
Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

No Harem! Adrian Hawke died on Earth. He is given the chance to reincarnate into Star Wars, but as a Non-Force User. Now he seeks to unite Mandalore and the Galaxy once and for all, under his rule whilst having to deal with Force Gods, Jedi, Sith and outer Galaxy threats and more. Will he endure and survive or will he fail and die and become one with the Cosmic Force... My discord is https://discord.gg/KcX9JCkn

Knight_Riku · Movies
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113 Chs

apologises of other fics

If u r reading this then I apologise.

Recently there has been alot of family drama in my house and I have been greatly depressed to the point of just staring blankly into a wall for a entire hour.

I haven't given up on writing any of my fics as I love doing it as it is a way of helping to elevate some of that depression because I enjoy doing this.

But I have decided to only focus on the three fics I am comfortable with and enjoy doing the most.

The other fics will still be updated though not as frequent as my other ones, at least until I feel comfortable and have become un-depressed.

The fics I will be focusing on are:

Skyrim: The Snow Prince (an Elder Scrolls fanfic)

Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

Borderlands: Siren in the Multiverse


The other fics I will post slowly, I know I had just recently began rewriting them but I hope you can understand that I am sorry but I want to write the fics I greatly enjoy.

Once again I apologise to those that enjoy my other works, I will more than likely post one chapter for my ither fics on the weekend.

Cya next time