
Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

No Harem! Adrian Hawke died on Earth. He is given the chance to reincarnate into Star Wars, but as a Non-Force User. Now he seeks to unite Mandalore and the Galaxy once and for all, under his rule whilst having to deal with Force Gods, Jedi, Sith and outer Galaxy threats and more. Will he endure and survive or will he fail and die and become one with the Cosmic Force... My discord is https://discord.gg/KcX9JCkn

Knight_Riku · Movies
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113 Chs

webnovel is fixed

thank you Madhatter123 for telling me about this.

it seems cause so many people complained about the issue with webnovel it is now fixed, now you can enjoy all your other fictional and mine ad normal without the app.

I checked it myself just now when Madhatter123 told me about this, so massive thank you Madhatter123.

now I don't have to do the massive headache of my plan to counter this webnovel change since ut is hone now.

I'll tell you what I was going to do so you can tell your other favourite authors the same Genius level iq plan I was gonna do to still be able to post here and u to be able to read without app.

seems redundant now since its fixed, but always good to know the plan I came up with so if webnovel decides to pull this move again.