
Star Wars: Revelations(dropped)

I realized that I can't really add more so if anyone wants to continue this feel free. A man named John is reborn in star wars and must find a way to change its fate. It will be more difficult as his very existence has changed the course of history. Will he be able to save this universe without being able to predict everything that is to come Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z... Oh wait, wrong thing. *Authors note* Yay, I finally figured out how to change the cover. woohoo

DaoistXzVSxK · Sci-fi
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24 Chs


Although it's been a few months since I met Yoda, I still can't get over the fact he was holding back. I need to get stronger or else I won't be able to face Sidius. My ship exits hyperspace and a large Green and blue planet comes into view. The closer I look at it the more I feel it looks familiar. I send probes and begin scanning the planet. After about an hour of scanning I have a holographic image of the planet.

" No way!?" My eyes widen and my heart beats into a panicked state." I can't believe it... it's Earth!?" What the H*LL!!! This is impossible, isn't Earth supposed to be in a galaxy far far away!? I know this is Earth because of the continent that was my home, America. Most specifically the pan handle Florida. I'd recognize this place anywhere.

I check the rest of the planets continents." Sure enough I see Europe, Asia, Africa , they're all there." What is going on here? I decide to remain in stealth mode as I approach. When I get closer I can see what looks to be buildings in the distance. I make my towards them into what was known as New York City. When I get there I see nothing but ruins. Although I did notice that the architecture and leftover tech seems to be far more advanced than anything I've seen in the galaxy.

I scan the buildings and find an energy current that leads underground. I send more probes to investigate while I try to open my communications. I contact Arla. " Hello Kyber, What's up?" she asks almost as if she is annoyed. " Sorry to disturb but I found a planet that seems to have been abandoned. The technology here is far mor advanced than anything I've seen. I'm sending you the coordinates, get an investigation team out here ASAP.". " Roger that, a team should be ready in a week." With that I close communications.

Of course I didn't tell her I recognized it, and I doubt she would believe me anyway. I decide to start scanning more of my surroundings to gain a better idea of the situation here. Over the hours I found many of the normal local wildlife such as Deer, rabbits, crows etc. The planet is exactly like the Earth I knew except no humans. After a while, the probes sent me a report saying that they found the source of the energy in what was known as the Pacific ocean.

I set my ship to head towards the coordinates and when I get there to my surprise I see an enormous Mega Structure in a circular shape. The structure is mostly under water so it's no surprise why it wasn't considered a continent given its size. If I had windows I would have seen it from space. Although the structure is extremely old, the tech involved is amazing. I don't know how it works but I can tell it's a massive generator considering this is where all the energy originates. At this point I think it's vest to wait for the team to arrive.