
Star Wars: Galaxy in Peril

In 15 BBY, a ragtag group of rebels find their way through the galaxy, and they stumble across a Togruta smuggler on Corellia in need of help. She joins the crew and they all make their way through the galaxy fighting the Empire, one planet at a time. Will they succeed? Or will they fall to the vast might of the Galactic Empire?

kurbin_17 · Movies
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"Weq and Wanda, you go grab the siphons! Yassk and Crabacca, you get them into position! Everyone else is with me! We will dispatch any troopers in the area and we'll begin to take the fuel." I ordered the team.

Weq, Wanda, Yassk, and Crabacca broke away from the team and ran towards their objectives. The rest of us ran towards the fuel pods.

"Ready." I said.

"Mesa ready!" Popilli added.

"We're ready!" Vano and Krute said simultaneously.

"Umm, ready?" Risha said questionably.

"Here we come!!" Yassk shouted.

"Troopers, incoming!!" Weq shouted.

"Yassk and Crabacca, continue the mission! Weq and I will dispatch these guys!" Wanda ordered the Wookiee and Trandoshan.

Weq and Wanda got behind cover and began to fire at the troopers. Their blue and red blaster bolts hitting Stormtroopers in a beautiful display of color.

"Aim for the fuel!!" Shouted the Imperial Officer.

"But sir-!" A trooper interjected.

"JUST DO IT!!" The Officer ordered.

The troopers began to focus their fire at the fuel cells. Vano and Krute ignited their sabers just in time and began to deflect the bolts.

"We're gonna be leaving here with less fuel than what we need!" I screamed.

"Just grab whatever you can, Dex! We don't have time!" Wanda reminded me.

"Ok, we're good!! R3, where are you with that pickup?!" I said gathering the fuel containers.

R3 swoops in with the Withered Talon and begins to lay down covering fire.

"Weq, Wanda let's go!!" I said as I pushed the fuel containers on the ship.

Wanda and Weq hurried on the ship, while still firing at the troopers. Vano and Krute continued to deflect the troopers' fire.

"Yassk... blow this place sky high!" I told my Trandoshan friend.

"With pleasssure!" He said throwing thermal detonators.

I quickly rushed to the cockpit and raised our altitude. Everyone else gathered in the cockpit and other viewing areas and watched the Fuel Depot blow up in an array of lights.

"And that's mission complete!! Let's get out of here!!" I said while piloting the ship out of Corellia.

"We've got TIE Fighters inbound!!" Wanda said to me.

"Everyone, man your stations! We're gonna have to keep blasting out of here!" I ordered.

"Wait, what about my mission?!" Risha reminded me.

"We'll come back... Until then, welcome to the Talon crew!!" I answered while pulling evasive maneuvers.

"I- Fine!" She said running to a gunning post.

The crew continued to fire at the fighters and managed to fend off all of them. We quickly left the planet and went into hyperspace. After the jump, everyone gathered in the cockpit.

"Great job, everyone. You all did some fine work out there. We need to refuel once we land, though." I told everyone.

We all turned to face the Togruta. Her red skin, black eyes, and white and blue montrails glimmered in the light of hyperspace.

"So... You gonna tell us about yourself?" Vano asked the Togruta.

"I already told you... I'm a smuggler from Shili. I came to Corellia a while ago to try and drive out the Empire..." She said somberly.

"By yourssself?!" Yassk questioned.

"Well, yeah! I'm not just some meek little Togruta. I've done things that probably should've killed me and lived."

Crabacca gets up from his seat and walks in front of the standing Togruta. He was tall with dark brown fur. He sported a bowcaster, along with a vibroblade. His face was ragged, with a giant scar over his right eye.

"Arrrrowwwaoogh!!" He yelped.

"What's that mean?!" Risha asked.

"If you want to overthrow the Empire, you're gonna need help. He said he wants to help you as he has a similar goal. To free his people on Kashyyyk.

"You're one of us... Welcome to the crew, Risha." I told her.

A warm smile went over her face.

"Thank you, Dex. So... How about some introductions?" She asked politely.

"I'm Dex Grosper. I'm from Ryloth. I grew up during the Clone War and even took part in the Battle of Ryloth, although I was very young. My father was one of Cham Syndulla's freedom fighters. This little droid here is R3-Y7. He's my trusty little friend. And this ship you're standing in is the Withered Talon. It was my father's ship and his father's before him. It still runs like a beauty." I explained to her.

"I'm Wanda Teff. I also grew up during the Clone War but I didn't partake in any active battle. I joined the Empire a few years after its formation and soon became an Admiral in the Navy, along with fellow Chiss, Grand Admiral Thrawn. I defected from the Empire due to how they treated innocent civilians. Then I found these guys." She told the smuggler.

"Now what about the Jedi...?" She asked us.

"We'll explain once we land... Which we're about to do. Strap in." Vano told her.

We all got in our seats and prepared to exit hyperspace. Once our ship left it, we were met with a beautiful planet... Pillio. An aquatic planet chosen by Vano San as our base of operation due to its strong connection to the Force and because it wasn't yet taken over by the Empire.

"Here we are... Home." I said out loud.