
Star Wars:The cold red eyes

{A Star Wars Fanfiction} This story is following a Chiss boy growing up at the times of the New republic. This is going to be kinda AU Fanfiction some ideas of my fantasy some of kanon stuff and some legends stuff so don't wonder. I look forward to suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. DISCLAIMER: •I do not own anything only my oc. •If there is any problem about the cover please send me a message i'll delte it. •I have a very bad spelling and i'll mostly use the translater so pls blame me not this much. •This is my first Fanfiction and i'm not 100% sure if i going to keep up writing. •Don't expect regular updates i do it because i'm bored.

Erdzan_21 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 17

Dato POV

Year 3273 lothal calendar

Planet:Csilla, Csplar

It's been three days since my mother was admitted to the hospital me and my father haven't heard from me since and I haven't even spoken to my unit since.

Uzui didn't get in touch either and today is the day where we have to decide which career we want

And i will follow my dream and become a pilot the others should also follow their wish i hope they do

I go to the my father's office and knock on the door

*knock* *knock*

"Come in" My father invites me in a tired voice

"Dad today is the day i have to choose what career i want to do and we haven't talked about it yet so i wanted to ask if you have time" Im telling him

"Ahh you know son i have much to do so no i don't have time choose what you think is the best career for you" He says friendly but dismissive

"Of course, I will See you later" I tell him and leave the office and make my way

Since mother is in the hospital and we haven't received any information, he rarely comes out of his office

That's why I have a lot of understanding for him because he's under a lot of pressure at the moment

So I put on my uniform and call James to pick me up and take me to the academy

As I walk out the door i go straight to where James always stops And then he came

I immediately enter the glider and he asks "where to go?", I answer "to the academy"

Half the way it stays calm and I keep thinking about my decision

'Don't think too much it's your wish so don't be an idiot.... don't be an idiot...an idiot'

And I remember my idiotic behavior towards people who didn't harm me

"James please stop for a moment" I command him and he obeys

"James I'm sorry... I was acting idiotic that day and said and thought things I didn't mean so please forgive me and let's put this behind us"I apologize to James

"You know, young master, even though I'm just a droid, I can imagine how a person feels when treated like this, but I also know that not every day is the best and that i just met one of those that day.

I know you don't despise me like so many do, so I can only accept the apology" He accept my apology

"I'm glad to hear that James" I tell him and he takes it as a sign that he can continue driving

When we arrive at the academy, I say goodbye to him and enter the academy on my way to the commander's office which is not far away

On the way I meet Uzui who is just leaving the office I ignore him and am about to ask permission to enter when he said "I'll see you in the military then my friend"

I turn to him, smile and say "See you there my friend" he continues towards the exit

Then the commander's door opens and when he sees me he says "cadet are you here to tell me your decision?"

"Yes Sir" I tell him respectfully and salute

"Follow me" he says and enters the office, as do I shortly afterwards

This is the first time I see his office and I see a desk two seats nothing else the walls are all grey

"Sit down"

I sit down and wait for him to say something

"What would it be?" he asks without much circumlocution

"the military as a starfighter pilot" i reply

"Hmm i thought you want to be an officer but that's also fits" The commander says

"Since you have immense skills as a spy you will not only serve as a pilot but also as a spy that is a command from above so you become both a spy and a pilot in your career" He informs about these important news

'spy and pilot' i'm thinking about it

Since the secret service was also on the list, I think I got pretty good results

"I have no problem with that commander

"Good cadet, Tomorrow you will be in room 32. There will also be others who want to join the military.

You will be picked up there

by your officer, he will take all of people in the room to the training fleet which is out of our planet's atmosphere but you are still in a secure area so don't worry.

Your identity as a spy will be hidden and only marked in the files of high-ranking people so keep it as a secret.

In public you're going to be a starfighter pilot, I think that's enough for now i wish you the best of luck in your future cadet Dato." At the end he invites me to shake his hand what accept with a smirk

"Thank you for being with us during this time Sir" I tell him and leave his office

When I get home I see my father with a holopad in his hand and says goodbye with the words "Thank you doctor"

He puts down the holopad and sits down on a chair

"Father are ther any news?" I go to my father

"Yes ther are"


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.

Erdzan_21creators' thoughts