
Star Wars: Sex Stories

A bunch of short sex stories set in the star wars universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Chapters release once a week Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Movies
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70 Chs

Rey for Rent: Chapter - 3

Yet, he was old enough to be. He had actually returned to Jakku. And he had shown an interest in her talents and knowledge – her real talents, not just being fucked – even if it had been highly qualified… and most importantly, he had made the offer to potentially take her with him, back to the Core Worlds. She might not see her real father again… but an older man who could care for her, give her a better life, teach and show her things that she could never see on Jakku? Perhaps Quenton could be a surrogate father figure.

She could picture it now – being clothed in the sort of elegant silks and tailored uniforms that the owners of Fre'drix and editors of Flyboy, rather than the models working for them, would wear. The sort of outfit and hair that would let her pass for the elegant casinos of Bespin or Cantonica… or the viewing gallery of the Galactic Senate on Hosnian Prime. Perhaps even accompanying Quenton to other worlds similar to Jakku – not to be stranded, but to help him scavenge other old bits of Imperial lore from the Old Empire for the Centrists. She could imagine that very well – him introducing her to the Centrist leadership, and them giving her access to all the historical holotapes and HoloNet node archives she had dreamed of glimpsing in the crashed starship databanks; her then using her own ship, even her own droid companion, to go to worlds like Scarif, Pillio, Galvoni III, Krake's Planet, Wayland, Moraband, Ossus, raiding the tombs of Imperial officers and Separatist warlords….

Of course, Rey was under no illusion that she would have to 'compensate' Quenton for bringing her into that life. He wouldn't just be a father figure; no doubt he would be the sort of sucrose daddy that even she knew men liked to imagine. Still… septsilk sheets, honest-to-Maker hydroshowers, fresh fruit after… once he no longer thought of her as a simple Rimkin whore, he would be more kind to her, more accommodating of her needs, surely. The thought of actually experiencing romantic love, or at least tender love, of the sort that got mentioned in the holos… being kissed without being choked, being cuddled, even… just being appreciated, even if it came at the cost of a man's cock being inside her. Surely if Quenton wanted to be Daddy, then he would see himself as following a father's loving, nurturing role?

Rey's daydream came to a sudden halt in more ways than one as Quenton pulled her head off his cock, long strings of drool and precum dangling from its tip to her chin, before breaking off. Grabbing her arms, he spun her around, pushing her forward. Rey stumbled over the edge of the bed, and started to pick herself up.

"Don't bother," he grunted, getting up and walking over. He flipped her glittery silver skirt up, and roughly yanked down her pink thong, leaving it dangling over one ankle before kicking her legs apart. He lined his cock up with her ass, and Rey whimpered despite herself – and despite hating the weakness it revealed in her. "Do pardon me for going the road less travelled," he said with a mock kindness, in response to her audible protest. "But I don't want to risk leaving any children on this Maker-forsaken planet. That just wouldn't do for my bloodline; we Quentons have a certain standard to uphold, in these degenerate times more than ever. At least you lubed it up well – and you thought that throating was only for my benefit! Besides, you look too scrawny to feed any sprats properly. It's a shame, I like a good titfuck. Namana Dream on Denon, Star Whores on Coruscant, Makachisa on Naj Varla… the girls there are so ample and soft. You wouldn't believe there could be that much titflesh in the whole galaxy. It's those Kaminoan plastex surgeons – boob jobs with cloned mammary tissue. You'd clean up well, Limba – you'd be quite a catch in the Core."

As he slowly pushed his cock into her tightly-puckered anal ring, Rey bit the bedsheets in front of her to prevent herself from crying out – not only from the pain, but from the anger and… offense, as ridiculous as it was, that came from his words. More than the ass-fucking, his comments woke Rey up. Being whisked away from Jakku to enjoy a better life for herself as a glamorous escort on Coruscant, the pampered kept woman of an aristocratic former Imperial – that was just a silly fantasy, nothing more – and she was a fool for even considering it a possibility.

Instead, it had gone just as Ikana had warned her it would, with her caution to beware the occasionally Core World thrill-seekers dangling promises of being taken to the Core to work as a concubine or upscale escort. Well, this must be the third lesson of this profession – never get sucked in, she thought to herself. At least it was a good reminder to always beware human nature.

Ultimately, her shame at being tricked into the lure of Quenton's 'liberation' from her life on Jakku was a wakeup call for Rey. She vowed to herself, then and there, never to get taken in by such temptation again – she would remain devoted to the people who did matter most to her, not phantom surrogates of parenthood like Quenton, but her actual parents. No matter what, she promised herself that she would remain on Jakku to await her family's return – and even if Rey had the knowledge that they would never come back for her, there was no way she would let herself come at the mercy of a man like Quenton, taken offworld in his 'employ' while being kept on a metaphorical leash just as strong as those the Hutts used to keep their bikini-clad slave girls chained to them.

The disillusioned Rey tried her best to just lie there and take it from the client she was now thoroughly disenchanted with – at least her ass wasn't hurting as much as when Unkar had taken her anal virginity there in his office. To make it go by easier, the scavenger tried to imagine that Quenton was the handsome holostar Garik Loran, but even that wasn't able to help her enjoy it. Thankfully, the lack of enjoyment was fully one-sided, as the man's voice became more ragged, his grunts becoming rougher and coarser as he rutted into her roughly from behind.

"You take it, you little Rim-hole!" he spat, his fingers digging into her hips, her lack of fat padding making them more painful than they otherwise might be. His cock began to speed up, fucking her almost as fast as if he was in her pussy – but Rey vowed not to give him to satisfaction of hearing her make any more noises of discomfort. Nevertheless, the slapping of his scrotum against her pussy with every stroke at least conveyed some sort of pleasurable stimulus that was a slight offset for the dissatisfaction of being sodomized.

His right hand left her hip for a moment, and she felt his rough palm smack her buttock, and then spank her again harder the second time. "You need to be put in your place. All you Rim scum. Degenerates… lawless… no morals… you need a strong hand to keep you in line. Strong values… strong rule… but strong men most of all. Strong… unngh!"

Quenton's monologuing on the virtues of masculine authoritarianism was apparently all he needed to finally push himself over the edge. Rey felt his fingers dig even tighter into her as he pushed in all the way, forming an airtight seal between the base of his cock and her sorely-stretched sphincter. Then she felt her ass flooding with the sticky warmth that she was upset to realize was already becoming familiar to her thanks to Unkar's recent cavorting.

Rey managed to resist gasping in shock as Quenton rapidly withdrew out of her a few heartbeats later, gritting her teeth at the feeling of his spunk dripping down from her gaping asshole from her prone position on the bed. The ex-Imperial walked over to the one of the cupboards surrounding the bed, opening it to grab a vibro-wipe. Cleaning his cock off, he walked back over to collect his trousers, pulling them up before tossing the vibro-wipe onto the bed next to her. He reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a few jangling bits of metal that he threw onto the bed next to the vibro-wipe.

"A small tip. For your trouble, young lady," Quenton said. Rey recognized them as Tionese drachmas – a virtually worthless pre-Clone Wars currency from a region on the other side of the galaxy. "It was a pleasure to be entertained by you – though I do hope that we never encounter each other again. I'm sure you understand." And with that, he was gone – without even enquiring about her 'contact' who could lead him to the Imperial Observatory.

I guess that shows just how little he actually listened to me, Rey reflected as she shifted on the bed, pushing herself back up. Either that, or he ultimately just didn't care. Her movement caused the drachmas to fall onto the floor, and wincing, she leaned down to pick them up. Rey felt degraded doing so, hating the mental image of her scurrying for a few paltry credits, especially ones so worthless – but she couldn't afford to waste even minor things. It was so uncivilized, even by Jakku standards – there was at least skill and respect from scavenging parts from starship wrecks or surviving as moisture farmers, rather than simply picking up the monetary equivalent of that skilled labor.

Putting the coins on the bedside table, Rey kicked the thong off from around her ankle, and cleaned herself up the best she could with the vibro-wipes. Looking through the drawer in the bedside table, she pulled out a small anesthetic applicator – Meru apparently DID look after her girls. Sighing in distaste, Rey reached down and circled the small cylindrical applicator around her anus like a lipsmear applicator… and it was in that very compromising position – thong clearly on the floor, face still puffy from the pain and frustration of her anal reaming, hand beneath her too-short skirt obviously playing with her ass – that two new clients suddenly walked in. Jaded as she was, Rey would have been mortified, had she not been overcome with excitement. Not the sexual kind, but the truer form of the emotion – the two men were not humans like Quenton, but… Wookiees!

There were two of them, both obviously males and seemingly young, at least in terms of the long-lived Wookiee species; with that in mind, they might be fifteen or twenty standard years older than her – practically still adolescent by Wookiee metrics. Their fur still was glossy and their forms, while muscular, were not yet the bulky size of famous Wookiees she'd seen holos of from the starship databanks, like Tarfful, Yarua, or Chewbacca. One of them had darker-brown fur with an almost glossy shine to it; the other's fur was a bit lighter shade of brown, with a black streak above his left eye – and, more noticeably, a snake-like M-TD miniaturized translator droid wrapped around his waist.

Rey had long had an interest in the Wookiees, one of the more famous species in the galaxy and with a reputation for bravery, nobility, and comradeship – traits Rey fancied she found in herself. She had never met one before, but had always dreamed of doing so – they were perhaps her favorite species of the galaxy. Chewbacca in particular was the center of a number of legends in the time of the Rebellion that she found hard to believe. Rey sometimes dreamed about running into him someday, and the questions she would ask. Was it true that he had flown the Kessel Run in only fourteen parsecs? Had he really been friends with Han Solo? Was Luke Skywalker real, or just a legend as so many on Jakku claimed him to be?

Buoyed by her enthusiasm, Rey dropped the anesthetic applicator and smiled widely. "Hello there!" she said excitedly. "I'm Rey! Not that you need to know that, I guess… but welcome!" She realized she was rambling on like an excited sub-adult, and forced herself to breathe – just breathe. "So what's your names, anyway?"

The one with the black streak whuffled in Shyriiwook, then pointed to his companion and growled another few sounds. The droid wrapped around him spoke instead. "Greetings, Rey. While my friends' full names are rather difficult to pronounce in Basic, you may refer to my owner by the nickname 'Lowie.' His friend is 'Lumpy.' And I go by the appellation 'Em Teedee,' to fine sentients as yourself. But I must confess, we already were aware of your name. My compatriots were looking for you."

"You… were?" Rey asked, taken aback slightly. She had been having such a good feeling about their partnership, too. "I mean, I suppose you must have, otherwise why would you have walked in here to see me? Or, not just see, I guess… I'm just surprised that the word has gotten out so fast. I mean, I knew Meru and Unkar would want to get their credits' worth, but Quenton just left, slithering out like the snake he is – no offense, Em Teedee," she added, taking in his serpentine form.

"On the contrary, I take great pride in being confused with a human!" the translator droid assured her, as the two Wookiees exchanged whuffled laughs with each other. It wasn't every day that Rey encountered a droid with a sarcastic wit. Lowie let out a few more growls in Shyriiwook, and M-TD continued to translate. "We've come to Jakku from the Claatuvac Guild on Kashyyyk. The ng'rhr – that is, the Claatuvac Guildmaster – assigned us to try to recover navicomputer data from Grand Moff Randd's old command ship."

Rey was familiar with the ship in question. "The Ravager," she said. "It's the only super star destroyer in the Starship Graveyard. I've scavenged parts from it a few times before – I've never seen anything else so huge. You could fly a freighter through its engine wells."

M-TD translated for Lumpy's response this time. "My friend is very impressed at your ability to navigate the durasteel jungle of the starship ruins here. He says it must be like swinging from the wroshyr trees back home. For you to survive scavenging and exploring them must be the equivalent of young Wookiees completing their hrrtayyk ceremony, their rite of passage to adulthood. You have earned both of their respect – and mine, let me assure you!"

For the two Wookiees – and the droid, of course – to take her seriously, especially in the state she was in now, and in the place they were in, filled Rey not only with a sense of pride, but also of… relief, she realized. After Quenton and his casual and cruel dismissal of her profession of skills, to be taken truthfully at face value by these newcomers meant the galaxy to her. "Thank you very much – that means a lot to me… though to be honest, I think I'd rather be on Kashyyyk! I'd love to visit it some time. I need to learn Shyriiwook first, though… you two can teach me some, maybe!" she added with a laugh, only half-joking.

The two Wookiees joined in with her laugh – no translation needed for that, at least – and after a few seconds, Rey asked, "The Claatuvac Guild make star maps, right? I've come across a few records from them in some of the Republic ships in the Graveyard – but nothing in any of the Imperial ships. Did Moff Randd steal something from Kashyyyk? I know some of the same Republic officers fought in the liberation there just before the Jakku battle."

After Lowie and Lumpy exchanged a few growls back and forth – Rey felt they were debating how much to include for her – M-TD joined in for a few exchanges, before his palm-sized head turned back to her to speak in Basic again. "Not exactly. We are looking for charts of several ancient star systems that the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council might have purged from public record during the time of the Empire. It's part of a secret holomap-reconstruction project a third party tasked Lowie and Lumpy with completing. As our client is rather well known in the galaxy, and somewhat controversial, we cannot divulge anything about her identity." The droid's eyes flickered, in what Rey assumed was the equivalent of an organic's blinking. "Oh dear. Please forget that you heard that detail."

"I'm good with big secrets," Rey promised her new companion. Lowie and Lumpy nodded and let out short growls appreciatively at that.

"We know you are," M-TD assured her. "We were told as such by your friend, Ivano Troade. He told us that we could trust you to keep our mission secret – and that you also were one of the most skilled scavengers on the planet. Due to his tutoring, of course, he made sure to note. When he heard we were coming to New Reslia, he asked us to check in on you. We came earlier, but had no luck."

"Ivano knows I'm here?" Rey said in horror. Unkar or Ryabo must have told him – dangling that little bit of humiliation over the older man's head, the knowledge that his attractive young protégé had agreed to her own degradation to spare him from debt. Rey seethed, vowing that one way or another she would get back at the blobfish and his cronies. Still, Ivano had spoken up for her – and had made sure to look after her. That touched Rey, deeply – and, she supposed, he probably would have found out about her little 'excursion' eventually. This way, at least she had been able to meet some Wookiees – it wasn't every day that a dream came true on Jakku.

Rey recalled Uri's earlier whispers in the line-up, about the two Wookiees who had showed up to Old Meru's looking for a human girl. This suddenly gave a new meaning to Uri's comments… or did it? "So, why are you two here in New Reslia to begin with, if it wasn't originally to find me?" she asked, slightly suspiciously.

The Wookiee men just laughed good-naturedly at that. It was M-TD's turn to sound almost apologetic. "They were here to blow off steam. It's been a long space trip to Jakku for them, as they had to travel incognito rather than their usual vessel of choice. As such, they have been… rather cooped up for some time. You can say, they have built up much steam to blow off. Wookiees, I am afraid, have needs the same as humans – save that, as with their size, Wookiee needs are… rather more prodigious," the droid finished, almost sheepishly.

"Oh… my," Rey replied, blushing. "I can only imagine." She realized she was biting her lower lip, and stopped, but that only caused her to blush an even deeper shade of red. What was it about these two Wookiees that seemingly was causing her to act as coquettishly empty-headed as Ikana?

"Believe me, I unfortunately do not need an imagination to know how hard it is to satisfy the whims of a young Wookiee male in the prime of both his life and his hormones," M-TD said mournfully. "Thankfully, the Guild ng'rhr is a member of the great Kaapauku tribe and could afford to provide us with a quite substantial discretionary spending budget for this trip. Corporate Sector Authority crystalline vertices; good, hard currency even in the lawless worlds of the galaxy – and a lot of them. Even after paying the madame a substantial sum to see you, we will have plenty to spare for ladies to, ah, entertain Lowie and Lumpy. I believe Lowie had his eyes on the Ridlian, if she were to be available…."

"You mean you had to pay Meru for time with me just so you could check up on me for Ivano?" Rey asked. Such kindness – not to mention, such open wallets – were even rarer to find on Jakku than dreams. It also inspired a thought in her – a wicked thought, one that even an hour ago, might not have come to mind. She had already been degraded, by Unkar, and the gloryhole, and by Ikana – even if completely inadvertently from the well-meaning girl – and most of all by Quenton. Rey had already been made to feel terrible and violated… why not take the chance to spend time with 'customers' she was actually interested in?

"You know… you've already spent the money for time with me…" Rey broached, timidly, before smiling as she became more assertive. "So… why not save your additional cash, and kill two steelpeckers with one stone? You need a girl to take care of your needs – well, you paid for me, so here I am."

Rey immediately felt better with her decision as soon as the words left her mouth. The Wookiees were genuinely friendly; as she had learned, nicer than she had any right to expect from Old Meru's clientele. At the least, spending time with them meant that she wouldn't have to spend it with some other abusive antilles – the Trandoshans if they returned, for example. Plus, asking them to stay when they had originally not intended to change the dynamic – it was Rey making the decision to be with them, not two strangers simply purchasing her body – or demanding it in the case of Unkar. The simple ability to choose, to have agency, worked wonders on her perception and anticipation of having sex – Rey hadn't thought something seemingly so minor would change so much, but judging from the warm sensations coming from deep inside her belly, it did.

And that led to the third reason Rey wasn't regretful of her choice. She didn't just have a curiosity and interest in the Wookiee species in general. She didn't just find these particular two Wookiees friendly and approachable. Beyond those reasons… she realized she found them attractive. As a species – and as individual representatives of a species. Quenton had had a certain seductive hardness to him, a hint of power coming from a life of military training and ideological resolve. Wookiees, she realized – their size, their muscles, their status in the galaxy, their cultural reputation – exuded that sort of power and authority naturally and effortlessly, and that made it all the more appealing. Having been humiliated by the casual dominance that Quenton had exerted over her, she found herself looking forward to feeling helpless beneath the powerful muscles of a Wookiee lover instead.

Lowie and Lumpy for their part looked to each other. Lowie let out what sounded like a questioning whuff, and Lumpy replied with what sounded like a chuckle, followed by both of them voicing approving noises. Rey didn't need M-TD to translate to understand that uniquely adolescent male sense of bravado, celebration, and camaraderie that seemed to be pervasive across sentient species. Whereas in humans, Teedos, Blarina, and especially Dugs, it had always come across as obnoxious – in these two, it was just adorable.

"I take it that's a yes?" Rey asked M-TD.

"The chance to save credits always has this effect on them," M-TD replied. "Master Lowie is as frugal as Lumpy is practical."

The Wookiees each spoke to the droid in growling Shyriiwook, and the droid added, "They wish to also let you know that their ror'tukor ceremonies, their tribe's sexual initiations into manhood, was conducted by a woman who was one of the last survivors of Alderaan. Alderaan had a long tradition of sacred prostitution even among the noble Elder Houses of the world's High Court, a tradition that the Temple of Aria here in New Reslia fails to do justice. It was their honor to have their first time performed by a noble Alderaanian taking the role of sacred whore; they therefore wish you to know that they do not consider it humiliating or denigrating for you to serve as a prostitute, and they hope you do not allow your service to dispirit you, either."

"Oh…" Rey uttered softly, temporarily for a loss of words, and feeling more than ever that she wanted to take them into her bed – or rather, Meru's bed, which was even better. No need for her to clean it afterwards – and she was hoping that the Wookiees could match the output of the Trandoshans that the green-skinned Twi'lek had earlier described. "Thank you. Very much – that means a lot to me right now. In that case…" she began, already reaching down to pull off the short sparkly dress that Ikana had chosen for her. "Why don't I set the right mood then? I trust you two won't mind me losing the sexy outfit, will you? After all, you don't have much room to complain – you aren't even wearing clothes yourselves!" she jokingly noted.

Indeed, the only thing that could be even remotely construed as 'cover' that either of the Wookiees was wearing was a bandolier strap around Lumpy, and M-TD coiled around Lowie's waist, the droid's head positioned almost inadvertently as a codpiece. As Rey finished disrobing, baring her lean, athletic body before them and with her hair and makeup still remaining as established by Ikana, the two Wookiees viewed her appreciatively, making several small whuffs praising the Human girl's beautiful, naked form. Rey basked in their lustful gazes and wondered if the small translator droid M-TD was silently enjoying the view as well.

No sooner had she given that thought than Lowie uncoiled M-TD from around his waist, perching him on the chair that Commander Quenton had recently evacuated. The miniature droid remained active – his eyes lit up, at least – but remained silent, seemingly unfazed by the organics preparing for copulation. The idea of the droid observer being unable to understand these brutish men about to ravage her in such an animalistic way added an extra undercurrent to the growing excitement Rey felt.

The Wookiee Lowie in turn was reminded of his mate back on Kashyyyk, Raabakyysh; this Human girl might be just a tiny pinkskin by comparison, but she still had some of the same reckless, adventurous spirit about her. He was also reminded more closely of the brown-haired human woman who had served as their ceremonial mate in the ror'tukor ceremony several years earlier; that woman had been well-known back in Rwookrrorro for her voracious appetite for Wookiee men. The similarity to this young Rey added to the thrill of their imminent coupling.

Lumpy also was appreciative of this girl, having a feeling his father Chewbacca – who had a thing for brunette human women himself – would be supremely jealous. The feeling was reciprocal; human girls tended to throw themselves at him, and even his human best friend's wife could not resist a continual open relationship with him. Lumpy was rather glad to finally get the jump on his father in finding a pinkskin that would be right up his tree before the older Wook had taken a chance to get to her first. To him, this naked girl was even more erotic than when his father had taken him to visit the planet Coonee and he had eaten some of the world's famous aphrodisiac coldppeda meat.

The musings of the Wookiees as they watched the beautiful human woman strip, even if in a hurried and utilitarian fashion, quickly became apparent. Rey gasped as the answer to a long-lasting mystery appeared before her eyes. Wookiee men, it turned out, did indeed have male sex organs similar in shape to Humans – they were just normally hidden beneath their thick layers of fur, sheathed within their groin. As she watched in wonderment, the phallic sheaths emerged from beneath the fur of the crotches where they were hidden, quickly becoming tumescent and standing out proudly in tribute to Rey's naked splendor, like flagpoles raised on Kashyyyk after the world's liberation from the Empire.

The Wookiee shafts were long, thick and veiny, dark brown enough to almost be space-black. They appeared thicker than the combined tool and finger of Unkar from his 'testing' of her in the Concession Stand weeks earlier – and she was sure these monuments of Wookiee manhood were much harder than Unkar's water-inflated Crolute organ. To say nothing of Quenton's puny human phallus – that was in another sector entirely. Beneath each cock was a large, bulging, hairless scrotum revealing that, yes, Wookiees also only had two testicles – even if they were each apparently fist-sized. Each sack was still partially hidden within the phallic sheath. Rey assumed it was a defensive measure, granting them further projection from any possible impact… but she found herself regretting that bit of adaptive evolutionary biology. It meant it would be harder to lick them down there.

She eagerly dropped to her knees, almost in a trance. There was no question of simple foreplay or romantic lead-up, not to beings like these with cocks their size. She almost felt in a trance as Lowie approached first, Rey opening her mouth and looking up into his golden eyes with youthful awe. She reached up to pinch her nipples, letting out a soft moan of apprehension as the already-glistening cockhead approached her. She felt ashamed almost, but not in the way she had before – she wished she had larger breasts, so she could use them to satisfy the magnificent Wookiee cock. A phallus that size deserved tits to go with it, not size 32A flatties like hers. She pinched her nipples again to punish herself for not being good enough for these Wookiee gods.

When her lips encircled the head of Lowie's enormous cock, she felt her body begin to tingle with excitement. Her tongue lapped over the head – there was seemingly no foreskin or outer layer of skin as in human phalluses – that had an almost woody smell to it. She closed her eyes as she tried to merge her mouth with Lowie's cock, easily imagining herself in one of the famous Wookiee wroshyr tree houses as she became entranced by the aroma and other sensations.

In her mind's eye, Rey envisioned a hut shaped like an inverted cone, wrapped around the thick trunk of a tree one hundred and fifty meters in the air. The tilted walls were filled with open windows, not sparing more than a few centimeters for structure support that resulted in a complete view of the surrounding huts and exotic wilderness. In her mind she saw the green of the trees all around her, the pure life evident even in her vision – as much from the trees as from the livelihood of the assembled Wookiees in their tribal mating ceremony.

Enraptured by the mental vision, Rey opened her mouth wider, subconsciously not only granting permission to Lowie to push himself deeper into her open and willing throat, but practically pulling him into her. As his cock pressed down her gullet, reaching the back of her throat, Rey for once did not sputter or cough. It was like some higher force was telling her that this was right – a perfect union of two beings, a calling for her. It was completely different than it had been before, with the other men in the brothel tonight. It felt to Rey like there had been an awakening – something inside her that had always been there. Now it was awake, and she was extremely aroused.

Lumpy had been watching the whole time, content to let his slightly-younger cousin have first dibs on the human girl. She would fit right in at one of the wroshyr fever-catering 'jungle clubs' back home in Kachirho, Thikkiiana, and Rwookrrorro, the cities of Kashyyyk that outlanders tended to visit mostly due to their links to spacers and the New Republic's economy. The jungle clubs tended to be open to all Wookiees – but only the females of non-native humanoid species who found themselves drawn to the muscular tree-dwelling natives.

While he was content to let Lowie have first taste of – or rather, be the first taste for – the girl, Lumpy's own patience reached its end. Rey was snapped out of her daydream and made mindful of her present by a sudden, brief exchange between the two towering wooks. A moment later, in an amazing display of both dexterity and strength, the petite girl was repositioned by Lowie and Lumpy, all without Lowie's cock having left her mouth. Considering just how much her tongue and lips were caressing his shaft nestled within them, that was extremely impressive.

Rey was now on all-fours, in the position locals called 'happabore humping,' but she had often seen referred to as 'nerf style' in the old holos and the black box recordings of boastful flyboys found in the Starship Graveyard. Lumpy took her legs, extending them out and spreading as he then lifted them up, supporting them entirely from her weight. Rey was now supporting herself on her elbows, even as Lowie remained in her mouth. She supposed this unique arrangement of limbs was no longer nerf style, but more appropriately dubbed 'Wookiee style'.

Then, she felt the hot, smooth, almost hemispherical crown of Lumpy's cockhead nuzzle her dripping wet quim, and all such considerations left her mind. If Lowie had not already been occupying her mouth, she would be using it to let loose an incredibly vulgar stream of demands to her new second lover behind her, demanding he powerfully thrust into her fully without hesitation. Even though she couldn't verbally exclaim it, her carnal needs were seemingly transmitted to him. With a primal, ululating roar bringing to mind victorious swinging from vine to vine in the wroshyr depths of the Shadow Forests, Lumpy pushed his plentiful length of rigid cockmeat into Rey's tight little humanoid cunt until it bottomed out, reaching her cervix.

Despite her one-night role as a sleazy Rimkin whore, Rey's eyes went wide and she tried to gasp out, "By the Maker!" Thanks to Lowie, however, it came out closer to "Buh uh Mugger!" with his own meaty shaft still sliding in and out of her cock-hungry mouth. Lowie and Lumpy let out obvious laughs, each raising a paw to give each other a congratulatory slapping of their palms. Then, they each replaced their hands on Rey – Lumpy's on her ankles, helping support them up; Lowie's on Rey's head, though more to help guide himself than to take charge with them as Quenton had done.

And then, the real fucking began.

While there was no doubting that the two Wookiees were extremely warm, flesh-and-bone, living beings, their intense hardness, their length, their seeming synchronization as they spit-roasted little Rey – Lowie entering her throat to the hilt as Lumpy pulled back, and then changing their relatively immersions – gave the fucking an almost mechanical quality to it, as if they were ancient machines pistoning back and forth from a factory on a world barely into the age of industrialization. To a gear-head like Rey, the mechanical aspect only added to it, making her think, of all things, of her beloved homemade speeder that had gotten her off with its rattling vibrations more times than any biological being – including herself – had.

Unlike with her earlier experiences with Unkar, with Quenton, and certainly the sleazy glory-hole customers – in all of which she had started getting aroused only due to her body betraying her from the purely physical biological response to the stimulation – Rey was amazed at how intense and overwhelmingly pleasurable this raw, primal sex was for her. If this was what sex normally felt like – consensually, with partners she had chosen rather than had chosen for her, with male beings who were actually attractive – she suddenly understood the appeal for other women. It would definitely not be the last time she sought it out – and, the next time she encountered a Wookiee, she would be more than eager to ride one again.

Of course, it didn't seem that she was the only one who was enjoying her debut threesome – nor was that enjoyment limited to those in the room, she suspected. Rey was pretty sure that the now suspiciously-quiet M-TD was recording the whole torrid scene. That didn't matter to her – from the droids she'd encountered in Niima before, she knew that they tended to enjoy keeping secret archives for their own amusement or later analysis. In any case, M-TD had been a friendly sentient to interact with – Rey hardly begrudged the tiny talk-droid the chance to have a fond memory of her when him and his organic companions left Jakku.

As it was, Rey was not wrong – perched on the chair, M-TD was indeed recording the rousing sight of organic rutting before him, and not for the first time. He had a long list of encounters between his two Wookiee friends and humanoid females of various species from their adventures across the galaxy – Lowie and his mate Raabakyysh back on Kashyyyk, or with the human girl Nellis after the Shadow Academy station was destroyed; Lumpy with the Twi'lek spy Olla Secura in Lessu after the Diversity Alliance infiltration, and the Resistance technician Zari Bangel during their secret mission to the Tallaani Shipyards.

The last holo in particular had been well-received when M-TD had uploaded it to his comrades in the Resistance's droid spy network. His mentor C-3PO, who had recruited M-TD into the spy network the protocol droid helped operate, was typically not too pleased with what he referred to as an improper use of bandwidth in the Resistance's encrypted Dark HoloNet node, but thanks to the very decentralized quantum encryption that kept it safe, C-3PO was powerless to do more than simply complain – as with most things the stuffy droid disapproved.

Of M-TD's fellow undercover Resistance droid agents, Baffle, N1-ZX and GA-97 in particular were much more fascinated by these strange organic activities, and he suspected that this holo of Rey would be similarly well received. As much as the spy droids enjoyed the illicit holos, the astromech droids were the ones who most appreciated these additions to their vaunted secret archives – DZ-4, especially given DeeZee's frequent 'interfacing' with flygirls Karé Kun and Jessika Pava, but most especially the notorious little astromech BB-8, who had already earned himself a reputation amongst the Resistance's droids – and that took something to achieve.

The increasingly loud, animalistic grunting and panting coming from Lowie and Lumpy alerted M-TD to the telltale signs of their peaking. Although Rey's own mouth remained muffled with hard, saliva-coated cock, the volume of her noise output was also increasing, as if the excitement being generated by the two Wookiees was flowing off of them and directly into her, a bond forged in the passion of such close emotional attachment paired with such intense physical connectivity.

Her eyes were closed now as the young harlot rode out the rhythm of each thrust, her young, inexperienced pussy quaking with a series of micro-orgasms, each building in intensity with every successive juice-squirting reaction to the pounding she was receiving. Repeated gurgling sounds emitted from her mouth as the lengthy Wookiee shaft slid effortlessly now down her throat. Streams of drooling saliva dangled from the corners of her cock-stretched lips and oozed down her chin onto the floor beneath her.

When the pair of Wookiee behemoths reached their own eagerly anticipated climaxes, Rey's eyes shot open and widened in shock as Lumpy's dark, throbbing cock pulsated and shuddered in eruption, instantly filling her mouth and throat with an unexpectedly large volume of rich, tangy Wookiee semen.

Soon after, Lumpy roared out in triumph as he buried his own pulsating prick to the hilt deep into Rey's well-fucked cunt, squirting a torrent of potent seed. The young woman's entire sweat-drenched body stiffened and trembled in response to the explosive delivery of semen and felt like her stomach was ballooning from the amount of jizz suddenly filling her womb. Rey was sure that Lumpy could have easily impregnated her if not for the StimStar pill Old Meru had provided for her earlier, and yet during this brief climax-clouded delirium, she almost didn't care if the pill failed and this Wookiee stud managed to knock her up with his half-breed bastard child.

Lowie, on the other hand – and the other side of the still spit-roasted Rey – was irrigating her nasal passages. Try as she might, the inexperienced girl was incapable of swallowing his cum down as fast as it was being provided, and the rich, Wookiee semen soon began to dribble out the corners of her mouth and from her flaring nostrils.

Sensing that the slightly panicked girl was about to choke on his thick ejaculate, Lowie withdrew his still-erupting shaft from her mouth, allowing Rey to take a deep gasping breath and gulp down the rest of the creamy jizz which had filled her mouth. The gripped his impressive manhood and stroked it a few times as the rest of his messy discharge splattered all over Rey's stunned face, from the top of her Varina-styled hairdo all the way down to her trembling chin, coating the young Human whore with a thorough plastering of warm, wookiee spunk.

Unlike her experience working in Meru's gloryhole earlier, Rey did not feel so degraded this time from being bathed in the messy, sticky semen of strangers after the initial shock of Lowie's monster facial subsided. She resolved that it was the result of passionate carnality, a physical reminder of the peak they had achieved in unison, and with each one's work contributing to the enjoyment of the others, as opposed to the mere remnants of degrading sex-for-pay that only led to the enjoyment of the purchaser. In the holos she had found in the Church of the Force records in Tuanul, Rey had seen that some Naboo queens even bathed in the 'offerings' of male Gungan warriors as part of the pre-Clone Wars peace treaty between the two populations of that world. It was seen as an unusual, but symbolic honor. Rey felt the same way about being drenched in the creamy spunk of her Wookiee lover.

For her part, she could only lie on the carpeted floor after Lowie and Lumpy lowered her from her Wookiee style suspension, their cocks coming loose from her with, audibly wet slurps from both orifices as the still-hard organs were lubricated by a mix of their emissions and her own orgasmic secretions. Her gaping, post-coital vagina, and even her anus, untouched this round, continued to spasm with the aftershocks of her last orgasm as the scavenger remained, exhausted near to the point of catatonia, her lungs still heaving as the two Wookiees made themselves presentable once again, Lowie fetching M-TD and Lumpy adjusting his bandolier as their penises withdrew into their hidden phallic sheaths. It had been a gift from his father after he had became a man in his ror'tukor ceremony, he reflected. If only his father Chewie – let alone the Alderaanian princess who had ceremonially offered herself to him on that special day – could behold his manliness now.

Rey remained still on the floor, her limp, well-used body coddled in the warmth of her own pleasurable exhaustion, as Lumpy reached into his bandolier, gathering a crisp stack of CSA crystalline vertices, just as promised. In contrast to Quenton's dismissive tossing, he laid the stack down on the bedstand, before fondly ruffling her messy hair, letting out a soft, fond growl. Lowie also whuffled at her, and M-TD translated, "We are going to return to the hovel in town where we are staying at the Hotel Rubal Khali. Even for two such strong Wookiees as my friends, it is best not to stay out too late in red light sectors – especially after all of their energy has already been expended on you! Do not fear – we are returning to Niima Outpost tomorrow, and will be on Jakku for at least a week or so while attempting to find our holorecords. I am quite confident that our paths may cross again, young Rey."

"Mmmm, I hope so…" the exhausted girl groaned out to her new friends, raising one hand slightly to wave farewell at them. She wished she could give them a more animated farewell – but in her exhausted state, she too longed for much needed rest to recover her energy after such an intense fuck-session. She could still feel her sore, tender pussy quivering in after-spasms deep inside her, as if her body was instinctively trying to draw more of the thick, copious Wookiee jizz into her womb.

Lowie and Lumpy left quietly on their padded feet, M-TD along for the ride, and Rey relished the chance to enjoy a few precious moments of solitude. She had always cherished the ability to live and work on her own, away from wider society, but hadn't realized just how important those factors were to her until she had to go a day with a complete and utter lack of privacy or time to herself.

No sooner had that thought passed than the solitude had as well. "Knock knock," she heard a familiar soft voice come from the entrance to the room. Soft footsteps came and in a moment, Ikana was before Rey, kneeling down to smile at her. "You look like they took you for a ride to the moons and back! You're practically glowing too, and not just from the glistening semen all over your face," Ikana giggled just before playfully smearing a dab of dripping Wookiee cum from Rey's cheek and licking it off her finger, savoring the taste as only a slutty whore would.

"I wish I felt that way after every antilles plundered my depths and made a hot mess of me!" she added, rising back up as she continued gazing down at the limp, naked Human sprawled on the floor of the bedroom. "Anyway, you'll be glad to know that Madame Meru has closed out your account for the night, so you won't have service anymore customers." This perked up the weary Rey, relieved by the welcome news. "Apparently those Wookiees were generous spenders," Ikana further explained. She glanced over at the stack of CSA currency next to the vibro-wipe that Rey had been using after Quenton. "I guess they were generous tippers, too!" Ikana picked up the vibro-wipe, and then reached down to Rey. "Come on, sweetie… let's get you cleaned up, and then we can get you some rest."

The vibro-wipe made a good start, but thankfully it wasn't the sole cleaning device. There was no water to clean up afterwards, only a local soft sand expedient that Rey used to brush off after it finished drying, taking with it crud and skin flakes. She hated it. The sand got in everything, no matter how carefully she applied it. It was almost more trouble than it was worth. Thankfully, there was a Vassilon-made hygienic sonic shower nearby whose stall was unused – though Rey grimaced as she saw the four-breasted Wokrom girl leave, wondering just what the other whore had just washed away from her own soiled body.

Thankfully, the sonic worked quickly and effectively – and it also included a discrete kolto nozzle with a disposal plastex head for making sure all of her physical memories of Lumpy and Quenton were gone from both posterior and anterior holes. Ikana was there with a towel and a change of clothes – a comfortable light top and loose trousers of a breathable lightweave fabric that would be perfect for sleeping in.

"Come on," the similarly-clad Ikana said. "Now that you're clean, I'll take you to where you can spend the night." It was a short walk through the brothel, growing quieter now that the moons were setting a true night was coming to the desert, until they got to a tent that seemed to be subdivided into sleeping quarters. Ikana pulled the curtain aside, to reveal a small room with a comfy-looking mattress on the floor, with some pink pillows on it, and a few plastex boxes of personal items around. The boxes served as makeshift tables, one of which held a glow-lamp, and there were a few flimsiplast posters hung on the wall – a couple Flygirl covers, some pop musicians and HoloNet reality vid starlets, and a depiction of a young Togruta teen, holding a green-bladed Jedi lightsaber but dressed extremely provocatively, with the phrase 'Savior of Kiros' written beneath her in Aurebesh. Rey wasn't sure whether that was an actual image of a young Jedi Knight from the Clone Wars, or an image of an historical porn parody of her – given the room, Rey could believe either.

"This is your room, isn't it?" Rey asked Ikana.

"What gave it away?" Ikana replied with a sly grin, flopping down onto the bed, pulling over a small stuffed bantha to hug. "You don't mind, do you? There's not a lot of extra space here, and the cleaning droids need to go through the 'business bedrooms' in the evening, but I can see if Uri or Zara might be willing to let you stay with them instead…."

"Oh, no no…" Rey quickly interjected, touched by the hurt tone she sensed in the Togruta's voice. "I'd much rather stay with you." And it was true, too – not only because of the girl seemingly being the nicest of Meru's stable, but she was the only one Rey had made any kind of connection with. Better to bunk down with a friend than a stranger.

"Wonderful!" Ikana responded, putting her bantha away on one of the plastex crates, and then rolling over to the side of the bed. Rey lowered herself down onto the now-free half, wincing as she did. The kolto had done what it could – but her ass, and especially her quim, still felt the pounding they had taken this evening.

Her look had not gone unnoticed. "Still sore?" Ikana asked.

"Just a bit," Rey admitted. Having a friend – especially one of the same gender – meant one could have a certain openness to embarrassing topics, Rey supposed.

Ikana smiled. "Well, that's normal, believe it or not, even for old veterans like me! But there's a way around it… kind of a special way to massage it…." Still smiling sweetly, she raised one red hand to her face, licking her pointer and index fingers, before rolling over to kiss a suddenly startled Rey.

As their lips met, Rey gradually accepted the sensual offering of her new female friend, allowing the kiss to linger just long enough for Ikana's roaming hands to make their way down Rey's torso to the loose trousers covering her legs. The seductive Togruta parted her lips from Rey's, but kept their eyes locked as she eased her petite young body down towards Rey's legs.

Her bedmate watched, entranced by Ikana's actions, as the Togruta harlot then carefully slid Rey's coverings down, exposing her bare legs, and within seconds she lowered her face between Rey's thighs. Sensing the heat already emanating from them, no doubt triggered by Rey's growing arousal more than the humid night-time air on Jakku, Ikana dove in and began to lap lovingly with her tongue at the tender, well-used snatch of her female companion.

Rey gasped at the soft, wet tongue now licking and nibbling at the folds of her sensitive cunnie, 'massaging' it as Ikana had described, in the best way possible, to help ease the soreness of her long hard night of sex.

"Ohh…oh yes, Ikana… that feels so good," Rey purred softly, her eyes closing now as she welcomed the wonderful stimulation from a very skilled whore's tongue.

* * * * *

The next morning, Rey woke up still wrapped in Ikana's arms – the other girl already awake. "Good morning," she mumbled, leaning in to kiss Rey from where she had been watching the human sleep. "I was just about to wake you, but you opened your eyes at just the right time – must be a natural skill of yours! One of them, at least," she added with a devious grin that made Rey blush as much as the memories of last night and how they had ended up falling asleep in each other's arms – naked.

Thankfully, Rey was saved from embarrassment from the smell of something meaty being roasted wafting through the tent halls. "Is that… breakfast?" she asked.

Ikana nodded. "That was why I was gonna wake you. Can't miss it – and we can't dally, either, if we want to get some! Maybe if we eat fast, we'll have some time to kill later," she said, eyeing Rey with a hunger that seemed like a different person from the doe-eyed teen hooker with the heart of aurodium. Rey's heart beat quicker for a few seconds, but Ikana got off the bed then and started dressing. Rey decided that there would be time to interrogate those strange new feelings inside her at a later date.

Soon, Rey and Ikana were seated at the table in the main bar room of the brothel, eating breakfast with the other girls, Old Meru doling out food that she cooked herself – roasted sliced pole-snake medallions, scrambled bloggin eggs, and tuanulberry juice. Rey wasn't sure whether she was more surprised that the old woman cooked, or that the food was actually rather good – certainly better than her usual breakfast of polystarch bread and veg-meat portions. Instead of the Pekkie Blue music from the night before, there was a HoloNet News report, patchily coming in from the Murkhana Visualist HoloNet relay node reporting that Lord Vikram had lobbied a new accusation against the Resistance 'terrorists' in the New Republic Senate on Hosnian Prime, blaming them for stoking tensions with the First Order in the Outer Rim.

A half hour later, it was time to say goodbye. Uri, Zara, and most of the other girls gave Rey a casual farewell, with the dismissive demeanor as if they expected this new girl would soon be back, looking for more work in a few days anyway. Ikana, of course, was the exception, walking up and hugging her tight. "I hope I see you again, Rey," she said, friendly but with a tinge of sadness. "Perhaps under better circumstances."

"Maybe next time, you can stop by Niima Outpost to see me," Rey suggested in return.

Ikana beamed at that. "Oh, I'd like that! I could sure use a change of scenery. I bet I could get a lot from the crowd there not used to Togruta girls!"

"Oh… um… I actually meant just a friendly visit, and taking you with me on a scavenge," Rey clarified, a bit taken aback by Ikana's default assumption. The confused look on Ikana's face – whether at Rey's tone or her suggestion – the scavenger added playfully, "Lessons in return for the ones you gave me last night."

"Oh… right," Ikana smiled shyly in embarrassment. "Well, maybe I wouldn't mind that. And maybe sometime I can bring you home to Reestkii to meet the parents." It was in the tone of a joke, but Rey could tell there's an undercurrent of vulnerable honesty there that touched the scavenger.

Meru, however, was much less sentimental as she escorted Rey out to where Ryabo and the two enforcers were waiting to take her back to Niima Outpost – along with the hard-earned currency Rey had made for herself. There were the tips in the form of the Tionese drachmas from Quenton and the CSA crystalline vertices from the Wookiees, and a mixed variety of Huttese peggats, Cantocoins, Zorkmids, Republic dataries, Imperial credits, and even a few beskar ingots stamped with the tusked Mandalorian insignia that Meru had collected for her from her gloryhole profit share and the up-front payments of the Wookiees and Quenton.

"Not a bad haul, girl," Meru said, patting Rey on the back as she handed over the small transparent-plastex haul bag to one of the thugs. "For a first-timer, you got some skills in you. Those two Wookiees last night gave high praise for you before they left." Rey openly blushed at that remark, despite the insinuation that she was naturally-skilled whore. "Feel free to come back any time you need to make up some extra cash. My doors are always open for you – as long as your legs are always open for me," the old madame added before turning to Ryabo. Reaching into a pocket with her cybernetic hand, she pulled out a small datacard, handing it over to the short little Dug. "And for you – as requested, in lieu of your extra cut."