
Star Wars: Empires rise and fall

Waking up on a strange ship? Understandable. Waking up to robotic entities defining me as their supreme commander? Explainable. Waking up only to find that said ship is about to pass the event horizon of a monstrous black hole? Bullshit! ____ This story will be about our MC (Marcus O’Neal) finding himself in a universe once thought fictional. Starting with only a Harrower-class dreadnought, read as Marcus will build an empire within the unknown regions and once again show the galaxy the strength of the technology produced during the Great Galactic War! ____ I clearly don't own Star Wars, The cover does not belong to me and if the owner wishes for me to change it then let me know. ——— So I guess I need to inform you guys that Marcus will not like aliens, he will view himself and humans in general are better. You will see aliens enslaved, killed, and so on. (This message was brought by haters who want to describe Marcus as hitler for simply thinking Humans are better than aliens. Fictional aliens, aliens who are not real…)

Harbinger9901 · Movies
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23 Chs


[A/N: Okay so here is a question, would you guys rather have 500-word chapters every day or 1,000-word chapters every two days. Also, the next chapter will result if I add some R-18 in the future.]

Marcus woke up onboard the Reclaimer as usual and instead of heading to the simulation room he instead sat down in front of a desk after cleaning himself up.

Marcus wanted to prepare a speech instead of thinking of words on the spot. If he wasn't prepared and stuttered during the live broadcast he honestly felt like he would die from embarrassment.

*Those of the Imperium, I stand before you too.* Marcus suddenly deleted his words from the datapad as he didn't 'feel' it enough. He could not help but feel that such a simple task would in actuality be much more difficult.

'Then again, who said being a ruler was going to be easy? This is not a joke and I will be ruling over billion to trillions of people, my words can both make and break someone's way of life.' he then closed his eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling.

With his determination renewed he spent the next few hours creating and destroying sample scripts trying to find the perfect one. He wanted the setting to enforce himself as absolute but also humble, caring even.

Meanwhile, on the surface of Jakku, everyone was going about their new day when an announcement sounded out causing them to stop.

*In six hours all citizens of the imperium will be required to attend an event taking place nearby. Further information will be provided later on within the day. Thank you.* Everyone could not help but wonder what this event would be about. Some even tried to find out more information by visiting the makeshift town hall but they were disappointed.

Upon others inquiring about what those selected individuals heard, they were told the same contents from the announcement earlier.

A few hours later someone claimed to have seen droids constructing a large platform causing others to venture out to see if his words held truth and indeed they were.

Everyone began speaking to one another about their ideas on what the platform will be used for. The ideas ranged from simple things such as an expo about new technology to much darker ideas such as a public execution.

The one thing everyone agreed on was that they would have to wait.

Once more hours passed by as Marcus was sitting within a shuttle with SN-21 by his side. Instead of wearing his casual, he decided to wear something more 'formal'.

Marcus wore an outfit in which appeared similar to the Kingsglaive uniform from Final Fantasy XV. Soon the shuttle reached its designation allowing Marcus to exit the ship and what he found were hundreds of humans examining him. He also noticed multiple war droids surrounding himself as if they were ready to protect him. He learned over to SN-21 and whispered into her eat and spoke something causing the droids to no longer surround him.

"I want the people to adore me not fear me. If everyone thinks I want to force them to submit to my will then they will become fearful. Fear will sooner or later turn into anger and anger will cause a rebellion." SN-21 simply nodded allowing Marcus to move towards the edge.

"Citizens of the Imperium… I am the God-Emperor's Apostle… The Archon of Mankind!"

Special thanks to The_Gaming_Mask and jkjkodath for the ideas regarding the titles. I liked both suggestions so I used both. Anyway I’m done for today, thinking about doing a time skip because i running out of ideas. Any suggestions are welcome.

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