
Star Wars: To Be A Glorified Farmer or ?

Follow Arcann, Jedi Initiate. "Am I really going to be thrown to the Agri-Corps. " To hell with what the cue-ball(guess who) thinks....I will make my own path. Hope you guys enjoy the story. To be Released Soon!!

LittleFattyAni · Movies
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Ch2 Echoes of Rejection

Echoes of Rejection

The corridors of the Jedi Temple echoed with the hollow footsteps of initiates whose dreams had been extinguished in the cold chambers of the Council. As we made our way through the somber passageways, the silent weight of rejection hung over us like a shroud.

Freya's pace was measured, each step echoing the cadence of shattered aspirations. Her eyes, once filled with the sparkle of ambition, now glistened with unshed tears. She had envisioned herself wielding a lightsaber, standing shoulder to shoulder with the legendary Jedi Knights. The reality of her consignment to the Agri-Corps, a destiny far removed from the heroic tales she had imagined, carved wounds deep within her spirit.

Soren, the usually bold and brash initiate, walked with a stiffness that betrayed the turmoil within. His bravado, a facade now shattered, was replaced by a mask of stoicism—a desperate attempt to conceal the sting of rejection that seared his pride. The swagger that had once defined his movements was replaced by a subtle tremor, a tremor that mirrored the shaken foundation of his dreams.

Goran, the gentle giant of our group, clenched his fists in silent protest against the cosmic injustice that had befallen us. His fists, normally reserved for protective gestures, now tightened as if desperately trying to grasp onto the fragments of a destiny slipping away. The corridors seemed narrower as Goran navigated them, his broad shoulders carrying the weight of disappointment.

We exchanged glances, the unspoken understanding passing between us—the camaraderie of shared rejection. Our expressions were a canvas painted with the myriad emotions that rejection had unleashed. Disappointment, confusion, and a tinge of resentment danced across our faces. We were casualties of a battle we didn't fully understand, wounded soldiers navigating the aftermath of a conflict that had left us adrift.

The Jedi Council's decision had branded us as unfit for the path of a Jedi Knight, and the weight of that judgment sank into the very core of our beings. The Force, once a guiding light, now felt like a distant echo—a mere whisper in the vast emptiness of our uncertain futures. Yet, even in the face of rejection, a spark of resilience lingered within us.

As we stepped out into the fading daylight of Coruscant, the bustling cityscape seemed to mock our subdued spirits. The people hurried about, oblivious to the internal storms we navigated. The world outside the Jedi Temple moved on, indifferent to the shattered dreams that echoed within its hallowed halls.

In the days that followed, we found ourselves thrust into the rhythm of life within the Agri-Corps. The vast fields stretched out before us, a stark contrast to the grandeur of the Jedi training grounds. We were initiates turned laborers, the Force within us suppressed and redirected towards tending to the needs of the galaxy's agricultural sector.

The once-sacred halls of the Jedi Temple were replaced by the hum of machinery and the scent of fertile soil. Our lightsabers, symbols of the paths we had hoped to walk, were now replaced by tools of cultivation. Yet, in the midst of this seemingly mundane existence, a subtle transformation began to unfold.

The rejection that had initially felt like a crushing weight gradually evolved into a crucible of self-discovery. The Agri-Corps became a canvas where we painted the resilience of our spirits, refusing to be defined solely by the Council's judgment. As we toiled in the fields, there was an unspoken understanding among us—a silent agreement to rise above our rejected destinies.

Freya, once burdened by the weight of unfulfilled dreams, discovered a new sense of purpose among the crops. The connection she had yearned for with a lightsaber now manifested in the delicate touch required to nurture life from the soil. The unshed tears in her eyes transformed into a quiet determination, a resolve to find significance beyond the Council's decree.

Soren, with his mask of stoicism, found solace in the simplicity of agricultural routines. The swagger may have faded, but in its place emerged a quiet strength—a strength born from accepting and adapting to a destiny he hadn't chosen. His journey, once defined by the pursuit of glory, now embraced the subtle victories found in the cycles of growth and harvest.

Goran, the gentle giant, discovered that his strength could be a source of hope for others. The tight fists that initially resisted the Agri-Corps' decree began to open, reaching out to aid fellow initiates in their shared struggle. His shoulders, once weighed down by disappointment, now bore the responsibility of cultivating not just crops but a sense of unity among us.

In the midst of the fields, a new camaraderie emerged—one forged not in the crucible of combat, but in the shared experience of overcoming rejection. We became a fellowship of initiates who, against the odds, were finding purpose and strength in the unlikeliest of places.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the Agri-Corps became a symbol of resilience and adaptation. The rejection that initially defined us became a catalyst for growth, a seed that sprouted into a garden of untapped potential. The Force, once suppressed, began to stir within us once more, like dormant roots awakening in the soil.

2 years had passed since then....

Slowly, but surely I digested all the knowledge that I could get my hands on. I never let go go of my training with the force, and in these two years, I am proud to say that I am a beast.

And now its time to play the game!