
Star Wars the old republic: A Walker story.

What if there was another born thousands of years before the great prophecy that had the potential that the chosen one had?

TrapcardD · Video Games
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17 Chs


With Galen and Kira's help, T7 and I managed to slip into the Merchant Guild's territory without much pushback.

" I knew those guys still sucked." I spoke.

" Jacen = Improved." T7 spoke.

" Thanks, Buddy. I try." I told the droid. " Now, something tells me our friend Vistis, is just through this door. I raised my saber and stuck it into the control panel keeping the blast doors closed. The doors opened and Vistis jumped. " VISTIS!!!"

" Jacen?" Vistis spoke.

" Long time no see pal. How've ya been?" I asked.

" I told you the next time I saw you, I'd kill you." Vistis spoke. He pressed a button and turrets came out of the floor.

" Well, that's just rude." I spoke coyly. I reached out and used the force to crush the two small turrets and grabbed Vistis and lifted him the air and pulled him towards me. I knocked his blaster out of his hand and then slammed the Rodian on the floor.

" AHHHH! Okay! OKAY! You win! I surrender. Please just stop hurting me." Vistis begged.

" You're done fighting?" I asked.

" Yes." Vistis replied.

" And you're gonna tell me everything I want to know?" I asked again.

" YES!" Vistis shouted in pain.

I eased up on the pressure that was crushing him and smiled. " Good." I told the man. " Now, Vistis I want-" Just as I was speaking my holo communicator went off. " Excuse me Vistis, one second." I told the man. I then answered the call and Galen appeared in a hurry.

" Jedi, get the stolen design files and hurry back. We've had a security breach." Galen exclaimed.

" What?! How? What happened?" I asked in disbelief.

" This holo-channel isn't secure, I'll brief you at the tower. Galen out." Galen replied.

" Wait, Jacen, you're after the files I lifted?" Vistis asked, shocking me.

" Wow! Vistis you actually stole those files?" I asked the man. " Dude, you are the dumbest bastard I have ever met. Do you know what you stole? Now, you need to tell me who you gave them too or I can't promise what'll happen to you."

" Wait, Jace. Come on, you want the people who hired me? I'll tell you just let me go man." Vistis asked.

" Give me the files and every copy you have, and I will let you go. But the clock is ticking and I'm a busy man." I explained. " Oh, and Vistis. Lie to me and you won't have to worry about jail ever again. Because you'll see experience firsthand what happens when a Rodian is dropped from a taxi to the lower levels.

" Black sun hired me. Them and the guild are rival syndicates. But I work both sides. My deal was to use the guild's slicer to decrypt the data files and then transmit a copy to the black suns." Vistis explained.

" The Merchants have grown brazen. And stupid. And you Vistis should know better than to deal with the Black Suns. But at least I know where I'm heading next. After I return to the tower that is. Nice doing business with you again Vistis. Oh, and you mention a word of what happened here to anyone, and I'll come back and well... You know. Take care buddy." I told the man. Me and T7 then strode out of the Merchant Guild's base and began making our way back to the Senate tower.

" Jacen + Master Zallow = Scary" T7 spoke.

" I learned from the best. And don't worry buddy. You'll never be on the receiving end of one of those." I told my friend he beeped happily, and we both began our race back to the tower.

When we arrived, I met with Galen who seemed to be miffed.

" Agent, I got the files, but the weapons were gone." I told the man

Galen took the files and called for another agent. " Cran! Run a full diagnostic, find out what was on these files." Galen order.

Cran nodded and took the encrypted files away.

" Now, what made you call me in such a hurry?" I asked.

" Kidnappers broke in and took Doctor Tarnis." Galen explained.

" What? How? This is the most secure building on the planet, and I told you to keep an eye on the Doctor." I all but shouted at the man.

" The guards never stood a chance. Whoever the kidnappers were, they knew where to hit us. Kira, led a security team in pursuit but the kidnappers split up during the chase." Galen explained. " Hang on, signal coming in." He raised his holo and Kira appeared.

" Agent Galen, I've got these creeps pinned down but they won't surrender." Kira explained.

" Padawan Kira = in danger // Jedi + T7 = Must help" T7 spoke.

" Don't know how long I can hold them." Kira spoke.

" Hang on tight, the cavalry is on its way." I told the girl. " Galen, quick where did the signal come from?"

" The signal came from the spaceport. The kidnappers may be trying to take Tarnis off world." Galen explained.

" Not on my watch. Come on T7 it's time to cause a little mayhem, the Skywalker way." With T7 by my side I rushed towards the nearest Taxi vendor to get to spaceport and hep Kira. " I only hope, I make it in time!"