
Star Wars: The Jedi Oath

In the oppressive reign of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader relentlessly hunts down the remaining Jedi, with Cal Kestis and Zane Kryze emerging as formidable adversaries. Cal, haunted by his past as a Jedi, seeks redemption while Zane, a Mandalorian turned Jedi, harbors a burning desire for revenge against Vader. Forming an unlikely alliance, they navigate a galaxy shrouded in darkness, confronting their own demons along the way. ————— This story is set in the same fan fic universe as “Star Wars: Omen of the Force” by MrGoldStar.

Nitrous · Movies
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The Fallen Angel

Following the order of the deceitful Palpatine, the clones attacked the jedi, commencing Order 66. Meanwhile, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Senator Padmé Amidala track down Skywalker in order to confront him on the lava planet of Mustafar.

Padmé's heart felt like a leaden weight in her chest as she held a trembling hand over her head, seeking refuge from the turmoil within. Around them, the world seemed to crumble, the fiery lava painting a stark backdrop to the anguish in her soul. Anakin's presence on the landing deck stirred a mixture of relief and dread within her. As she ran out to him, her embrace was tight, a desperate attempt to hold onto the fragments of a love slipping away like grains of sand through her fingers.

"I saw your ship," Anakin's words broke through the chaotic scene, but Padmé could sense the shadow that had consumed his once vibrant spirit.

They held one another as Anakin continued speaking, "what are you doing out here?"

"I was so worried about you," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper amidst the deafening roar of destruction around them.

Padme's voice cut through the clamor like a whisper in a hurricane. Her words hung heavy in the air, a desperate plea tinged with uncertainty.

"Obi-Wan told me terrible things," she confessed, her voice barely audible over the roar of destruction that engulfed them. Each syllable carried the weight of a world crumbling, the truth too bitter to bear.

But Anakin's response carried no reassurance, no comfort. Instead, his question hung in the air like a specter of betrayal. "What things?"

Padmé brushed her hands across his arms. "He said… you've turned to the dark side." She took a deep breath, continuing as Anakin strayed away from her eyes, "that you… killed younglings." She gritted her teeth. She was silently pleading that Anakin, her lover, would respond and say it wouldn't be true.

However, Anakin glanced back up again. His tone was desperate, yet frustrated. "Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me."

"He cares about us."


She looked sympathetic as her eyes gleamed with sorrow. "He knows. He wants to help us."

Anakin smirked, as if he had heard a joke. She didn't know how to feel about that, her sense of fear only heightened. "All I want is your love," she pleaded, her voice tinged with sorrow as she reached out to him, grasping for a lifeline in the abyss of his darkness.

Something about that word nearly ticked Anakin off. More precisely, he was already a ticking-time bomb, but he suppressed it, saying, "love won't save you, Padmé. Only my new powers will."

"At what cost?" She replied, lowering her neck to look deeper in his eyes. "You're a good person," she begged, "don't do this."

Anakin's resolve was unyielding, his belief in his newfound power a damning testament to the depths of his fall. And with each word, Padmé felt the chasm between them widen, swallowing her hopes and dreams whole.

Anakin shook his head. "I won't lose you the way I lost my mother. I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi ever dreamed of. And I'm doing it for you. To protect you."

Those words sunk a dagger in her heart. Although, it nearly pierced, for she had yet to be completely hopeless. 

Her shoulders dipped as she shuffled her feet. She struggled to find her words, but soon did. "Come away with me." She rubbed her hands across the sides of his head. "Help me raise our child. Leave everything else behind while we still can."

The two put their heads together. "Don't you see?" Anakin wondered, continuing, "we don't have to run away anymore." He gestured to the side, "I have brought peace to the republic. I am more powerful than the chancellor." His head was starting to get filled with ideas. He was hesitant, but said, "I-I can overthrow him."

Padmé began to cautiously step back, slowly. Her eyes changed, as if she didn't know the man before her as he continued to spout what she considered nonsense. "And together, you and I can rule the galaxy… make things the way we want them to be."

"I don't believe what I'm hearing." She huffed, eyes beginning to tear up, "Obi-Wan was right." And with a heavy heart, she enunciated, "you've changed."

Anakin momentarily bit on his lips, immense hatred filling his eyes. "I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me."

Her voice cracked, "I don't know you anymore," she said, lips shivering, "Anakin, you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I can't follow."

Anakin's face was unchanged. "Because of Obi-Wan?"

"Because of what you've done. What you plan to do." She couldn't remain still, body swerving back and forth, unlike Anakin. "Stop! Stop now! Come back!"

She began to pour the blood of her heart out, but the man Anakin deemed a traitor appeared before him. Like a superhero, Obi-Wan stood within the ship.

"I love you!!"


Padmé gasped, turning her attention to the side, noticing Obi-Wan too. The Jedi Master walked out from the ship.

"No!" Padmé exclaimed, trying to make her lover understand.

But it was too late.

And that was the last straw.

"You're with him!" Anakin's voice was filled with venom, "you brought him here… to kill me!" He walked up to her, opened his hand up, and sent his arm upwards. Padmé began to caress her neck as she choked. She tried to speak, only managing to utter his name.

"Let her go, Anakin." Obi-Wan ordered. "Let. Her. Go."

And so, he did, succumbing her to sleep.

"You turned her against me!"

"You have done that yourself."

Anakin tossed his robe to the ground, pacing back and forth. "You will not take her from me!"

Obi-Wan followed suit, taking his robe off as well. "Your anger and your lust for power have already done that." He began walking around Anakin, "you have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind… until now, you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."

"Don't lecture me Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do."

Anakin turned away as Obi-Wan carefully checked Padmé's pulse. She was alive, barely.

"I have brought peace… freedom, justice, and security to my new empire."

"Your new empire?"

"Don't make me kill you."

"Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!"

"If you're not with me… then you're my enemy."

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Obi-Wan lamented. He grabbed his lightsaber, "I will do what I must."

"You will try."


Anakin flipped, and they began their duel.

As their lightsabers met, a thunderous cacophony echoed throughout the air. Energy cracked throughout the air. They passed by Padmé's body as the two continued to both attack and block.

Obi-Wan twisted his body, the both of them still traversing away, and blocked his back. He spun off one foot, sending Anakin a bit off balance.

However, Anakin Skywalker wasn't considered one of the best Jedi for no reason. He regained himself, and they pushed each other's lightsabers onto one another.

Anakin pushed left, Obi-Wan pushed right, and eventually they both sent theirs into the air. 

Before Obi-Wan realized it, he was at an edge, nearly falling off into the volcano. He thrusted upwards, causing some space as he got out of there.

Anakin kicked Obi-Wan, forcing him to do a backflip, landing on his feet.

Attacking once more, Anakin led them into a hallway of sorts, lights illuminated all across it. Their lightsabers cut through the walls, and soon, they were in a control room.

In the chaos of the control room, the clash of lightsabers echoed like thunder, each strike a testament to the bitter rivalry that had engulfed them both.

Obi-Wan's resolve remained steadfast even as he felt the pressure of Anakin's relentless assault pushing him back. Amidst the swirling melee, he silenced the voice of doubt, steeling himself for the battle ahead.

Their blades carved through the walls like hot knives through butter, sparks flying as they deflected off the metal surfaces. Anakin's brute strength propelled Obi-Wan backward, the force of their clash sending them crashing into the heart of the control room.

Aliens scattered like frightened insects; their presence forgotten in the heat of the duel. Anakin's attacks were relentless, each strike crackling with raw power, but Obi-Wan met him blow for blow, his determination unwavering.

As they danced across the room, their lightsabers clashed in a symphony of destruction, sending shards of metal flying in all directions. With a swift maneuver, Anakin seized the opportunity to disarm his former master, his grip like a vice around Obi-Wan's lightsaber hilt.

For a moment, victory seemed within Anakin's grasp as he closed in on Obi-Wan, his eyes burning with determination. But Obi-Wan, ever resourceful, summoned a burst of energy, breaking free from Anakin's grasp with a defiant kick.

The room cleared of onlookers, leaving only the two adversaries locked in a deadly dance atop the long table. Anakin's attacks were fierce and unrelenting, each strike fueled by his thirst for power.

But Obi-Wan, his movements fluid and precise, met each onslaught with a calculated counter, his years of training guiding his every move. With a deft maneuver, he retrieved his lightsaber from the chaos, ready to face Anakin head-on.

Anakin surged forward with a ferocious charge, his movements fueled by the intensity of his emotions. His drop kick landed with a resounding thud, the impact reverberating through the room as he rose to his feet, ready to unleash another attack.

But before he could follow through, a sudden blow caught him off guard, a swift kick to the face that sent him reeling backward. The force of the impact stunned him momentarily, his vision swimming as he struggled to regain his bearings.

Using the force, Obi-Wan retrieved his lightsaber. He went to strike but met another lightsaber. He nearly scoffed, as if he were proud.

The two then tried the force on one another. They twisted their heads, wrists too, and were both launched multiple feet from one another.

Anakin gritted his teeth. His frustration was only getting larger by the second, so he quickly rose from his crash. He held his lightsaber over his head, and with all his force, swung but met the control panel.

Something must've been hit as the lava dams were lifted.

The area began to slowly get engulfed by the lava. A beeping noise reverberated throughout the air as Obi-Wan slightly retreated backwards. A door opened and they resumed their fight outside. Anakin tossed a kick to the chin.

"Urgh!" Obi-Wan let out.

He dropped down a ledge. He wanted to figure out an attack, but Anakin was relentless, not stopping in his pursuit of 'revenge'.

He stepped on some wobbly pipes, the two now focused on control more than ever as lava popped from deep below them.

Steam rose from the pipes.

Deciding it wasn't advantageous, Obi-Wan dropped another level onto some metal platform. Lava, like a waterfall, fell onto their platform. Anakin's reflexes were razor-sharp as he dodged the fiery deluge, the heat licking at his heels as the platform beneath them threatened to give way. With a burst of speed, Obi-Wan dashed away, Anakin hot on his trail, their footsteps echoing amidst the chaos.

The deadly dance continued as they weaved through the treacherous terrain, each moment fraught with peril. Like a predator chasing its prey, Anakin pursued Obi-Wan, his eyes ablaze with determination.

But Obi-Wan, ever the strategist, chose a path of cunning, leading Anakin on a dangerous chase through the labyrinthine structure. As they darted between obstacles, Anakin's attacks were met with swift deflections from above, forcing him to reassess his approach.

With a burst of agility, Obi-Wan ascended a towering structure, using the wires as his lifeline against Anakin's relentless assault. Their lightsabers clashed in mid-air, sparks flying as they danced amidst the chaos.

Anakin braced himself for the onslaught, but Obi-Wan's unexpected maneuver caught him off guard. With a swift release, Obi-Wan let go, plummeting towards a precarious levitating platform hovering just above the churning lava below.

Meanwhile, Anakin, still clinging to the wire, surveyed the crumbling tower beneath him, his mind racing to adapt to the ever-changing battlefield. With a leap of faith, he propelled himself towards a similar platform, his landing precarious yet determined.

"I have failed you, Anakin. I have failed you."

"I should have known the Jedi were planning to take over."

Obi-Wan's face looked defeated, "Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!" He yelled.

"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!"

Obi-Wan nearly blew a fuse. "Then you are lost!"

"This is the end for you, my master."

Anakin flipped from his platform onto Obi-Wan's. He almost fell backwards, but before Obi-Wan could land a hit, he simply swung and blocked it. The two went into an all out frenzy, but their fatigue was showing.

Obi-Wan fled from the platform, jumping onto some dirt hill. 

"It's over Anakin. I have the high ground."

"You underestimate my power."

"Don't try it."

His features contorted into a grotesque mask of loathing; every line etched with the venom of his animosity. His eyes blazed with an unbridled fury, twin orbs of seething hatred that seemed to bore into the very soul of his target. With clenched fists and a sneer twisting his lips, he radiated a palpable aura of malevolence, his entire being consumed by an overwhelming desire for vengeance. In that moment, his visage became a chilling testament to the depths of his contempt, a face of pure, unadulterated hatred that sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it.

With a war cry, Anakin jumped off the platform. But a sudden groaning of pain pierced the air. "ACK!!" He cried out. "URGHHH!"

He glanced behind him; both his legs, and an arm severed from his body.

"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the sith, not join them! Bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!"


Obi-Wan picked Anakin's lightsaber off the ground, walking a few steps up the hill.

However, the Jedi Knight was bleeding out on the ground. His mind became contorted, and his eyes changed color.

"I HATE YOU!" Vader scorned.

"You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."

"ARGH!!" Vader's screams filled with pain as his body lit on fire. He sent an arm forward. There was nothing more that he wanted to do than to kill Obi-Wan. Even whilst burning to death, thoughts of revenge filled himself.

And as Obi-Wan fled the inferno of Mustafar, a sense of sorrow weighed heavy on his heart. For in the ashes of their once-great friendship, a new era had dawned—one where evil reigned supreme, and the galaxy would never be the same again.