
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Movies
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26 Chs

Shadow Command (Part 3)

"And I said , I'd rather die than...



"Anyone else? asked William as he pointed his blaster " towards the now dead Enfys.

"Kill the remaining band of her misfits, but leave the villagers and those two", said William while pointing at solo and chewie.

"Yes Captain", was the monotonous reply he got from Commander Able, as he and several stormtroopers dragged the cloud riders from the crowd. The band of marauders putting up a futile resistance , before they were lined up and shot.

"Now!, since that's all taken care of , I'll ask one more time. Will you work for me? or will you become like your friends over their?" said William while pointing at the dead marauders.

The villagers began to look at a dark skinned elderly woman, seemingly waiting for an answer, she was the village elder of the Pnakotic Coast Village , although she couldn't speak she stepped forward nonetheless and gave William a nod, accepting his offer.

"Good, you have chosen wisely. Commander , send a message to the Admiral, tell him..., the people of Savareen have accepted our offer, And send a message to third platoon, order Sergeant Niles to proceed as planned, I want the criminals at Emerald Sea Village and Dry Gulch uprooted from their holes and killed, the Civilians are to be brought here, there shall only be one point of interest on this planet and it shall be here ." William ordered , his gloved hands folded behind his back as he stared at the Empire's new citizens.

"Oh , and bring Mr Solo and his companion there to the ship, we have some Important things to discuss" , William added.


( In Orbit over Savareen)

"Ms Qi'ra…, now second in command of Crimson Dawn or should I say the face of Crimson Dawn, for I doubt your master, Maul, would show his face to the Empire." Admiral Garoche stated to the to the now frowning and handcuffed female.

William already told him what would happen on Savareen, he knew everything even to the smallest detail.

The Crimson Dawn was an organization that would prove very useful if it came under his control, He could control a vast swathe of the criminal underground, replacing those filthy slimy slugs called hutts and maybe even dwarfing the other major crime syndicates. The plan sounded good, but in order to take over the Crimson Dawn from under the Zabrak's nose , they needed an inside man, a person with enough influence in the organization that could replace the Zabrak after he's dead and that person would be Qi'ra , she was the perfect person for the role. The former lieutenant of Dryden Vos , and now public leader, was already well known in the organization and had many contacts, she was ambitious and desired true freedom, one where she is not ruled over by anyone.

"What do you want? she grumbled.

"What I want ?…, I want the same thing as you do. I want… Power."

"Enough power to change things to my will, enough power to truly be free, enough power to stand at the pinnacle of this Galaxy and change it for the better, and I will do what I must to earn it, not for myself only ; but also for the prosperity and safety of my family and our possessions , that is what I want."

"So tell me Ms Qi'ra don't you desire this as well?"

Qi'ra stared stoically at the admiral for a few seconds then she spoke.

"You want me to work for you?" she stated flatly , receiving a nod from the admiral.

"And why should I , If I betray maul I'm dead , he's a former Sith lord , someone who's powers , far surpass any normal technological weapons and soldiers, your navy can field." She uttered.

"And you believe I won't kill you as well, don't fool yourself Ms Qi'ra , Maul will die with or without your help.

It's just easier for someone with your… particular skill set, to assume leadership after his demise and It would be more beneficial to you more so than me , without the zabrak in the picture, wouldn't you agree? ." Garoche replied sternly.

Qi'ra frowned at the admiral , seemingly thinking about his insulting words and his job offer.

"Oh don't look at me like that, you know how these kinds of dealings are", Garoche retorted.

"Hmpf" she huffed.

"I accept your offer, but if maul escapes his attempted assassination and finds out about my betrayal , he'll never stop searching the galaxy until I'm dead, until your dead and everyone who plotted to kill him."

"I don't doubt your words Qi'ra ; but maul is only a speck of dust under a fingernail compared to the might of the Emperor, if I should fear anyone it would be him and his apprentice Darth Vader , and it would be wise for you to do the same for they stand at the very top within the Galaxy., something maul wouldn't dare go up against or the full might of the military shall be brought down on him. " Garoche stated.

"Whatever you say ." Qi'ra gave a swift reply.

"Good, it seems we're on the same page. But understand this Qi'ra, if you ever betray me …

"Yes , Yes , you will kill me." she finished for the Admiral.

"Oh no, I won't be the one to carry out your sentence, that task would land with my brother and you will find him not as merciful as I am . He will flay you alive then reduce your body to ash, for not even dust will remain of you when he's finish, it's as if you've never existed. He can be two faced at times , which sometimes scares even me." Garoche finished

Qi'ra continued to stare stoically at the admiral , completely unfazed by the Admiral's threats.

"Release her and take her to one of the main guest quarters." Garoche order to his loyal death trooper and main body guard , this was another perk of formely protecting the Deathstar and being the son of a Grand Moff. He was assigned his own squad of death troopers or elite stormtrooper commandos to protect him and enforce his will even in the most difficult situations.

"Make sure a guard is posted at her door , we'll see if our our new ally is loyal as she claims." Said Garoche in almost a whisper to the Death trooper before he led Qira away.

To be continued …