. "I know what she is doing," I say. I slide on some shoes and slowly walk down the hall past everyone else's bedroom.

The doors of the ship open up fairly quietly, so I could see how she got out of the ship without being noticed. But I was wondering how Gabby managed to see what's Leah was doing if Gabby was in her room when everyone went to sleep. Gabby is the type to make a lot of noise, waking people up and not giving a shit about what people thought of her.

I get to the front door of the ship and lookout. It was left open.

Soft wind touches my skin as Gabby stands not too far behind me. "Go talk to her," Gabby says. We both just stand there.

Gabby and I were sides to side looking at Leah who had her back facing us, moving the rocks and pushing her palm forward. She would let out a frustrated groan.

I nod and slowly walk off the ramp of the ship. Gabby followed behind me.



Leah quickly turned around and pushed the rocks behind her, as if she were a baby hiding candy from us.

"Are you okay?" I sit on the dirt with her. Gabby backed up into the ship. The darkness takes over her so that Leah wouldn't be able to see Gabby watching us both.

Leah calmed down a little and nodded.

"I want to be like my brother and sister.." Leah pic,s the rocks up and holds in the palm of her hands. I sigh as Leah slouches.

"The Force is so hard to use. My mom told me to try and try and try. But I can never figure out how to do it. I don't want to be a regular human. I want to be a Jedi like my sister and brother. He learned so easy but it's taking me so long to figure out how to use it." Leah sets the rocks down on the ground and just looks at it.

She was so little.

I had to ask.

"Leah? Why don't you talk to anyone?" I ask. She looks up at me.

She was a very beautiful girl. I'm guessing she looks a lot like her mother. She was very sweet yet so quiet and shy.

"I'm just scared of what people would think of me," Leah says.

I nod.

"Don't be. Deion is family, and you won't make new friends and family if you don't ever speak to people. Sometimes you can't go through the bad things by yourself. Sometimes you're going to need to ask for help. Listen. Hold your hand out and close your eyes," I say.

I could tell Leah was afraid of what I told her was going to be bad.

She hesitated and did as I said so. I put one hand on her forearm and speak quietly b score closing one eye, focusing on the rock that was in front of us both.

"breathe in and out. Clear your mind of everything." I demand.

Leah did as I told her.

"Now... slowly open your eyes and lift your hand. You can feel the connection with the Force." I begin to lift her arm slowly.

Leah's eyes went wide when she has seen the rock moving just a little. She began to freak so much that the disconnected eight he Force, making the rock fall back to the ground.

A smile washed over her face as she looks at me. a sparkle in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me in happiness.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Leah squeals. I hug her back.

"Anytime, girly," I reply.