
Knight Trials (1)

"Members of the Council, I would like to recommend Vaner for the Jedi trials" Said Ki-Adi-Mundi

"Master Ki-Adi-Mundi while your padawan may be skilled enough to become a Jedi Knight all of us here know what kind of attitude he has outside of the temple. Giving him the rank of Knight would be a mistake with him as a Padawan we can keep him in the temple and be sure he doesn't leave the light side of the Force." Said Jedi master Eeth Koth

"While I can understand the council not accepting to let him go through the trials if was not skilled enough, but this is clearly not acceptable my padawan followed each command from the Order. Moreover, while some left the temple, he didn't even with all of you doubting him." Said Mundi in a deep and loud voice clearly angered by the Jedi Master.

"Master Koth the Council do not choose who take the trials by the trouble they give to the Order but if they are worthy or not." Said master Windu looking at the Jedi Master

"Worthy or not we need to be wary of him not everyone is capable like you master Windu" Said Even Piell

Hearing the argument between the member of the Council Ki-Adi-Mundi was disappointed, while his apprentice was close to the dark side during his time as a youngling he turns to light side during his whole time as a Padawan and while he caused some trouble it was nothing worthy such wariness.

"There is no need to be wary if we are wary of him then wary of all we need to be. Other left but he didn't. Moreover, the trouble he caused shouldn't have been trouble if the Order was not so close to the Senate" said Plo Koon to which master Windu, Master Yoda and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi nod with half of the council.

"The trials he will take. Hrmm, yes. Worthy of being a knight he is" Said Master Yoda causing all opposing voices to die down.

"He will take the trials tomorrow however what difficulty should we chose for him" ask Plo Koon

"The council couldn't unanimously agree for him to take the trials. I think making him take the highest difficulty would balance our decision and only then would he convince the whole council" said Even Piell

Ki-Adi-Mundi wanted to protest however after some thinking he realized that he couldn't say much to oppose this proposition as Even Piell was right, the High Council hadn't totally agreed, it was only the influence of Yoda that had to push the decision.

"Hrm, yes. The highest difficulty he will take." conclude Yoda before the masters at the council start leaving the room.

While Ki-Adi-Mundi was at the council, Vaner was waiting in a meditating room. Five Years had gone by since Qui-Gon Jinn was killed, Vaner was now 22 years old. Sitting cross-leg on the ground you could sense his muscular body that was hidden by the ample Jedi robe. And contrary to wuxia's novel character his brown hair didn't reach his back but was kept short.

While Vaner was meditating the door opened, feeling who it was Vaner start to get up dusting his robe before looking at his master with his blue eyes.

"So, what did the council say Master?" ask Vaner

"Mhm, they agreed" said Ki-Adi-Mundi without explaining what happened in the council room.

"So who beside grandpa Yoda backed you up ?" ask Vaner clearly knowing that a good part of the council had something against him, but he didn't care about them as he now had Yoda's backing something that surprised him too however not long after the death of Obi-Wan master Yoda who had gone in long meditation finally stop it and came out and from this moment became invest in his training and start backing him up.

"Even with your closeness to Master Yoda, it isn't grandpa Yoda but Master Yoda for you." Sighed Mundi before following "Hmm surprisingly master Windu helped" said the Jedi Master.

Hearing his master Vaner was a little shocked as Master Windu had always been quite opposed to him even after the change of Master Yoda but now he supported him passing the trials.

"It seems my effort paid off if even master Windu support me" said Vaner has during these five years while he still trained his combat ability, he mostly focuses on the Force like most of the Jedi making him look less warmonger.

"Yes, and now it is time for you to become a Jedi knight, show them what you can do" said his Master to which Vaner nod full of confidence knowing the trials would probably be just a formality.

Seeing the relaxed face of his apprentice Ki-Adi-Mundi couldn't help but secretly shake his head. Confidence was good but with Vaner current state of mind, he could fail the trials tomorrow.

The next day Vaner woke up early and head toward the meditation room to reach his best state for the trials. Around an hour later his master came to fetch him and then together they headed toward the Tranquility spire which was the highest spire of the temple.

Arriving near the spire the duo start heading down as the Jedi trials chamber was at the bottom of the spire and reaching the top of the spire would mean your ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight.

Arriving before the chamber Vaner could see Master Yoda, Windu, Koon, Piell and Koth making him slightly frown for an instant as he realizes that while the temple had accepted his trial they must be up to something for 5 members of the High Council to come here.

"Young Vaner ready you are?" asked Yoda

"Yes, I am Master Yoda" answered Vaner

"The trials will start from the moment you step in the room" said Master Windu as Even Piell activate the room and the door opened.

Looking at the now open door Vaner couldn't see a thing of what was inside. Looking at his master who nods at him Vaner entered the room. Following his apprentice from his eyes, Ki-Adi-Mundi waits for the door to close behind Vaner to look at the other Jedi Master.

"What is the planning for his trial?" ask Mundi as he only knew that the difficulty would be the highest for the promotion of Jedi knight.

"His trials will be divided in three-part, first will come his trials of skill courage and insight, then his trial of the flesh and finally his trial of spirit" said Eeth Koth

Hearing him Mundi at first nod before a frown appears on his face but this frown was not only on his face but also on the face of Master Yoda, Master Windu, and Master Koon.

"What do you by three-part, there are 5 trials while there has been precedent never at the highest level?" ask Mundi clearly angered by the sneaky move made by the opposition in the council.

"I agree but there never was a Jedi train with such a talent and such affinity with the dark side" retort Even Piell causing master Yoda to sigh before saying "Right you are. Hrm. If succeed he does freedom and trust give him you must"