
Star Wars the Old Republic. The tale of Satele Shan.

During some time during the Old Republic. Satele Shan, Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi, Zaalbar, Mission, Juhani, Jolee Bindo, TM-3, and Hk-47. Travel around the galaxy finding the Star Maps in able to find the Star Forge. That the Jedi Council had sent her on. But what happens when Satele finds what that she is Darth Revan the true Sith Lord of the Sith instead of Darth Malak. Will she remain true and loyal to her friends? Or will she become the Dark Lord once more, joining Bastila Shan on the dark side? I know that Revan is originally a Male. But I loved playing the Old Republic as a female character. And I loved the romance between the female Revan and Carth Onasi. So that is what my story is about. A romance between Satele Shan aka Darth Revan and Carth Onasi. But what happens when Satele Shan joins her older sister Bastila Shan on the dark side and becomes Darth Revan once more. Will she remain true to the dark or will she find redemption once more.

TravisLaRowe23G · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

(You will never stand alone. )

Chapter four:

(Malak says to Revan. = You belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone. )

I would say enjoy, but, well.

She's not evil.

She's not evil.

She's not evil. She knows that. At least, she's pretty sure she knows that.

Pretty sure it's not enough to bring him back.

She takes a deep breath and boxes it all in. She's not evil. None of them understood. And they were the ones who tried to kill her.

You should have run, she thinks with a small pang that marks the beginning of regret, and then she stamps it down. She made her choice. They all did.

But she's the one who has to live with the consequences.

It doesn't matter, she tells herself. They're dead, and he is gone, and now all that's left is her and the galaxy.

Her, and the galaxy, and her best friend and older sister and new Sith apprentice Bastila Shan.

As they both killed Jolee Bindo who uses a green lightsaber and uses Shii-Cho the first lightsaber form the wild and raw lightsaber form in order to disarm his opponents, and Juhani used Makashi the second lightsaber form that was both offensive and defensive, using her blue lightsaber.

And Satele used Ataru the fourth lightsaber form and the most aggressive form, using her red and purple lightsabers to attack her opponents. Ataru was also used by Jedi Grand Master Yoda and Jedi Master Qui- Gon Jinn, Obi- Wan's old Master. And Bastila used Juyo the seventh lightsaber form the second most aggressive form, using her double red lightsaber. That was given to her by Darth Malak her old Master before she became Satele's apprentice. Juyo was also used by Jedi Master Mace Windu.

As the four continued to fight, Satele and Bastila quickly changed their tactics now using the Force to strike down their opponents. Satele used Force Drain to drain the life out of Jolee Bindo the old Jedi Master killing him instantly. And Bastila used Force Lightning to kill Juhani the Jedi Knight.

At the Ebon Hawk Satele used Jedi Mind Trick on Zaalbar the Wookie to make him kill his sixteen year old friend Mission the female Twi'lek.

All who was left alive was Canderous the Mandalorian, Hk-47, and TM-3, and Zaalbar the Wookie.

As Carth Onasi ran away.

She knows they can't destroy the Star Forge. If Bastila her older sister thinks that they are serving the dark side, taking over the galaxy, whatever she thinks they are doing, then so be it. Let her think's what she wants.