
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Movies
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26 Chs


February 15, 11 BBY

Imperial Academy of Carida

Within the largest square of the academy , hundreds if not, thousands of cadets stood at attention and fronted.

Their grey uniforms well pressed and pristine , free of any creases and crimps, accompanied with their black boots which were so well polished that it even reflected the sun's rays off it's surface.

Today is special day, perhaps the most important day of their lives, so they had to look the best, act the best and most importantly, be the best. The best imperials that will serve the emperor and his empire until his dying day.-

" Only through the projection of power do we bring order. The inefficiencies of non-standard practices, of trade barriers, of restrictions. Due to cultures and provincial interest…

All will be swept away. There will be Order, through Power!" , Grand Moff Tarkin finished,as he balled his palm into a fist to iterate his final points before returning to his seat amongst the other imperial officers of Carida Academy.

Commodore Almudin the host of the ceremony moved to where his predecessor stood , taking his place at the podium and readying himself to address the thousands of graduates , students, imperial officers , and spectators.

"Thank you Grand Moff Tarkin for that most… invigorating speech. I have no doubt the graduates here will take your words to mind and heart." said Commodore Almudin as he gestured towards the now seated Grand Moff who in turn gave him a nod. Almudin then turned his attention to the thousands of cadets in front of the podium, then spoke.

"Before I pronounce you all as fully graduates of this prestigious academy, I would like to congratulate and present to you this year's valedictorians of the senior class , first starting with , Lieutenant(Lt) William Tarkin, Lt Lorth Needa, Lt Jhared Montferrat, Lt Nixxan Cabbel, Lt Xamuel Lennox, Lt Raytan Wilks , Lt Pilus Fern and finally Lt Greg Mortif", Almudin called out, as the eight men began to make their way towards the podium, while receiving applauses from the audience and the officers seated behind the podium.

William himself got a proud but slightly stern look from his father, a smug look that said , ' he didn't expect anything less from his son'.

"Congratulations Lieutenant",said Almudin as he gave William a small smile, then pinned a rank plaque composed of two red over two blue squares on the left side of the young Tarkin's uniform.

"Thank you Commodore", William replied hastily, giving his superior a vague half smile , before the he moved on towards the next valedictorians.

Two Hours Later…

The graduation ceremony was now finished , ensigns and decorated officers were now enjoying the rest of their evening , some listening to the imperial band playing their soothing music, others drank wine while conversing/ reuniting with families, friends and other imperial counterparts.

William himself met numerous higher ranking officers, most introduced to him by his father and some dignitaries and bureaucrats by his mother, his uncle Gideon was here with his wife conversing with other bureaucrats and his now 17 year old cousin, Gillad was somewhere unknown to him , probably trying to flatter or court women almost twice his age . A habit he got from yours truly.

He already had his long conversation and nostalgic talks with his friends, telling them all his goodbyes. He knew that there was a high chance of them seeing each other again , but he did so nonetheless, the galaxy was vast and he didn't know when they would meet once more but it was better for them to show their skills to the wider galaxy than be hoarded by him , especially at this moment in time.

Now he sat alone far away from the crowd, seemingly hard for anyone to see him . Pondering about his future and the galaxy ahead and the changes that are to come, only to be interrupted by a voice.

"It's seems I have a knack to know where you'll be when you hide from festivities",an approaching voice announced sardonically.

"Garoche!" william exclaimed as he recognized his brother's voice, he rose from his sitting stupor quickly and embraced his older brother, after four long years of not seeing each other physically.

"But how ? I thought you said you wouldn't make it" said william in disbelief.

"You know, I would never miss something as important as your graduation, Lieutenant" said Garoche as he gave his brother a smug smile.

"Hmpf" William huffed as he straightened his uniform and return to behaving like the disciplined officer he was.

"If you say so Admiraaalll" he drawled out mockingly.

"Come now brother" said Garoche as he gestured for william to sit .

"I've spoken to father about your deployment and I've convinced him to allow you to be transferred to my flagship , The Authority , i'm in need of a second commanding officer." Garoche voiced

"But, but, brother what happened to Shale , i'm sure there are other, more experienced officers on your ship that could fit that role", stuttered William .

"Shale has been promoted to commodore and is in command of his own star destroyer and some of my senior officers are also transferred to his ship, The Malice." Garoche retorted.

"I see, this must have happened recently, because you didn't inform me of this the last time we spoke" said William as he Held his chin as if in deep thought.

" William, you are more than qualified for the job , I've read your transcripts and other than being a excellent tie pilot , you have very high grades in Advanced Naval history and Naval warfare, high grades in Logistics and Administration and what you lack right now is combat experience , which you will get once you join my ship . You've even said it yourself , ' once you left the academy we shall work closer together and our plans shall move faster' ", Garoche finished

William gave his brother a dark looking smile , seemingly remembering his words from way back then.

"Indeed brother, Indeed. Then let the games begin"