
Star Wars-Nature of the Force

Zelon a park ranger at work, is relaxing on his break surfing through his phone. He gets a text message, that’s probably spam. The message asks if he could; would he be a park ranger in Star Wars. Our bored hero decides to entertain this idiotic message and replies yes. Zelun then finds himself in the Star Wars Universe; on a god given quest from Gaia to create an Empire that delivers the wrath of natures fury. “For a park ranger, this is some kind of promotion!” I don’t own the picture used if the owner wishes for me to take it down please let me know. Thank you.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Ch.13 Suspicious Movements

While Zelon and his fleet of ships smoothly left the planet. Many figures in the dark began to make moves.

Inside of a building; deep in its basement, a Rebel command center had been created.

A pretty sizable base had been etched out underground and then hidden, in a conspicuous building close to the market district.

"Boss we need to make a move on the government soon!"

"We can't allow them to build up their military presence in the area."

A dark skinned human stood across a table, with a digital map of the surrounding area on display.

"If you will allow me and a few of our best men to sneak into their base and destroy their armor, we can cause major damage and weaken their position over the city."

On the other side of the table, a tall blue skinned man stood there looking at the table.

This man is Tri'iliga, a Pantoran tasked with occupying this city for the rebel faction.

Tri'iliga looked up from the display and stared at the human man.

"After the previous attack on their command posts and shipyards in Truval city, they would have increased security heavily."

"I wouldn't be surprised if they started doing checks within certain locations, to sniff out any rebel infiltrators."

"So while I do wish to send you on this mission, there is a high chance that you will fail and be caught."

The man sighed then looked down in defeat.

"Then what are we supposed to do, sit here and wait to be caught with our pants down?"

Tri'iliga began to make adjustments to the display, focusing on a mountainous region north of the city.

"I believe if we can create a diversion, to draw their attention from the city and their military base, we might be able to sneak you into the base and destroy as much equipment as possible."

"However, you must be extremely careful, there have been reports over the last few years, of a Jedi and his Padawan interfering in the war."

"Records show the Jedi's being at Yuonin city during the attack there."

"Many of our people were captured by the Jedi and then questioned about the reasoning of our rebellion."

Two images were then displayed on hologram for everyone to see.

The first image was of a male Twi'lek with purple skin.

The second image was of a short Mirialan girl with green skin and markings on the side of her cheek.

"This is Jedi Knight Narwuvar and his Padawan Migura."

"We believe they have been sent by the Jedi Council to be mediators in our war."

"If you see these 2 people at any time, I advice you to simply move away from them and not to get entangled with them."

Tri'iliga smiled then looked at everyone in the room.

"We don't need the Jedi to help us win our people's Liberation!"

Everyone cheered, shouting out loud, and throwing their hands in the air.

In Truval City, Jedi knight Narwuvar and his padawan sat in a inn meditating.

Narwuvar's face quivered then he opened his eyes.

"Can you sense that my padawan?"

The Migura opened her eyes then nodded.

"Yes, I can feel the force shaking around this city. I belive something is going to happen soon in this city."

Narwuvar nodded his head.

"Your right, I can sense that either the rebels or the military will begin making movements soon."

"However, this isn't the only movements I sense."

"For some reason the force has been slightly agitated on this planet, like a boiling pot that has been covered for too long."

Narwuvar closed his eyes, remembering the feeling the planet gave him over the last few months.

"There is something else going on in the background other than these battles between the rebels and the military."

"Those strange reports in the last month of a group of rebels getting killed with a barrage of arrows worries me."

The girl looked at her master in question.

"But master bows haven't been used as a weapon in thousands of years, plus with the weapons of today, who would use such primitive weapons in this day and age?"

"That is a great question; one we must look into, for I feel it might have some importance to the war on this planet."

"However, before we do any of that, there is something I have been putting off for too long."

Narwuvar stood up and began to stretch.

"When we first got here three years ago, I sensed a force sensitive child."

"I do believe it's time I go and talk to her family about training her as a Jedi."

Narwuvar and his padawan left the inn with their cloaks on.

Back at Zelon's home, his family were preparing for a family night together.

Luna cooked many different foods over the last 2 days in preparation.

"Tielia dear could you bring me a bowl from the cabinet please?"

On the couch, a now 9 year old Tielia layed there watching tv.

Over the years, she has begun to grew taller, about round the same height as her brother, and her future beauty is beginning to take form.

Tielia stood up and ran into the kitchen. She quickly retrieved a bowl from the cabinet then gave it to her mother.

"Thank you dear, do you want to help me finish making dinner for tonight?"

Tielia put a finger on her chin thinking of her options.

"Sure I'll help you, I want to learn how to cook."

Luna smiled; happy to hear here baby girls answer, she moved a bowl of food in front of Tielia and began instructing her.

Upstairs Mengil, sat in his study going over books and research papers.

"If everything goes as I researched, I will be making the worlds best composite alloy!"

"This alloy will have a toughness close to Beskarian Iron and the flexibility of Desh alloy."

Mengil mixed multiple small pieces of metals into a machine with a concentration of liquids.

Down the hall, Tiamat inside the Zelon clone sat in his room watching tv.

"Whoever created this picture machine should be welcome in the lands of the gods."

Tiamat was smiling away as she watched shows about womens fashion and the latest clothes released in the republic.

Out in space, Zelon sat in the cargo deck, training his control of the force.

Twelve heavy boxes filled with equipment floated around Zelon, circling around him in weirdly.

"I've been slacking on my training lately with the expansion of the army."

"I should use this time to train my force abilities, you will never know what we will run into."

After 3 hours of meditation, Zelon released the boxes back to the ground.

Zelon remembered, he forgot to give an order to Roshuni before he left.

He touched on his connection to Tiamat and called her.

Seconds later Tiamat appeared in his mind.

"Zelon are you okay?"

Zelon smiled then waved his hand in the air.

"I'm fine, I need you to give Roshuni an order from me."

"Tell her to use our agents to cause problems for both the Government and the Rebels. Secretly destroy bases, steal information and give it to both sides, anything we can do to get them to cause more damage."

"The more we can cause them to weaken each other, the easier my attack will be when my army appears."

"I will tell her your orders; and Zelon please be careful, if anything happens you have to use a seed to quickly travel back to us."

"I know, don't worry, I trust my men will keep me safe."

Tiamat face showed worry, but there was nothing she could do.

She nodded to Zelon, then returned to give his orders.

Zelon stood up and walked to the nearest window. He stared out, looking at the countless stars shining in the darkness.

"I hope everything goes as planned."