
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Movies
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26 Chs


15 BBY

Imperial Academy of Carida

"Father's doctrine of fear has crippled the empire, his narrow minded views shall do more harm than good to the galaxy" voiced william towards the blue holographic figure of his brother.

"I'm already aware of what it has done brother. I've seen it first hand william. I've seen soldiers, stormtroopers and tie pilots operate with limited flexibility and rely too much on a larger force to defeat the enemy , the doctrine has restricted the abilities of our most elite troops and pilots. I've seen rebel star fighters, shoot down some of my best pilots , the problem obviously wasn't their skills in piloting , but their equipment and almost useless tie fighters. The rebels have better star fighters , but their pilots are mostly inexperienced compared to the regular tie pilot." Voiced Garoche as he stared at his younger brothers stoic face.

"Indeed brother, another fatal flaw of the imperial hierarchy , the grand moff and the emperor failed to see, or should I say they knew, but failed to act on improving the fighter, instead their main focus was on building the weapon…, project star dust" said william in almost a whisper.

Garoche clearly frowned at hearing project star dust , he'd seen the genocidal weapon many times as the grand moff would assign his star destroyer (The Authority) with many others as protective escort, especially after director krennic failed to improve it's defenses and security around said project , resulting in delays.

Garoche hated it. Billions if not trillions were being invested in a moon sized battle station , all those resources could be used in more promising projects or improving the economy. But no, the grand moff belived that fear of the death star's power will acquire the loyalty of vassal worlds and keep order within the galaxy, and it did the opposite when william told him it blew up alderaan killing billions ,thus making millions of people and aliens alike flocked to the side of the rebellion and thousands of imperial defections.

"Fear not brother, our plans have already begun we are moving closer towards our goal, we will prevent such atrocities from happening ; plus destroying Alderaan served no purpose than aiding the rebellion by creating sympathizers. But even so, the rebels still serve a purpose in our grand scheme of things , so outright rooting them out, will do us no good in the long run, ISB and COMPNOR needs to be distracted while we gather resources or should I say while you gather resources until I graduate from the academy" said william

"Indeed brother , the hidden sepratist vaults you informed me about, have proven to be very generous to our cause " said garoche with a smirk.

"Good, very Good . Did you find the clone commander BL-1707 on Lubang Minor? He's very experienced in warfare, having him command your stormtroopers will be a boon for you, plus the rebels would have found him in the future adding another capable soldier to their cause."

"You don't need to remind me of their skills in warfare william , for I have seen clone commanders in combat during the time of the republic ,and this clone commander knocked out 10 of my stormtroopers thankfully, before others apprehended him on Lubang Minor. It was the similarities with the armor he wore and the stormtroopers wore that prevented him from outright killing them at first sight ." Replied Garoche

"Thank goodness you have, Special individuals such as these must be recruited to our cause , their experience in different fields will provide you with far more… improved operation capabilities." muttered william in relief.

"Enough talk of scheming , tell me of your studies at the academy william , father informed me of your progress and your high test scores in the tie simulation, but I know you well enough that you'll tell father what he wants to hear." Said garoche

"Hmpf." William huffed

"I've no doubt father heard of my academic exploits so far, the damned instructors here were more like sycophantic babysitters when it came to wealthy bureaucrats or high ranking imperial officers children , the bias and corruption here ran very deep. Of course we had the same level of training as any man or women from a poor or middle class background but the opportunities and treatments weren't the same . Life isn't fair, but some of these pompous arrogant fools here at the academy can be as dum as a bantha, arrogant and vain , they are rewarded not on merit but the name they carry. I'd never interact with some of these fools, but alas, a few could prove to be useful in the future." voiced william in almost disdain

Garoche sighed in indignation, his younger brother always had a problem with socializing with bureaucrats and it seemed he hardly changed after so many strict lessons by mother and father.

"Don't get me wrong brother , I'm not a sociopath , i've made some good friends here, they are honorable men and women , who wish for a better life and a better galaxy." william added .

"That's good to hear brother, trust runs both ways ,if your comrade cannot trust you or you him, resentment will breed like a cancer and it will not end well for both in the long run." informed garcohe.


Coruscant, Imperial Palace.

At the top of the former jedi temple, now imperial palace and permanent domain of the ruler of the galactic empire . The throne room overlooked the bright bustling city of coruscant as thousands of small civilian and cargo ships passed in traffic . Sitting on the throne like a dark malevolent statue , was Emperor Palpatine. He was clothed in a pitch black silk cloak , the hood of his covering his head bald head while partially revealing a wrinkled face with yellow to almost sulphur like eyes , which peered out at the large blue image of one of his most loyal and competent officers.

"Grand moff Tarkin , how fares the death star?" the emperor asked , his voice sounding distorted and grating to the ears.

"My emperor , director krennic has resumed construction of the weapon , after experiencing some slight …delays , which I can assure you, have been dealt with ." replied Tarkin calmly yet sternly .

"Gooood, very good my friend . When the death star is complete no one will ever defy the empire anymore, they shall quiver under the might of the new order. (Starts cackling incessantly )

Now tell me my good friend , how is young william doing ? "

"He is doing very well my emperor , his academic and physical performance has shown to be extraordinary so far , captain (Tabor Seitaron) has confirmed that he has the highest scores so far in the entire academy. " the moff reported proudly as he kept his face stern and disciplined.

"Young william has shown his skills and knowledge for the Military field and I have no doubt he will be as competent and loyal as his father and elder brother, even for one so … young . " the emperor finished , a dark smile appearing on his face unbeknownst to the moff.