
Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

No Harem! Adrian Hawke died on Earth. He is given the chance to reincarnate into Star Wars, but as a Non-Force User. Now he seeks to unite Mandalore and the Galaxy once and for all, under his rule whilst having to deal with Force Gods, Jedi, Sith and outer Galaxy threats and more. Will he endure and survive or will he fail and die and become one with the Cosmic Force... My discord is https://discord.gg/KcX9JCkn

Knight_Riku · Movies
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quick asking for help and funny story

funny story how I got banned on PSN few years ago at end of chap...




yo guys and girls

the chap I am writing had been taking me more than 3 weeks of thinking to do cause of how much it impacts the plot and what I need to do for it.

as ur aware, I'm doing Multiverse crossovers cause it is cannon possible to happen because of the existence and functionality of the World Between Worlds connecting throughout the Multiverse.

for example, in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, there is a portal gun u can use to summon objects and weapons, etc to help fight with u in battle.

many easier eggs exist in this such as Nathan Drake's airplane from the Uncharted series and many many more.

cause this happened, Uncharted is also connected to Ratchet And Clank Universe as well as Lara Croft Universe

Lara Croft had many crossovers with the Witchblade comics of Sarah Penzinni and Jackie Estacado, the current Host of the Darkness Force.

Jackie and Sarah tried preventing the 24 Artifacts from getting close to each other but failed which destroyed and reset the Universe making Hope Estacado, their daughter become a Codex for the universe.

if she dies, so too does the Universe reset and that's what happened.

Jackie fought Superman so DC is also connected.

Mortal Combat, God of War (Kratos appeared in Mortal Combat and their is an easter egg refrence Mimir asks Kratos about Mortal Combat in the new God of War game Ragnarok), Predator and Xenomorphs, Marvel, Dc, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Witchblade, Fathom comics (Aspen Matthews), Darkness Comics and many more are all connected

Dark Souls, Bloodborne (Marvelous Chester easter egg? and Demon Souls knights in the Dungeons), Borderlands (Dark Souls Bonfire and Solaire easter egg in Caustic Caverns of Borderlands 2 and Minecraft easter egg)

so u get tge idea that star wars easter eggs that may appear in a single one of these many worlds, then it is cannon possible for anything and any crossover I have done to be fully possible in cannon (so to those of u who keep complaining that its not possible, shut it! I just proved it again! also if u keep swearing and cussing without putting dots in the world's like r.a.p.e then webnovel bots remove and deletes ur comments automatically.)

anyway, sorry bout my rant, back to topic at hand.

the chap I am writing has lots of potential characters and worlds to implement and I have already planned out the final battle of this fic, which is long and has ALOT of characters in it.

for example, the fight itself without dialogue is roughly gonna be 40,000 to 60,000 words long in it of itself with varying povs and fight scenes involving more than 40 characters at least, could be more.

to put ut into perspective, my main book series where the Great Protector, Great Destroyer and Ulthaad (he original inspiration for Ulthaan came from) has a final fight scene that is 80,000 words long and 50,000 words dialogue and thoughts of the character, that's 130,000 words for the final fight of my main book series.

so yeeeeeaaahhhh, u put alot of effort and dedication into my stories, there was spelling errors due to auto correct but nowadays it isn't much and is just the occasional slip up which is passable, all that while I'm being very busy 6 days a week work.

how great of an author I am to u guys 😀😃🙂🙃😊😇

anyway, these are the list of characters below, there are more but I would like ur opinion on these ones, do note that the list also includes dead characters like Kratos and Artreus of God of War cause Ulthaan already killed them, but they are here cause I fell myself falling asleep again and can't be bothered to edit cause I'm lazy. anyway, please tell me if u want any characters included.

Elder Scrolls - Dovahkiin, Miraak, Harkon, Serana, Valerica, the 17 Daedric Princes (Nocturnal is dead so 16) - Azura, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile & Barbas, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Jyggalag, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, Meridia, Molag Bal, Namira, Nocturnal (she very much dead), Peryite, Sanguine, Sheogorath, Vaermina, the Nine Divines - Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth, Mara, Stendarr, Talos, Zenithar

DMC (after Dante and Vergil descend into the Demon World to fight Lucifer and Satan (not 100% confirmed but im trying to investigate. also Nero has a unammed sister and Dante has a illegitimate daughter called Beatrice) - Nero Sparda, Kyrie, Trish, Lady (Mary), Nico

Darksiders - Death, Despair (Death's Horse), Vulgrim the Merchant of the Dammed, War, Ruin, Strife, (Strife's Horse, I forgot name), Fury, Rampage, Charred Council, Mother Lilith, Samael

Overlord - Ainz, Nazarick

Strike the Blood - Akatsuki and his family

Tensura - Rimuru, his subordinates, True Dragons (- Veldora who is currently being tortured for fun by Ahrimaas), Demon Lords, Manus:Ciel (She was taken by Ulthaan and is currently Kara which Adrian has)

God of War - Mimir (he is still alive, Ulthaanhad his head), Kratos, Artreus

Marvel - Avengers, Doctor Strange, Spiderman crew, Defenders (Luke Cage, Danny, Ava (nor our one of course, the white cat one I'm talking about), Nova, Harry Osborn, One Above All, Living Tribunal, Phoenix Force, Lady Death

DC - Justice League, Young Justice AU (includes Supergirl not trapped in Phantom Zone and not corrupted by Darkseid, also includes Donna Troy and fee others), Elaine Belloc (search her name you'll be surprised who she is), Lucifer Morningstar, Doomsday

Borderlands - The Destroyer, The Traveller, Handsome Jack, Angel, Lilith, Athena, Modecai, Brick, Nyriad, Zer0, Gaige, Deathtrap, Axton, Salvador, Maya, Krieg, Tina, Moxxi

Witcher 3 - Ciri

Ben 10 - Ben, Gwen, Kevin

FF 15 - Ardyn

Diablo 3 - Nephilim, Leia, Tyrael, 5 Archangels (Adrian still has Imperius' soul if u can remember), Diablo the Prime Evil (7 Evils)

Cod Zombies (just before the End of the Aether Arc) - Ultims & Primis crew

Destiny - Oryx the Taken King

RWBY - Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake

Assassin's Creed - Ezio, Altaïr, Desmond, Conner, Haythem, Edward, Arno, Bayak, Aya, Shay, Jacob & Eva

Dishonored - The Outsider

Dungeons & Dragons - Ao, the Overgod (he dead af boi)

Horizon Zero Dawn - Hades A.I., Aloy

Lord of the Rings - Sauron, Hosts of the Valar (Gods of LOTR Universe beneath Elu Iluvitar (I think I spelt it wrong)), Maiá (Gandalf, the other Wizards and Sauron and the Balrogs are Maiá)

Mass Effect - Commander Shepherd (it will be awkward cause Adrian nammed the Cerberus corporation after the Cerberus company of Mass Effect. I wonder how Shepherd would react...oh wait...I do.)

So I'm a Spider, So What?! - Kumoko, Shun and the others (I liked the Webnovel version better. author changed what happens to Wrath in the Webnovel to the new version in Light Novel. ending was Meh...)

H.P. Lovecraftion horror works - Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Yog Sothoth







funny story...Flashback to 2017

I was but a humble veteran gamer who, once upon a time, played Call of Duty Balck Ops 3 Zombies.


alright I'll stop with this way of talk, I feel my brain cells commiting s.u.c.i.c.i.d.e one by one cause I watched Karen videos before this.

anyway, I was helping out noobs doing the Revelations map Easter Egg they get the million XP

I was posting that I can help a team of noobs on the Cod Community on Ps4.

some guy posted a picture of him getting round 255 on a few maps on the Community, while I was waiting for reply to my post to help with Eater eggs, I also posted my picture of me getting round 255 on 5 maps and round 200 on 2 maps and round 150ish on the rest ofthe maps

Needless to say we all were trying to brag to each other who the better Cod Zombies player was...naturally I won cause I had 4 maps with higher rounds more than this one guy, he was a chill dude

and then lo and behold..."He appeared"...

dun dun duuuuun!!!


he has a number after his name but I can't disclose that cause it is private information I am not allowed to give

anyway, Lary just randomly started hating on the chill guy calling him trash at zombies and all of us trash cause we are trying to show off



we all started arguing with him but noone could out do his counter arguments

that was until I called him out for being a hater and told him to prove himself better than us at Zombies as he claimed and I told him to post a screenshot of his Zombies rounds on the Community chat

he was a p.u.s.s.y and back out with excuses of how that matters to people lower than himself

I kept calling him a coward and he eventually gave up and ran away like a coward and shut his mouth

or so I thought

2 hours later after I finished helping some noobs on Zombies easter egg for Der Eizendrache, he returned and saw me posting to help again

he then tried provoking me directly and others were telling him to leave me alone but he ignored them

After an argument with him on the chat

I got kicked out of the community and a one day ban?!?!?!

he got one as well so, haha! Lol

I was yelling out loud, "Karma's a b.i.t.c.h ain't it!"

anyway, after that I joined the community again to problem and one year passed

exactly one year from that day psn sent me a msg saying I am permanently console and account banned until I can prove I am the user of the account I am using cause they assume it is a hacked account

the thing is, that was my bro old psn account when ps3 first came out day one, then he gave it to me and registered it on my info and not his, naturally the password necessary to prove the account was legit and was forgotten, lost and no way to recover it since ut had been a decade since the account was made and he forgot the original info

thus ended my almost all hero's rep 70 on For Honor, Max upgraded 100% Skyrim, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne and Cod Zombies round 255s all lost and deleted permanently

oh, also I was console banned

that meant my ps4 would always be locked if I connected to the Internet in any way, even if I don't have ps plus and just wanted to fo updates, it would be locked

that means I had to play un updated or version 0 and version 1.0 of games and no Internet single player games

it was boring but hey, skyrim and Borderlands were the GOAT of single player games

The End


I got Elder Scrolls Legends on mobile, my name is Knight_Riku07 if ya wanna 1vs1....if u ain't scared that is?