
star wars: the musical

earth dude brings music to star wars -first book I've ever made-

Nightburned22 · TV
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8 Chs


As Alex slowly turned around he realised that he had just interrupted an episode of the clone wars, and that he had just sent Ahsoka tano through a wall. before he has a chance to explain himself an angry Ahsoka came back through the wall and was about to give Alex a piece of her mind but realised that bannamu had disappeared. "why did you help him escape, do you know he stole from a Jedi" she asked angrily. before Alex could respond the elder Jedi put his lightsabre away. "i believe we should let him speak for himself before we start throwing accusations especially since he used the force " says master sinue. wait your a Jedi Ahsoka asks at which Alex laughs.

"First off no i am not a Jedi i just like to dabble in the force, and i am sorry for attacking you as i believed you were attacking that man for no reason, clearly i misjudged the situation". Alex decided since he had accidently let the alien escape he would need to fix the this as he was not ready to mess with the plot yet. Alex suddenly grabbed his head and pretended he was having a vision "you are looking for a lost lightsabre" Alex states shocking the pair "i am seeing that it has fallen into dangerous hands ,someone by the name of nack movers who has gone to his girlfriends apartment you should hurry after him as you don't have long" Alex sits down while breathing heavily to fake having a vision. the old Jedi looks curiously over Alex and asks "how do we know your not lying" Alex quickly thinks of a lie "because in these visions i also heard your names Padawan tano and master sinue" the old Jedi believed that the young man was stating the truth but before leaving asks Alex who he was as he would like to look into him later as he could use the force and wanted to get the councils advice before confronting the young man" 

"my name.. o umm its Alex Ragnar " the older Jedi nodded and started to leave but before leaving he told him he would be seeing him again soon.

Alex waited for them to leave before slowly peaking out, realising the coast was clear he picked up the door of the floor and rested against the doorway than rushed back into his room.once in his room he decided to look at his lightsabers, so Oreo gave them to him and he got into a stance and ignited the two lightsabers, he was pleasantly surprised to see they were both purple as purple was more of a mix between the light and dark side.

Putting the lightsabers away he sat on his bed and decided to meditate after awhile he started to feel everything not just on corrucant but the universe, trillions of different voices and languages started to overwhelm him so he decided to push the voices away and go to sleep.

Early in the morning little Oreo decided to wake Alex up by jumping on his chest, Alex instantly woke up and started having a go at the little droid but stopped when he saw that oreo was projecting a new task for him which read.

-new task choose difficulty higher the difficulty the better the reward-

The choices were easy ,medium ,hard and insane. Alex decided to test his luck and chose insane but regretted it instantly.

-New task make a Jedi angry-

Alex started to think what he could do but the Jedi were way too peaceful and calm the only few that would get angry would be too difficult to find it's not like their just going to show up out of nowhere, seeing that their was no time limit he decided he was first going to go get breakfast before thinking on how he would accomplish the task.

He decided that looking for one would not work he'd just get lost again so he asked Oreo look for somewhere to go a couple seconds later Oreo ran out the door and Alex followed after.