
Chapter 47

(I had this chapter ready since last night but I was not sure If I would wake up on time to release it so you guys get it now lol)

-- Coruscant, Level 1313 --

The assault above Mustafar got the attention of several major powers including the Hutts and the Republic. The war between the Yautja and Black Sun had been conducted in the shadows so far, only with losses numbering up to a couple hundred at once. This battle got over 15,000 individuals killed in less than a day.

Several factions began to keep a closer eye on the two sides, trying to guess which one would win. There were even betting pools going on around the Galaxy with the biggest one being conducted by the Hutts. 

One side was a force with over a thousand years of history while the other was an upstart that had the backing of the Techno Union and a small army of Mandalorians and Force Users. The odds were surprisingly 50/50, surprising most who were not in the loop. Most would have bet on the Black Sun but when it came to the Yautja, the Black Sun had yet to secure a victory against them, only taking L after L. The Yautja had proved twice now that they could kill off the Vigos without much trouble. 

So the higher-ups of the Black Sun had gathered together to try and decide what their next course of action would be.

"We need to make peace with them!" a Devaronian shouted. "We have seen how outrageous they can get! 4 years ago, they killed 3 Vigos. Yesterday, they eliminated a Vigos and one of our response fleets!"

"So you want us to just bow our heads to these brats?" a human male asked. "That Feeorin hasn't even reached middle age yet!"

"Which is why we need to just stop this war now. We have yet to win a single battle against him and his balls haven't even truly dropped yet," the Devaronian replied. "He is only 30 years old but he has the Techno Union backing him, has gotten the Mere to surrender to him, has designed 3 droids that the entire Galaxy uses, a massive fleet, and has 3 small armies of various elite forces under him! He has Mandalorians, Force Users, and whatever the fuck those Grey Knights are! And none of that is mentioning that he is also a Force User that personally killed 3 Jedi Masters!"

The three of the other Vigos began to murmur amongst themselves when the Devaronian laid out everything on the table. Jial was truly a monster to them. Although the 3 of them had gotten their positions from the assassinations of their predecessors, they also knew that they could lose those positions just as easily. A Vigos had a literal fleet protecting him and had died. 

The human Vigos saw that the 3 had clearly chosen the other side. He needed to pull the other 3 Vigos to his side if the Underlord would take their opinion seriously. 

"We just sent our best saboteur there to destroy their planetary defenses," the human thought of the latest mission he had assigned Pa Vri. Ever since he was able to deal with the Kuat Shipyards, he had ensured that this man's position as Vigos was secured. "We should be able to send our main fleet to launch an attack once word reaches back to us."

"There is also the Ghost Project," Ac called out. His former boss ran away when Jial attacked 4 years prior so he was able to take over his position. "We have just finished the development of the droids made with the Stygium crystals. We have nearly 500 of them ready to attack Yautja Prime."

Ac did not want to go against Jial at all. He was the one who was the most afraid of Jial since he saw how low of a beginning that Jial had started at. His original crew was dead and he was without a ship. He saw the wreckage of Jial's original crew. But most importantly for why he wanted Jial dead, he was the one who created the monster Jial had become. 

He informed Jial of the Black Sun's plan, he was the one who gave Jial the initial firearms to take over Wyne, and he was the one who traded the Stygium crystals that allowed Jial to build his first droids.

If Jial revealed any of this, Ac was dead. He would be killed slowly and painfully because he was the one who created the current threat to the Black Sun. So Ac wanted to get rid of Jial in hopes of burying that secret for the rest of his life. Jial and the initial Mandalorians needed to be killed so that no one could ever know his dark secret. 

All of the Vigos argued with one another trying to plan out what their next step was going to be while waiting for the Underlord to arrive. It was an even split between those who wanted to negotiate peace and those who wanted to go all in on the war, even at the cost of losing profit or even a few planets.

The doors were slammed open, causing the Vigos to pause their discussion. They all turned to look at the Underlord. But the man was not alone. He was flanked by several figures wearing black robes and hoods that covered their bodies on one side. The only thing that they could tell about the group was that they wielded lightsabers. 

On his other side, there was a group of Mandalorians that he had hired to help with any upcoming battle. 

"We will try to make peace with the Yautja," the Underlord said, shocking half of the Vigos while the others were grateful. Ac wanted to say something but the Underlord raised his hand to stop him. 

"If the conditions are acceptable, we shall make peace. If not, then we shall unleash the full wrath of the Black Sun Syndicate," the Underlord wanted the others to understand that while he was willing to make peace, he would not just roll over for Jial

"How will we..." the Devaronian was about to ask more about the matter when he felt pressure on his neck. The man was lifted into the air by one of the black-robed figures who had their hand outstretched. 

"If they think that they can take us on with our own Force Users and Mandalorians as well as our large army, then they shall know nothing but pain and suffering."

Next chapter