
Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

After the destruction of his clan a lone warrior makes his way through the galaxy. Starts before the battle of Naboo, the mc will work as a mercenary as he tries to rebuild his clan while dealing with a galactic civil war. (This is my first time writing and I am dyslexic so sorry if there are any mistakes.)

Vapidbread829 · Movies
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126 Chs

Chapter 60

"Ooooh this looks flammable…. Oooh and this too …. Bet this is expensive." Spark was saying happily as he began attaching explosives to things inside the spice factories on Nar Shaddaa.

Renn had told him and Crow to cause a distraction so he was going to cause a massive one. And what was more distracting than a load of expensive stuff turning into a massive fireball.

"You don't have to narrate everything you are doing." Crow said from nearby as he placed an explosive charge on a stack of gas cannisters.

"True, but I choose to. Spark said nobly" Spark said aiming to annoy Crow.

"Grrr" Crow growled back at him.

"The other droid growled aggressively, like an ancient speeder struggling to start." Spark said continuing to narrate what was happening.

"Shut up" Crow said giving him the droid equivalent of a glare.

"He said unable to overcome the immense wit and intelligence of the almighty Spark, his clear superior." Spark said happily.

"Shut it, or the next one of these bombs is going to be strapped to your annoying head." Crow said, barely restraining himself from yelling.

"Tut tut, violence is the tool of the ineloquent. You should try to resolve your problems with your words like me." Spark said cheerily, blissfully ignoring they bombs he was currently planting and all the beings he had shot, blown-up, stabbed, burned or occasionally drowned throughout his long runtime as one of the most deadly assassin droids in the galaxy.

"I hate you so much" Crow said tiredly.

"I know, I love you too buddy" Spark answered, ignoring Crow's cries of frustration behind him.


"Hey did you hear that Zora was actually a jedi?" A Weequay pirate said.

"No, what happened?" his Rodian colleague said.

The two pirates were assigned to monitor the control room in Krayn's compound and were chatting to pass the time.

"Apparently the boss found her arguing with one of the new slaves who called her a jedi called Siri." The Weequay said.

"Really?" The Rodian asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah, so the boss turned up at that point and asked about it and she tried to talk her way out of it but the boss figured out both she and the slave were actually jedi." The Weequay said.

"Ha, the boss sure is smart. What happened to the jedi?" The Rodian asked curiously.

"The boss ordered them locked up until he executes them. Serves them right trying to trick us." The Weequay laughed and the Rodian soon joined him in laughing at the fates of the two jedi.

"Haha, a bet they are so scared. The dumb magic monks." The Rodian laughed.

"When's the execution? I want to watch." The Rodian pirate said after a moment.

The Weequay didn't respond and the Rodian frowned, "Hey what's up?"

The Rodian turned to look at his friend and let out a yelp of alarm when he saw him. The Weequay pirate was slumped back in his chair.

His head was bent unnaturally far back with a large jagged cut opening his neck up nearly to his spinal cord. Blood pouring down from his open neck and staining his clothes before pooling on the ground bellow him.

"What?" The Rodian panicked as he backed away from his dead friend. He backed straight into a wall that he didn't realise was behind him.

A sickening thought filled his head as he realised he was still stood in the centre of the room and there shouldn't be any walls around him.

The Rodian turned slowly to see a the glowing red optical sensors of a HK-50 assassin droid staring down at him. He tried to scream, tried to run away, but before he could react one of the droids hands shot forwards, a vibro-knife extending out of a hidden compartment on the droids arm.

The droid slammed his vibro-knife into the Rodian's chin in a uppercut motion. The Rodian let out a croaked wheeze as he began choaking on his own blood, and the vibro-knife lodged in his throat.

The assassin droid twisted the vibro-knife, and a snapping sound filled the command centre as the Rodian's neck broke and his corpse slumped to the floor.

"You know, sometimes I think you try to be dramatic on purpose." A blue holographic woman appeared on the assassin droid's shoulder.

"…" The assassin droid answered.

"Good talk," Th blue hologram said while rolling her eyes.

"Were those nefarious ex-biologics talking about capturing some jedi?" A second assassin droid said as he walked into the room and the first droid just shrugged non-committally.

"Sounded like it" the hologram said uncaringly, "Now upload me to the pirates systems. I want to take control of things before the others get discovered and start blasting things."

"Yes, I am worried about Spark and Crow." The second assassin droid said and the other nodded in silent agreement.

"Yeeah, I'd say the odds are good they will either start arguing and get discovered, or start trying to blast each other." The hologram said and the droids just nodded in agreement.


"We have taken control of the command centre and I have disabled all of the slaves' tracking chips," Sapphire's voice came over Renn's commlink.

"Good, we are looking for Krayn now. Do you have any idea were he could be from the security cameras." Renn asked as he crept down a corridor with Alpha and Shae.

"He's in a meeting room on the top floor talking to a delegation of Colicoids, I think they are doing some sort of shady drug deal." Sapphire told him, "Oh, and by the way there are some jedi running about.

One is wandering about looking for the others and the other two have been caught and imprisoned. And I believe one of the ones in prison is your friend Anakin."

Renn stopped walking after he heard what Sapphire said.

"Wait Anakin is here?" Renn said, "And he's got himself captured?"

"Yes, he is currently trapped in a cell trying to plot his escape while a jedi who has been pretending to be a pirate is explaining why her spending time helping pirates in raiding the hyperspace lanes and selling beings into slavery was a good thing as it was helping her end piracy and slavery." Sapphire said.

"Okayyy, that doesn't make much sense. But moving on, we are going to change the plan a bit and go get them." Renn said and he, Alpha and Shae began moving towards the prison where Anakin was being held.


Anakin sat on the floor of his cell as the pirate Zora, or in reality a jedi knight called Siri, paced in front of him.

They had been caught after he had figured out she was a rouge jedi and had tried to confront her but after they had been locked in the cell she had told him that she was secretly undercover on the orders of the jedi council.

She had said that the council knew about Krayn being on Nar Shaddaa and had wanted to put an end to his slaving and so sent her to infiltrate his organisation.

"I don't understand. Why send one undercover jedi? Wouldn't it have been easier to just send a group of jedi masters to deal with it? Krayn and his men are organised but they wouldn't be able to stop a jedi master, would they?

I mean master Obi-wan and master Qui-gon were able to destroy hundreds of battle droids during the battle of Naboo, I bet the two of them could of cleared out Krayn's entire gang on their own." Anakin asked Siri and she stopped pacing to glare at him.

"Look kid your still a padawan so you are still learning. But The jedi council is made up of the wisest beings in the galaxy, if they say this is the best way to deal with things it's the best way to deal with things." Siri said with a scowl and Anakin just stayed quiet.

He didn't really agree with Siri. The jedi council seemed to make lots of mistakes, like not trusting master Qui-gon back when he had first brought Anakin to Coruscant.

They seemed to be stuck in their ways and refused to accept new ideas. But Anakin didn't want to say anything, he was trapped in a small room with Siri and didn't want to start an argument seeing as though he didn't know how long it would be until they could escape.

He did have a plan to escape though. While he had been with the other slaves, he had made friends with a Twi'lek slave whose daughter was being forced to work in the kitchens of Krayn's compound.

Apparently she had gotten word to her daughter to try and help Anakin and Anakin had asked her to smuggle his and Siri's lightsabres into the cell. Once they had their lightsabres, they could cut their way out of the cell and take out Krayn.

All they needed to do was wait and soon they would be able to end Krayn's reign of terror.

As if on cue the hatch at the base of the cell door opened and a silver tray was slid into the room. The tray had a loss piece of fabric on it which being used to cover two lightsabres.

"Wow, I didn't expect that to work." Siri said looking down at her lightsabre. She hadn't really trusted that the slave girl would be able to sneak the lightsabres to them.

"I did," Anakin said simply, "Lets wait a bit for her to get clear of the corridor then we can cut our way out."

The two jedi waited a few minutes so that the slave girl who brought the lightsabres wouldn't be caught up in the fighting that was likely to happen when they escaped. And once they were sure it would be fine, they began cutting through the cell door.

Their lightsabres melted through the cell door and after a few moments a circle was cut through the centre of the door, which Siri sent flying into the corridor outside with a force powered push.

The two jedi leapt out into the corridor, lightsabres held at the ready, and braced themselves to start fighting with security droids and maybe some pirates.

Instead of finding the corridor outside filled with security droids waiting to blast them, they found a pile of scrapped and sparking droids next to three figures.

The three figures were leaning against the far wall of the corridor and seemed to look uncaringly at the fact two jedi just burst from a hole in a wall.

The figure on the left was a Mandalorian girl who was spinning a blaster around and seemed to be studying the jedi with a bit of suspicion.

The figure on the right was a HK-51 assassin droid who seemed familiar to Anakin, but due to every droid of that class looking basically the same he didn't want to assume he knew who it was.

And the final figure, in-between the two others, was an armoured boy with his arms crossed. Anakin remembered his friend. His friend who had a Hk-51 assassin droid. His friend who also had a set of armour similar to the boys. His friend that he hadn't seen since he left to join the jedi order.

The armoured boy uncrossed his arms and stepped slowly forwards before stopping in front of Anakin.

"Hey Ani. Your mum's annoyed, you haven't been calling her." The armoured boy said, and Anakin's blood went cold.