
Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

No Harem! Adrian Hawke died on Earth. He is given the chance to reincarnate into Star Wars, but as a Non-Force User. Now he seeks to unite Mandalore and the Galaxy once and for all, under his rule whilst having to deal with Force Gods, Jedi, Sith and outer Galaxy threats and more. Will he endure and survive or will he fail and die and become one with the Cosmic Force... My discord is https://discord.gg/KcX9JCkn

Knight_Riku · Movies
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113 Chs

Chapter 21.5: The Voices...

Obi-Wan: "What is this place?"

Father: "You have a very simple view of the Universe."

Qui-Gon: "A conduit through which the entire Force of the entire Universe flows."

Chirrut: "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."

Obi-Wan: "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the Galaxy together."

Fives: "This is bigger than any of us, than anything I could have imagined."

Yoda: "Impossible to see the Future is."

Serenity: "His Destiny is already set, it is not for us to decide."

Sidious: "A Dyad in the Force..."

Ahsoka: Just when you think you understand the Force, you find out how little you actually know."

Sadness (Whill): "You will fail the Great Gift. You will disappointed us."

Kylo Ren: "Show me..."

Talzin: "Follow me, Follow the Sun of Dathomir."

Obi-Wan: "What you need, you already have. Unfortunately, you seem to be letting it all go."

Maul: "Revenge, I must have..."

Adrian: "...Revenge..."


Yoda: "Train yourself to let go, of everything you fear to lose."

Son: "We will destroy the Sith, and the Jedi."

Palpatine: "You must Choose!"

Pre Vizsla: "Only the Strongest, shall Rule."

Young Anakin: "DAD!!!"

Young Ahsoka: "DAD!!!"


Din Djarin: "I only want the kid."

Hando: "It is the Honourable thing to do. It's what your father would've wanted."

Talzin: "Geiss kan erde mak harden ob stein. Geiss kan lewf mak krig ob blitz. Geiss kan pire mak blud loge raga. Geiss kan vass byn skol zum Hawke. Erde-blitz-raga-byn erde-blitz raga byn.

Erde-blitz-raga-byn zum Hawke"

Gethzerion: "What have you done Mandalorian?"

Jinx: "Are you going to challenge him?"

Kal Neral: "What for?"

Jinx: "You're the second Mandalorian Force User to appear in a thousand years since Tarre Vizsla..."

Tarre Vizsla: "FOR MANDALORE!"

Mandalorians (multiple): "FOR MANDALORE! FOR CLAN VIZSLA!"


Thora: "Did you have a Vision again?"

Jason Smoke: "I saw...my home...."

Sabine: "I built weapons. Terrible Weapons!"

Jason Smoke: "...My father..."

Sabine: "I helped ENSLAVE my people!"

Jason Smoke: "...All of it...reduced to ashes."


Aurora: "Why did you spare my life?"

Adrian: "The Force told me not to."

Jack Stone: "Reality....Visions...Dreams...It no longer matters..."

Qui-Gon: "Your Focus determines your Reality."

Adrian: "Do you no longer wish to see your sister...and your once to be, Brother-In-Law?"

Aurora: "I don't know...I'm afraid what they might think...of me..."

Yoda: "Fear is the path to the Dark Side, Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering."

Adrian: "Remember Ani, Soka. Never use this gift you have to oppress others..."

Savage: "You beg? Weakling!"

Adrian: "...Use this gift you have to help those who cannot help themselves."

*Crack* *Crack*

Daughter: "Did you do it?"

Son: "I sped things along."

Kal Neral: "Patience is a Virtue."


*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Yoda: "Death is a natural part of life."

Jinx: "What is all this? What have you done Hawke?!"


99: "I am a soilder like you, this is what I was bred for."

Daughter: "It is his nature."

Fenn Rau: "It can't be..."

Pre Vizsla: "This Lightsaber was stolen from you Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the Fall of the Old Republic."

Yoda: "Let go of everything you fear to lose."

Anakin: "I won't lose Padme."

Darth Bane: "I created a Legacy so great..."

Yoda: "Always two there are, no more no less. A Master and an Apprentice."

Darth Bane: "...That now you come before me."

Son: "You are...

Vitiate/Adrian: "...Mine Now..."

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Satele Shan: "Will you return Adrian?"

Adrian: "I do not belong here...in this time...I must be forgotten..."

Maul: "You were motivated to leave, by the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council."

Darth Vader: "Search your feelings, you know it to be true."

Bendu: "The Jedi and Sith weild the Ashla and Bogan, the Light and the Dark."

Son: "Light, Dark, as if there can be one without the other."

Bendu: "I am the one in the middle, the Bendu."

Maz Kanata: "What do you intend to do now, Zer0?"

Xander: "I met three Divine Individuals here on Mortis. The Son, The Daughter and The Father. But I see The Father, not as a Representative of Balance, but one of the Force itself."

Hydan: "Pathway between all Time and Space. He who controls it, controls the Universe."

Sidious: "The Mortis Gods."


Darth Reven: "We are ones who have come before."

Hydan: "The Father is clearly showing the way to the Portal. The wolves are the Portal Guardians."

Dume: "Duuuummme~"

Sabine: "What about the Owl?"

Morai: "*Hoot* *Hoot* *Hoooooot*"

Hydan: "A servant of the Daughter, or possibly the Daughter herself when acting as a Spirit guide."

Father: "We can take many forms."

Nightsisters (multiple): "Winged Goddess, grant us your Power."


Nightbrothers (multiple): "Fanged God, grant us your Strength."


Sidious: "You have become a Rival!"

Confusion (Whills): "Why is he here? Why are you here?"

Maul: "You cannot imagine the depths I would go to, to stay alive."

Sadness (Whills): "Why him?"

Leia: "This is our most desperate hour."

Jyn Erso: "The Time to Fight is Now!"

Qui-Gon: "He is the Chosen One, he will bring Balance."

Palgueis: "Have we been Undone? Have you Undone us?"

Whill 1: "I will add it later."

Maul: "Always remember I am Fear, Always remember I am Hunter, Always remember I am Filth, Always remember I am Nothing!"


Sidious: "Execute Order 66."


Whill 2: "Out of Order?"

Fives: "The Nightmares...there...finally over..."


Serenity (Whills): "You must know yourself, your true self, and then let go."

Yoda: "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

Serenity (Whills): "You must face your Evil...and defeat it."

Adrian: "What do I Fear? What am I Afraid of? What is my Terror? What, is my Demons?"

*Crack* *Crack*

Bendu: "Only you can change yourself."

Serenity (Whills): "Free yourself, you must."

Darth Vader: "You don't know the power of the Dark Side."

Bendu: "The temptation of Power, Forbidden Knowledge, even the desire to do good can lead some down that path."

Maul: "Let your Anger deepen your hatred."


Anakin: "I HATE YOU!!!"

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Son: "I Hate You!"

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Serenity (Whills): "What you have faced was a reflection of your Hubris in the shadow of your Soul."

Father: "I always knew there was...Good in you."

Serenity (Whills): "The Beast I you, and you are the Beast. To deny it, simply gives it power."

Confusion (Whills): "You must face, the Ultimate Test, the Ultimate Seduction, the gravest of journeys."

Lord Momin: "An Eternal Shrine to the Dark Side. My Masterpiece."

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Yoda: "The Sahdow of Greed, that is."

Gwendolin: "Adrian?"

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Serenity (Whills): "Face the Temptations you must."

Anger (Whills): "He has no idea what he seeks. The Responsibility he will have."

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Anger (Whills): "And do you realise what you must do? What you must face?"

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Anger (Whills): "Face all that you Fear, all that haunts your SOUL!!!









Abeloth: "I WILL KILL YOU!!!"

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack







*Shattering Glass*

*Wolves howling*

*Morai Hooting*









Adrian: "What have I done...was everything for naught...did I make a mistake...tell me...TELL MEEEE!!!"








Kara: "Your awake! Hurry! The Jedi are sending reinforcements! You have to escape the Jedi Temple now! Quickly, Follow this Tummel to the Liabrary!"


What just happened?


I...can't remember...

All I remember was the sound of Shattering Glass...




Whatever it was it doesn't matter...

If I can't remember it...then it must not be important...

I would never forget something so important...especially with my supernatural memory.

I shook my head to regain my lost senses.

I remember what had happened just recently.

My fight with the girl...the Padawan Ava Kendra.

I wi need to focus on escaping now. I will try and use the Animus to remember whatever it was I had forgotten...

The Voices...

I had heard many Voices...

But I don't remember a single one, except for Gwen calling out my name...

"Hope is what makes us stong, it is what we have left when all else is gone. it is the one thing that cannot be taken from you. when you surrender to despair and terror, is when Hope dies. never reliquish that which makes you strong, that which makes you...you." - Gwendolin to Adrian in their past life when Adrian was suffering in a time of deep depression. (I made this quote)

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