
star wars: the musical

earth dude brings music to star wars -first book I've ever made-

Nightburned22 · TV
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8 Chs


"you will be presented 5 gift spins when you are ready young Tatsuki, so any questions before we begin" the young man was suddenly very confused and hesitantly told the  god he got his name wrong, the young man felt an overwhelming pressure go through his mind.

The god sighs realising he got the wrong one... again. "what was your name" the god asked trying to play it off as though he made a mistake with his name and not that he killed the wrong person.

the man looked at the god who was now averting his gaze while sweat dripped down his face. "my name is Alex" the smaller man stated

"of course Alex now let us begin" the god quickly changed the subject and started to show the roulette wheels". "you shall be going to the world of star wars where you can live as you want" Alex looked confused "but star wars is fiction its not real" the god started laughing "did you even listen to what i said i am the god of fiction so of course its real and waiting for you to explore and enjoy as you please, now young Alex spin the first wheel" Alex smiled and started his first spin.








the wheel kept spinning and spinning for what seemed like hours, as the wheel started to slow the arrow went over , Immortal dragon cultivation, caped baldys limit breaker , masterchief gear finally landing on  an epic item ,Beskar BD unit with a dimensional storage ability. Alex remembered the Cal kestis bd unit and was very happy with his first spin especially because it was made of Beskar so even if Alex is weak bd will protect him, a second wheel quickly replaced the first and Alex span it. 

As the second wheel stopped Alex was excited as it was mythic until he read what it was voice mastery skill, Alex was confused because it was supposed to be mythic but it sounds rubbish so he decided to read the description. 

voice mastery skill- ability to change or mimic any voice in memory no matter the gender- perfect for any budding singers. Alex was kind of bummed so moved on to the third wheel, he spins the wheel and it stops on purple. music prodigy which would help him master any music - Alex was starting to get annoyed when thought these wheels might not be so random as it seems like they want him to go to a universe filled with war and play music, however Alex came up with a good idea to become rich and famous he would plagiarise earth music in star wars and become a celebrity, and maybe help a few people along the way.

  Alex who was now very happy decided to spin the fourth wheel and it landed on a purple but the image was just a bunch of tickets checking the description he was very happy. 6 force mastery tickets- tickets can be used to buy and gain complete mastery over a force power. Alex happily celebrated until he realized he couldn't use the force however as if sensing his thoughts the god decided to tell him about the fifth and final wheel. "don't fret young one the final wheel will give you a random number of midi-chlorians" Alex calmed down and started spinning the wheel as it slowed down it seemed it was going to stop on 1000 midi-chlorians Alex was very nervous however it kept going and landed on 31,000 midi-chlorians Alex was over the moon and started celebrating until god coughed and said "finally you will chose your race and appearance. Alex was very happy as he wasn't exactly a good looking bloke.

"I would like to be human as it would be very confusing to be a different species and i want to look like Gojo satoru and i want to be 17yrs old". god paused for a minute and said done good luck " Alex blacked out when he woke up he noticed he was in area he recognised from the clone wars show the famous79s