
Star wars: The order of god

"I won't be coming home. I will guide my post forever..." I chanted while smiling at the unsuspecting enemy. Mom, dad.... Goodbye.... Explosions can be heard from the background as the depth charges had been set off. The terran consortium Is crumbling. The mountain crackled as the planet cracker is slowly arming. The orbital shots have decimated some of the cities like New York, and Shanghai. Some cities surrender but us.. We will fight to the last man. The civilians have been kept as slaves by the invaders. How barbaric. I'm hoping some of our fellow countrymen continue the fight to the cosmos. I'm not going to let the enemy use the Earth's resources. It's our home yet they want to desecrate it? Well... They're gonna pay. Then a white flash appeared.... Suddenly I woke up to a white room. "So you are the man who destroyed his own planet to not fall to enemy Hands? I like you. Unlike the species of this hostile universe that fallen through chaos after rebelling against me god your species have not only transcended but learned mat trance. Good that you destroyed the prototypes. You do not worship chaos or fell under the alure of the enemy your species was supposed to be the solution to order I made Yet the chaos have corrupted them but you are different you are not corrupted. You did the right thing." The man said smiling at me. "What are you?" I asked. He created a chair, and made a glass of wine out of thin air. ah I've met god.. He looked exactly like what the abrahamic faiths called god. "Well I'm god and I'm here to propose you a solution. To destroy the beings who destroyed your species and made them into slaves. I propose and destroy the destruction of chaos or what the species who worships chaos the force. I'm here to offer you the job to destroy the people who desecrated your world. Im going to give you the ability to manipulate matter by your own will. You will grant order to the chaotic universe. You will be my servitor but in return you will see the people who desecrated your world die." I smiled wickedly. "I accept my Lord...." The man started laughing "Good. I shall name you Gespen the spear head. But be warned some still have the ability to manipulate chaos and worship it.. Kill them. Bring order..." I smiled. The thought of getting revenge made happy with murderous glee. "I shall my Lord." Then I woke up in some sort of city. So my revenge filled journey began...

biohazar · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 9: 82nd scouting battalion

"Today is a great day. Today will mark the crumbling of the republic. Today! We will see our fellow people be free from the Jedi! Free to choose what life we want! Free to choose to live without barbaric ways like slavery, our children taken away from us by the Jedi, and we will be free from the neglect of the people! Today we will burn the republic down! Today will operation Tunguska begin! 5 swarms of hollowed astroids (Fitted with point defense weapons, and a psych space drive/helljump engine.) numbering in the hundreds just in one swarm alone will hit republic industrial worlds. In just two hours one will make landfall to a clone manufacturing world. We will cripple the republic, and we will force them to leave us alone! Today will be a great day! Battle group sword of terra is leaving in an hour. Say goodbye to your families. We are not sure of some of you will see your families again. I can't make sure all of you will live. I'll do my best to lessen our casualties. But today! Today will mark our freedom from the republic! DO YOU AGREE SOLDIERS!" I said over the speakers in one of the military universities. Some were new recruits. They were trained with simulations with faster perception 5000x more than normal perception all of them saw their fellow recruits die in the simulations. They were tried in digital fire that also simulated pain. It's only like a burn but it doesn't do anything to the body but enhance the pain tolerance, and increase reflex speed. The thing is that gestalt parts are hard to manufacture. But even with my help it will still take one and a half days for one unit to be built by 20 people. It would make 3 days to make one army Corp. A few thousands are being built as we speak but it still wouldn't do. Scouts say that the separatists are attacking a republic core world. It's better to strike now than wait for a few days. What if the separatists are decimated. From the schematics of their weapons it's rather shitty engineering. Some guy in a shed could do better than them. Heck I've seen much better schematics for tanks, planes, and fortification schematics from rookies. So that's why we allowed volunteers to join the gestalt army. They had been given implants for communication, and was getting the hang of the 82 recon battalion. We are an aggresive scouting force our job is to do as much damage to the enemy as can possibly deal with guerrilla tactics with little casualties of our own. All we do is risk. It's either take the initiative or risk the failure of the operation. "HURRRRAAAAHHH!" Said the new recruits numbering 2000+ strong. That maybe little but considering guerrilla tactics is based on fighting outnumbered 10 to 1 yeah it's better than fighting head first to enemy plasma fire. I then pulled out my sword, and pointed at the skies as a few multirole fighters flew above me.

"We will free our brethren from the filthy republic. For us! For our families, for our comrades, and for our freedoms!" "For today we will make the republic crumble under it's knees! We will never surrender to the republic nor the Jedi who kidnaps kids to join their cult. We will free the children from the dirty hands of the Jedi! Thousands of children kidnapped from their parents, and never let them see their families ever again. The Jedi is a scourge who play as some sort of hero. How pathetic. They can't even see their fallacies! Even I a broken man who even caused an extinction level event on humanity's cradle can see my deeds. Am I no saint. I am just a vengeful man. I do not care for who died because of my wrath. I'm a broken man filled with grief, and anger. I murdered thousands of civilians under my unrelenting, and unquenchable anger. I accept the burden. You may call me a murderer, a sociopath, or even a genocidal maniac. I'm okay with that. As long as I get my revenge, and see the council burn down I'm fine with the consequences." I said to the recruits. I then created a shot of beer, and mixed it with tequila. I then sipped it. The recruits look at me with judging eyes. I smiled at them, and sighed. I'm just a man who was broken with grief, and anger. I just want my revenge. No matter who died on the republic's side. As long as the republic burned down I'm fine with the death of enemy soldiers. After all. In the military you don't need pitty. You need to kill or be killed. It's either fight or be subdued. Pitty can get you killed. It's dog vs dog. I wouldn't want to die before I can see my work can be done.

"Ready your goodbyes men. Dismissed." Everyone smiled with a solemn smile. They know that anyone will die in this war. If we don't stop this bloody war, and end the republic is one swoop billions of exploited people will die just for the greed of the republic's bureaucrats. I've seen my species enslaved, beaten to death, and even killed after getting beaten up so bad that the attackers hand started to bleed and shot him because it would be easier. I don't want to see that again. Thousands of planets exploited for the core world's continued prosperity. Billion probably trillions starve to death just so they could free themselves from the hell hole that the republic exploited. "Citizenship is a heavy burden. Service brings citizenship - terran consortium motto. Extende in astra, et pugna pro affectibus tuis. (Translation: Reach for the stars, and fight for your aspirations.)" I smiled at the rebuilding of the planet. I saw children playing in the streets free, and happy. It made me smile as happy children weren't living as slaves, and slaughtered by the thousands. I've seen it in titan a moon of Jupiter. I've seen children slaughtered by the chiss, and their allies numbering in the hundreds hugging each other. The filthy republic watched as our citizens were slaughtered in the thousands. Those who didn't surrender to slavery were shot, and slaughtered. Unarmed civilians not wanting to be enslaved died because of simple economics, resources, and hated us for just our ability to adapt to different ecosystems. We were seen as freaks, and barbarian primitives just because our ways of warfare, and technology. They outnumbered us 20 - 1 in ships. First we were winning but later we suffered from attrition from the superior firepower, and numbers. We were too refined with morals that we were so naive that the enemy wouldn't kill civilians, and not use weapons that cause so much pain, and suffering. We had to resort to use nuclear weapons just to fight against their overwhelming numbers, and firepower. The nukes worked for a while until they invaded our 2nd Dyson sphere near the frontlines. They hit us with an entire armada. We fought bravely but lost due to overwhelming numbers, and Geneva accords breaking plasma weapons, and destroyed said Dyson sphere. They Dyson sphere was an important manufacturing hub near the frontlines. It had made millions of nuclear ammunition, a few dozen fighters, and half a dozen frigates a month. They surpassed our manufacturing capabilities, and was superior due to the whole slavery thing since slave work is free, manufacturing costs were basically cheaper than ours, and there isn't compensation for slavery. So yeah we had been back into a corner. They started the hostilities. Now they pay the consequences.

2 ½ hours later....

The kamikaze asteroid attack has begun. Hundreds of small asteroid hit industrial cities decimating a kilometer of land. Hundreds of cities destroyed by asteroids with stealth systems, and hell jump drives attached to them. The great crusade has begun. For thy lord's order. Thy will be done. For thy god's grace. Deus vult.

Thousands of soldiers disembarked from the HMS Bismarck, and the light frigates that were winged hussars class. Ships tried to intercept our dropships but we're decimated by the gau 15 light gas coil canon. A mix between light gas canons that can fire sabots with over mach 6 speeds that was built before the first railgun that can surpass the speed of a rocket that led us to the moon. Thousands of miniatures coilgun fin stabilized sabots were ejected in 30 seconds Obliterating the shields like swiss cheese. "Ready men." I said over the comms. "Ready...." The troops said over the communication channels with anxiety.

We dropped from the stratosphere to the ground. In the distance we saw trenches, artillery emplacements, and military bases. I check the map if where were we.

"Oh... We're near a military stronghold." I said over my breath, and smiled as I created a dagger with a chain stuck to it made with metals that can't be melted with plasma within a few seconds. It would need to be with materials that can survive being dipped plasma for a few hours. I put it into my weapons belt, and pulled out the old trusty mosin. I checked the surroundings if they had some landmines near the stronghold. I checked the EM spectrum, and saw that there was a specific area that wasn't filled with landmines. "Ready your stealth suits. Follow the arrows that you see in your huds. It's the direction where we are going." I said whispering. I smirked at the idea of my sweet sweet revenge. After all. After a few thousands of years they were so barbaric, and lacked the taste for innovation. Wealthy people in the republic abused their slavery. Jesus Christ. They're even worst that me. And that's saying something. I wouldn't even extend the suffering of my enemies. I would've killed them with no hesitation. But them. Oh boy. It's probably worse than my warcrimes. They enjoyed the suffering of their employees. Abusing them for their sadistic fun. A tens of thousands of slaves of their former owners now turned citizens were put into a mental ward to be healed from PTSD. Some were server enough that if you raise your hand they will curl into a ball, and sob. Yeah I'm not that sadistic. I wouldn't do that to anyone except for the bureaucrats who allowed us to be enslaved. I would've love to see what their faces would like if I played Russian roulette with them. I would force them to play Russian roulette but if they were incapacitated by the bullet stuck into it's head. I wouldn't even try to revive them to be in a vegetative state until they die. We walked into the stronghold gate, and waited for an enemy vehicle entering the stronghold. I smiled as I saw a few republic troops riding an APC. I pulled the pin of a fusion grenade with a 70 meter explosion caused by miniaturized nuclear explosion, and tossed the grenade at the incoming APC into the compound. It would explode in just ten seconds from now. We entered while the gate was open. "9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1."

A large explosion caused by the fusion grenade that blew up a few dozen soldiers. I smiled as hundreds of bullet fire came from us, and attacked all the surrounding soldiers. Corpses littered the ground as a chaos sew through the ranks. Soldiers we're slaughtered as bullets pierced through their armor. The enemy forces tried to fight back but they didn't even see us. The enemy HUD's were compromised as nanites began crawling out of our suits. The nanites ate the dead corpses, and turned them into ash. Enemy soldiers began screaming as nanites entered their suits, and ate their skin slowly as their skin were turning red, and bled. After a few seconds after the screaming died out as the nanites attacked their hearts, and destroying them. It maybe a bad moral action but these are the lives of my men. Men who choose to serve under me. Those people no those mockery of human like soldiers are people who have been indoctrinated, and would keel over in just ten years because of the unethical cloning. If they didn't follow the orders of the republic they would die from the republic forces. The republic sickens me. Their clones seen as canon fodder, and wouldn't even care about the drones who died. They didn't even put memorials for them. Nameless soldier who've been left to be forgotten. Just like the consortium. Left to be forgotten under the ashes, and glass. After the nanites were done with their mission the remaining armor was left intact, and was opened up to see what were the names of those who died here. I made the nanites write the names of the soldiers onto my large stone tablet that I made with my powers given to me as a servitor of god. In remembrance of the dead who died here.

Most of the soldiers who died didn't have a name but just designations. How sick... May god forgive them for what they tried to protect. I'm here for my crusade. For the justice of the people who died because of this republic. People who've been traumatized from the sickening people from the republic. I then prepared the flag of the gestalts, and put it into the flag pole that once flew the republic banner. Now it's the banner of the terran gestalt. A banner of people holding swords fighting for their beliefs, and freedom. I do not wish to make a utopia for it is just ineffective. People wouldn't do anything if you create a perfect world they would've just stagnate, and wait until the universe dies. I want people trying out innovations explore the stars just like we used to. Before the chiss invaded us. We only wanted a new life into the stars. We wouldn't want bloodshed. We wanted hardships, and improve ourselves not shed blood throughout the stars. We wanted to escape what we once were. We once create a utopia on a planet because we wanted to test out what would happen. We saw was disgusting. People became more, and more dependent of the government, people never wanted to strived for more, and stagnated. After a few decades a riot was made because people couldn't do anything they considered as fun such as depravities because they were bored of the usual stuff. It sickened me. The planet was lost as unlawfulness were spreading as slavery, and other depravities happened such as genocides of those who they see as undesirable such those who didn't share the same belief as them. People needed hardship to create a functioning orderly society. It's through our common hardship that we flourished. We cracked down on those who violated other's right to be free. We armed those who are defenseless, and they people who were defenseless created a society built by common hardships. They were free to govern. They strived to be better, flew through the stars, and joined the consortium again. We wanted to be free from our past. To not be haunted by our history. But it's naive of us to think the stars were a way out of blood shed.

I burned down the republic flag, and watched the nanites come back to the canisters inside our suits to make more bullets out of atoms from the air. Heck you could even make ammunition made from nitroglycerin or nitrocellulose. With the nanites ability to chance atoms due to its size it's fairly easy to create ammunition but it's hard to create gestalts due to the whole complicated parts needed by the main processing unit back In project Thanatos main intelligence housing unit having every backup of every gestalt mind. Although you killed the shell it's still alive since it has backups. You could quite literally save prescious tacticians from getting lost, and needed to be replaced due to the backups of data from the main housing unit. It's basically having Erwin Rommel forever even if his body dies his intellect is still available to be used.

Suddenly I saw fighters flew by the base and currently having a dogfight between republic forces, and gestalt forces. I saw a few gestalts controlled aircraft trying to intercept a few republic dropships coming right into us. Luckily they shot it down. The a few dropships crash landed near us. We then activated out stealth systems. "Weapons free." I said over the battalion channel. Bullets, and grenades came raining down to the fallen aircraft. All of them were destroyed yet one still survive by unknown means. I pulled out the chain with a dagger stuck to it, and slashed at the broken aircraft with help from my augments. I used to play medieval, and combat simulator vr games, and my favorite weapon was the rope darts. It was easy to use. Plus it was a way to disarm an enemy with just a simple trick. It was just like a laso, and you could wrap the enemy's sword with the chains, and pull it to disarm, and harm enemies. I wonder if it would work against a jedi?

Suddenly a plasma sword began sticking out the fallen dropship. I smiled as I readied for a swing at the neck possibly choking him like he was trying to kill himself trying to get away from the chain. The Jedi looked like some sort of xeno I hadn't seen before. Attack first ask questions later.

I attacked the Jedi first by slinging the chain, and dagger into his hands planning to disarm him, and possibly interrogating him later. The other soldiers began shooting at the Jedi but he stopped them with the plasma sword he was holding. He tried to block my attack but he fell into a trap. His weapon was tangled into the chains made out of tungsten. Tungsten is the most common metal that can survive a few hits from plasma blasters, and plasma weaponry in our research back when the consortium was still a thing. I then pulled it into my side taking away his only way of protecting himself. I was in disbelief as I tried to pull it but some space magic fuckery was happening. The guy tried to pull the sword back to him with telekinesis. "Fight me like a man coward!" Said the cocky Jedi. I smiled and told him with a deadpan expression. "You call me a coward? Hah! You don't know a thing! You allow people to be enslaved by your institutions! You traumatized them for your own sadistic wants. You call me a coward? If I was a coward I would've ran, and tossed a lot of grenades at you. You allowed your elders to consolidate power, and not do any of you duties as a public servant. You allowed people to take away unknowing children to be traumatized, and get mentally unstable! You call me a coward. If I'm a coward I'm going to call you a hypocrite!" I then hand signalled to deploy the nanites. I then began spewing out swarms of black ant looking nanites. The Jedi tried to fight back against the incoming nanites swarm trying to eat him. While he was distracted with the swarm I targeted his neck, and slinged the chains into his neck. The Dart hit his windpipe killing him immediately. I smiled, and pulled out the sword that was sheathed. I then decapitated the Jedi scum who allowed children to be kidnapped from their parents who doesn't even know anything that causing emotional instabilities. Jesus Christ the more I think about these guys suffering I get remembered that these guys are assholes. Even in their modern time their morals are shit compared to the old human morals. Yet they dare to lecture us about morals. How pathetic. The soldiers looked at me with happiness as they survived their first attack.

To be continued....