
Battle of Teth

In a faraway system, Obi-Wan could be seen walking on sandy grounds, specifically on the planet of Tatooine.

His figure was cloaked as he saw a structure in the distance, pulling off his hoodie he observed the large structure.

Looked akin to a Monastery, with another small tower beside it.


The large metallic door slid upward, as a droid that looked eerily similar to C3P0 greeted him.

"We should not keep the wise, and powerful Jabba waiting." The droid's robotic tone remarked.

Obi-Wan nodded, "I wouldn't hope for it."

The droid then led the way, as they entered the building and walked for a little, before finally arriving in Jabba's room.

Jabba had a large grotesque appearance, as his yellow eyes peered down onto Obi-Wan's.


Obi-Wan was the first to speak, "Mighty Jabba, our two most powerful legions are working together to rescue your son as we speak. We will not let you down."

Jabba replied in his native language, with the droid translating for him, [The most gracious Jabba, has one more small condition, he demands you bring back the slime that kidnapped his little punky muffin.]

Obi-Wan raised a brow, "Punky?"

Jabba continued to speak, [Dead or alive. And if you do not succeed, Count Dooku, and his droid army will.]

Obi-Wan furrowed his brows at his words, but nevertheless remained silent.


[Planet of Teth]

Dozens of Gunships could be seen as they zoomed down into Teth's sky's, with one large Acclamator remaining stationary hundreds of meters behind them, seemingly about to land.

But as soon as the squadron of Gunships entered the atmosphere, a torrent of red beams came rushing at them.

Explosions would instantaneously blow up from all directions.

This continued rain of beams caused Silas and their small group inside one of the Gunship's to tighten their grips on to the handles above, as their ship would shake violently.



Anakin's comlink started beeping, as he pressed it, and Obi-Wan's holographic figure appeared who didn't waste any time.

"Here's the story guys, Jabba has only given us one planetary rotation to get his child back to Tatooine, safe and sound."

"Won't even take us that long Master." Anakin snidely commented.

Obi-Wan continued, ignoring Anakin's remarks, "Well take extreme care, we have no idea who's holding Jabba's son. Anyways, once I'm done with negotiations with him, I will join you."

Obi-Wan's figure promptly disappeared, as Anakin looked toward Ahsoka while talking, "Stay close to me..." Before smirking, "If you even can."

"It won't be a problem master." She replied with a smug smile.

Before they could continue talking, Silas just shook his head , "Enough chattering, we're about to land."

With a swift nod, Silas was right as the ship's altitude preemptively decreased while landing in the jungle under the cover of the trees.

The doors slid open as Silas shouted, "Go! Go! Go!"

At his words, clone troopers rushed out the Gunship, whilst simultaneously multiple other Gunships landing beside them also dropped off hundreds of more clone troopers, they all dispersed into the jungle as red beams would brisk past them. 

The clones dashed through the forest, with Silas and Anakin leading at the front, Ahsoka following right beside them.

Streaks of red would speed at them, seemingly coming from a higher altitude, as they swung their lightsabers in response, effectively redirecting the shots.

Explosions occurred all around, as the three force users sprinted ahead of the rest, nimbly jumping over tree branches, and sliding under tree trunks.

Chaos ensued all around them, as the battlefield was filled with thundering eruptions.

"Ahsoka stay on my six!" Silas yelled out once noticing the artillery cannons in the distance.

"What's a six!?" She asked back in apparent confusion.

Anakin was the one to shout as he exclaimed in exasperation, "Stay directly behind him, and do not run past us!"

Ahsoka didn't seem to happy, but nonetheless complied, as she remained running directly behind Silas. Where the amount of beams coming at her, noticeably decreased.

But after a minute of running, they finally stopped, as the jungle came to an end, and a large cliff came into sight.

And at the very top, Separatist droids would continue their onslaught of beams.

Silas held up a fist, indicating a halt motion, "Everyone! Hide behind the trees!" Glancing behind him, he noticed their large AT-TE's, "AT-TE's stay back, make sure to stay out of range of their artillery!"

The clones quickly scattered as they hid behind tree trunks, and didn't shoot back, while the AT-TE's stopped moving as they remained at the very back.

This caused the droids to stop shooting, as all their targets were hiding, making them wonder what was happening.

And all of a sudden this concluded the battlefield coming to a dead silence.

Silas quietly crouched down behind one large tree, as Cody was right behind him and handed him binoculars.

Anakin and Ahsoka also grouped behind him.

Silas then peeked over the tree as he surveyed the top of the cliff with his binoculars.

He saw hundreds of normal B1 Droids, with dozens of spider droids backing them up.

"What are we waiting for?" Ahsoka hushfully asks.

"He's trying to get the coordinates so that Thrawn knows exactly where to shoot." Anakin whispered back.

After a few seconds of observing the hilltop, Silas taps his comlink on his wrist as he says, "Thrawn I need you to concentrate your fire on Sector-11374210 horizontally."

A cold voice then responded from his comlink, "Unfortunately, it seems that's not possible."

At Thrawn's words, a small armada of Separatist ships entered the atmosphere, immediately ensuing a battle between the single Imperial Star Destroyer vs many others.

Silas clicked his tongue, "Understood, if you need to retreat, do so." He then ended the com's with a serious expression under his golden visor.

"What should we do now sir?" Cody questioned.

Silas remained silent, in thought.

Ahsoka chimed in as she remarks, "We have plenty enough men to take the droids head on by simply scaling up the cliff, not to mention the three of us leading."

Anakin nodded, "As much as I'm for minimizing casualties, in this situation Ahsoka is right, we don't have the time for other strategies to work."

Silas didn't react to their words, but after a few more seconds, he stood up, "Here's the plan, I want Cody to group 29 of our best men. With these 20 men, plus myself, we will take a Gunship on the opposite side, sneakily flank the droids on this cliff, and take them all out in one swift motion, or distract their attention. Allowing our men who are down here on the ground to scale up relatively safely."

Cody's figure disappeared as he already had gone to gather the men.

Anakin frowned, "We don't have the time-"

Silas narrowed his eyes toward him threateningly, causing them to have a silent stare off, before Anakin sighed, "Alright, alright, we'll do it your way. Me and Ahsoka will stay down here, and be ready to scale up when you take care of the droids up there."

Ahsoka also simply nodded when noticing the tense atmosphere.

"Sir, should we advance?" Rex's voice asked from the comlink of Silas's.

Silas brought his wrist up to his mouth as he responded, "Negative, remain in your position until further instructions."

Silas then jogged toward the Gunship in the back of the jungle, which was already being filled to the brim with clones.

He saw as Cody was outside urging those to hurry, and once Silas arrived, Cody himself entered, with Silas being the last, as the doors closed.

The ambience of the Gunship's chamber was dark, with only red lights flashing, as they felt the Gunship increasing in altitude.

"You boys ready?" Silas quipped with a smirk.

"Hell yeah sir!"

"Anytime of the day!"

Silas contently nodded, as he could feel the occasional shudder from the ship.

The Gunship finally slowed down as it made it on the oppposite side of the canyon, calmly hovering beside the cliff, still far from the top.

"Sir, you'll have to use your grappling devices, we can't go any higher or we'll be seen and shot down!" The pilot explained from the cockpit.

Silas didn't say anything as he already expected it.

Sliding the doors open, all he saw was a endlessly tall wall of the cliff, cascaded in fog.

"I'll climb up first and throw a rope down for you guys."

So without waiting, he backed up a little, before dashing, and leaping forward.

Metallic claw-like hooks were in his hands, as he slammed them into the rocky wall.


Piercing into it, he nudged them around, double checking the stabilty.

Once noticing it was firm, he repeated the same climbing motions.

Ascending the mountain at a rapid pace, after a little while he was nearing the top and pressed his feet against the wall, before pushing upward, as his figure launched up. 

Like a blur, he instantly appeared above the flat ground with a flip, landing in the norm superhero pose.

In front of him were over a dozen B1 Droids who seemed to be on patrol, a devilish grin formed on his face as he muttered.

"Showtime baby."


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