
Star Wars: Wrath of a Saber

We did it. Mastered The Force... saved the next generation of Jedi. For a long time we’ve wanted revenge. For what Father Blood has done to us. But he made us stronger, better. Ripped us down and built us back up as the best Jedi out there.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter fourteen

Paul´s POV. Leah and Paul's chapter. Ilum, part 3.


"Stay with me, Leah." I hold her tight as we enter a small house.

The outside was so cold. Around me felt like nothing. All white from the freezing snow. The sky was filled with little to no moons anymore. Ellen open's the door.

I rush in, quickly looking for a safe place to lie Leah down.

Her eyes rolled back to the back of her head. Her lips purple, fingers stiff, body stiff. Her skin was so cold.

"Here." Ellen pointed to a table propped up against the wall.

I rush there, setting her down. "Leah?" I say. The cloth I wrapped around her leg was soaked in her own blood. She wouldn't stop bleeding. Tears begin to fill my eyes. Things began going through my head.

I couldn't go back and tell them I'd lost Leah over something so stupid.

I look around frustrated on where the fuck Ellen had gone. "Help me!" I scream. Leah slowly moves. Her movements getting weaker and weaker. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared.

Ellen came from a small hallway, nearly running as she stepped up one flight of stairs to get to me Leah, and I.

In her hand was a glowing blue stick. some type of needle.

"Where's the wound?" Ellen asked. I grab just above Leah's stab wound and squeeze. Ellen put one hand on Leah's chest before impaling the needle into Leah's leg that was hurt. Leah's fingers became loose.

Her lips began to slowly turn back to the original color.

"What's that?" I ask.

"My last healing stem," Ellen answered.

Ellen and I kept our eyes on Leah. Her breathing was back to normal now. I sigh and put my head down.

"She was brave," Ellen speaks.

Leah snoring ever so softly. I was so glad to hear that she was okay. "She is. Any after-effects from the healing stem?" I ask. Ellen looks at me before closing the needle tightly in her palm. "Nothing special. But she will be a bit more skilled in the saber combat skills. The stem enters her system, releasing chemicals that take over her brain, making everything she knows already 4 times better than they were before. That's how I lasted so long," Ellen answered.

I look around the room. Ellen grabs a thin blanket from the other table, wrapping Leah in it. This was a nice home.

One I haven't seen in a long time. Luxury., The walls were white, windows huge, circular sofas. The floors were a glossy metal. The kitchen was so small yet seemed so big. And in the center of all of this was a hologram table and a saber holder. One that had only one saber sitting on the stand.

"How long have you been here?" I ask.

"12 years," she answered.

"And you decide to just give your saber up to a bunch of random people?" I ask.

Ellen grabbed a cup. "Look, I know you probably don't trust me, but I just saved your daughter's, Padawan's, sister's, I don't fucking know life. I had a double blade, and since I didn't need the other, I gave it up to some people who I thought did. But I cut myself off from the Force," Ellen says.

"No longer a Jedi?"

"No. The Force was too much to handle. The Jedi Order was destroyed, putting all of us in danger by the Sith and Inquisitors. I had no choice but to cut myself off. Still kept a saber in case I had to protect myself. but my crystal is white," Ellen says.

"Have a seat." Ellen pointed to the sofa in the small little circle.

I put my saber on my belt loop, watching her as if she were suspicious. Ellen poured a drink. Her back turned to me.

"Who is she?" Ellen asked.

I was distracted by the beautiful home. Didn't see her walk up to me.

I turn to the left to see her holding a cup to me. Her face was straight with a small grin on her face. "My Padawan," I say. I take the cup, drinking the water from inside.

Ellen sat on the other side of the sofa, crossing on leg over the other. I look at her over the hologram table.

"My teams are spread across the galaxy, searching for their things we agreed on. but it's hard when we're getting chased by the four strongest people in the galaxy," I say.

"Them bounty hunters must have a high price on yall's heads," Ellen says.

She leans her head on her right hand, staring me down. I slowly drink my drink as the room came into silence. "How do you know there are bounty hunters?" I ask.

Ellen breaks eye contact with me and looks towards the ground. Ellen sits up. "I was once an Inquisit-" Before she finished, I drop the cup of water, holding out my hand, using the Force to bring Leah's saber to my palm. I turn it on while I grab my own saber, turning it on. Both pointed at Ellen who had her hands up.

"Who the fuck are you, really?" I demand.

Ellen just stairs down the red and blue blades of the sabers I had.

"Why is yours red?" She mutters.

"Don't ask fucking questions!" I yell.

Ellen sighs and puts her hands down.

"I told you, dude. If I wanted to kill you two, I would've done it. I saved her life. Why would I waste my own healing stem just to kill the person I used it on?" Ellen asked.

"I know you want to bring back the Jedi Order. Get Ilum working up again. So let me help you with that. I know where Father Blood resides. And if you kill me, then you may never know," Ellen says. I just stare her down.

I turn off both sabers while keeping my eye on Ellen who raised an eyebrow.

"Any sign of betrayal and your head is becoming a trophy," I say. Ellen smiles softly and leans back on the sofa.

"How did you know we were in the temple?" I ask.

Ellen looks at me and rubs her eyes with her index and thumb. "I mean, you two do fly in a big ass space ship. It's kinda hard not to hear and see that thing," Ellen answered.

I stare Ellen down before walking over to Leah, to make sure she was doing alright.

"Why did you quit being an Inquisitor?" I ask.

Ellen sighs and leans forward.

"Hatred and revenge isn't the way to go. Jedi's are peace to this galaxy. I found it hard in me to kill Jedi as a former one. My master was such a good Jedi. guardian of the galaxy. A great warrior. I'd be ashamed to disrespect him," Ellen answered.

"I see." I turn to Leah who was sleeping silently. Safe and sound. I put my hand on her forehead. She was still very cold.

I move the blanket up a little, covering her entire body with it.

"I'm glad she's okay..." Ellen mutters.

I nod and rub Leah's forehead again, setting her saber next to her.

"Thank you," I say.

Ellen grins.

"My pleasure," she replied.