
Star Wars: The Last Asari

In the end, the mass relays exploded, I was caught mid-jump, awakening on a planet I had never seen before, feeling powers I didn't have before flowing through me. I only hope the Goddess has not forsaken me. The image doesn't belong to me, if you want it taken down, please message me.

TheFallenAngel01 ¡ Movies
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2 Chs

Origins (1/2)

<???'s Pov>

"That is one of the many futures you could have in this new universe, all you need to do is accept my pact, allow me to watch the universe through your eyes. In return, I will give you powers beyond what a normal Asari capable of, powers even your Goddess would dream of having."

A giant Human woman said as she stared down at my battered and bruised body. I bet you wondering how I got here right?

Well, my name is Morta, named after an Ancient Human Goddess of Death, my first Mothers doing.

I was born from a union between an Asari and a Human female, being a half-blood got me a lot of shit growing up, especially in the military academies however results speak for themselves, my biotics? Top grade, reaction times? Better than the synthetic Geth, the only questionable thing about me was my mentality, I have always been happier to kill my target than arrest them, believing that removing the threat completely is more efficient than giving them a chance at redemption.

That line of thinking resulted in me being moved to the Justicar branch of the military rather than the commandos like I had hoped, being a supercharged, diplomatically immune assassin did have its benefits, however, there were downsides, it was a lonely life. Life was interesting for a time, doing hits for the Asari government was fun, my favourite of the lot was a hit on a hostile Krogan Warlord.

The warlord in question was at least 7 feet in height while I'm an average 5ft 11, the size difference made him think he was invincible after all, Krogan strong. What he didn't expect was that my blade was laced with an extremely strong toxin designed specifically to kill Krogans, sound familiar? It was a more extreme strand of the genophage that I had borrowed from some Salarin scientist name Moridin.

Anyway, after a long and gruelling fight with Biotics and Gunfire, I had eliminated all of his guards, walking towards him with a tired body, he managed to overpower me with his strength, that was part of the plan, however, as he lifted me to crush my windpipe, I used the biotic ability pull, to launch my poison coloured blade right through his gut, leaving a massive hole, the look on his resonates with me even now.

A look mixed with fear and confusion, just the thought of it is enough to get me going, anyway should stop monologuing and address the 'Goddess' in front of me.

"What is this force? Who are the Jedi and Sith and what is Ep? I refuse to but there without a satisfying explanation."

The 'Goddess' smiled, "The Jedi and Sith are wastes of space that believe that their old Ideals are the way the Galaxy should be run, I tried to tell them that it was a waste of time but they continued with their stupid practices. As for the force? A power not too different from Biotics however unlike Biotics, it is alive in some aspects, connecting and influencing countless living beings. Using the force I ascended to Goodhood but at a Cost, now I'm trapped here, in this void between universes, unable to actually do anything, fun right?"

The 'Goddess' leaned down to meet me at eye level, "Ep is entertainment points, I have been here for thousands of years, watching the same show play out over and over and over. Sith kills Jedi, Jedi kill Sith and the process repeats. Slight variations happen sure but the story is still the same, I will grant you a system, an A.i if you will that will grant you things created through my divinity, the more you entertain me, the more you can buy, be that upgrades to your power, weapons, ammo, living beings. I can create it all but at a cost, equivalent change is how my powers work. A mess I know, not what I planned out all those years ago."

I pull the cheeks of the 'Goddess' as I take a step back, "What happens if I reject this deal of yours?"

The 'Goddess' laughed, a deep echoing cackle rang out through the void, then you my dear, will be trapped here with me until the end of time. Well until you die, then I will revive you, awfully boring this void like being."

Walking back into my ship, I shouted "I accept."

The 'Goddess' laughed, "Then you shall fall."

"What do you-"

Before I could finish my sentence my ship was sent hurtling towards a snowy planet, this is going to fucking hurt...

The Goddess in this chapter is actually a legends Character in Star Wars, they have achieved what they always wanted but at a cost, the cost of not being able to directly intervene in the universe anymore. Any guesses as to who it is?

Thanks for reading and cya soon.

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