

After the victorious battle against the clone of Emperor Palpatine, Ben gives his life to save Rey.

The Rebels win the battle against the First Order, and peace returns to the galaxy.

Rey flies to Tatooine with BB8.

She resolves the question of whose side she is on by adopting the title "Skywalker" as her own.

Rey is satisfied with the newfound peace felt through the force as the galaxy returns to a state of balance.

Celebration is in order and life of the rebels and various races returns to normal.

Although Rey allows the distance from her comrades to give her a new sense of direction and help her to focus on mastering the force, she becomes easily distracted by her own inner conflict.

Ben Solo is gone. She cannot see or hear him, and the separation from the other half of her dyad brings her an uneasiness that no amount of force-using can fix.

However, she does not feel the absolute surety that Ben has been accepted into the the otherworldly light of the force, either. She wonders what has happened to him; where he could be.

Rey attempts to distract herself by mastering the ways of the force... but she is yet to understand that in order to truly master something, she must teach it to someone else.

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