
Chapter (5) The Fallen Mandalore the Great

"It's said war-war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk,"

- Ulysses (Fallout New Vegas)


(3rd Pov)

Mandalore the Great as it was called, once was covered with life. The force among all living creatures lingered in harmony amongst them. The animals and plants that inhabited the planet were far too many to begin to number, and humans were the designated rulers treading upright upon the soil with their bipedal form. For millennia the planet stood as one of if not the most beautiful worlds in the cosmos, a true gem scattered amongst the dark canopy known as space.

Then war found its home.

The ultimate practice had finally found its ultimate practitioner after waiting patiently deep within the sin of humanity. The once lush plentiful planet was turned into nothing but a dust ball after centuries of prolonged conflict. War had come and raped peace before taking countless lives. Dynasties had risen and fallen, but war had always remained, and once it was finished the only settlements on the planet were around the few remaining water sources not polluted by the scourge that followed like a boogey man hiding in his closet.

Vossk Mal'Dar, one of the most infamous psychopaths that led Mandalore at the time once said, "To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. But to kill for entertainment is harmless," This sentiment led the groundwork for 'the warrior ways' as his descendants called it. 

'The warrior ways' were founded upon the basic laws of evolution: Only the strong will survive. The principle of natural selection is where might made right and the only sin was weakness in front of a prospective enemy. A barbaric nature that clashed directly with the Jedi's views when a group of Jedi led by a man simply named Revan during the Mandalorian wars. Kill or be killed is the motto of most of the founding Mandalorian clans and it served as the basis for the future Death Watch founded on Mandalore's moon Concordia.

Though this sentiment began to fade with time, the war continued to keep a firm grip deep in the hearts of the people as fighting once again broke out in 41 BBY during a civil war. This time, however, instead of satisfaction, land, or monetary gain being the reward for victory rather ideals were what had become the gambling stakes. The two sides, the New Mandalorian peace movement and the 'Old Mandalorian' bloodlust fought for almost three years before a victor was decided.

The New Mandalorian movement had won, but not without the loss of many including the original leader Duke Adonai Kryze. Thankfully his daughter Duchess Satine Kryze was able to survive the war becoming the new leader of Mandalore. This was all thanks in no small part to the Jedi order sending Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-wan Kenobi to safeguard the young Duchess. The pair going so far as to fight off countless bounty hunters while on the run with Satine Kryze.

 Leading to today a mere 6 months since the end of the Mandalorian Civil War. Reconstruction has just begun after the last remnants of the traditional faction were finally exiled from the planet. The buildings of the capital were still mostly damaged with multiple walkways being collapsed or occupied with repairs. All in all, there was much work to be done in the present but a bright hope in the future, as two Jedi walked through the streets in brown robes.


{Scene Change}

Qui-Gon had been visiting Keldabe, the capital of Mandalore, for what felt like the first time in decades. Between the council continuously pestering him for information about every minute detail that he experienced during the mission. He wanted to sigh just thinking about it, but their anxiety was justified. Though it had been thousands of years ago, during the Mandalorian wars the Mandalorians had given the Jedi and subsequently Republic a run for their money.

Nevertheless, the Jedi Master smiled as he strolled through the dirty streets filled with the daily bustles of the people who inhabited the city along with the ever-growing construction. It was good to see the newfound hope that marred the planet's people as well as the determination to build towards a better future. He just wished that the duchess's father could have lived to see it.

Glancing to his left he noticed a small quaint cafe, immediately piquing his interest. He stopped his stride and looked inside only to find there was a single occupant inside, and strangely that occupant was wearing a similar cloak to the robes that he and his padawan wore. Curiously Qui-Gon reached out into the force attempting to see if the figure was someone he was familiar with.

He was a bit surprised when he realized who it was sitting alone. He turned eagerly to his padawan to suggest having a small drink, but to his dismay, he turned only to sense a conflict of emotions surrounding Obi-wan. He reprimanded himself for not paying closer attention to his apprentice before sighing and addressing him.

"What has you so conflicted Obi-wan?" Qui-Gon asked as Obi-Wan snapped out of his thoughts and stood upright to his master.

"I-It's nothing, master," he immediately said defensively.

"Obi-wan," Qui-Gon spoke sternly, "I have known you for some time now. I know when you are lying, and even if I couldn't your face has given me all the evidence I could need. Now, I am your master and your teacher, please don't lie to me and tell me what has you so distraught?" Qui-Gon said carefully as a father would speak to his own son.

Obi-Wan was silent for a moment before deciding to respond, "Have you ever questioned what it means to be a Jedi?" Obi-Wan finally asked trusting his master.

"Many times," Qui-Gon said without hesitation to Obi-wan's surprise, "I find myself asking 'what is truly right?', 'Is this just?', 'Do we actually help?', and many more questions in nearly every mission I partake in. The queries keep me up at night, but I must accept that I must confront these questions otherwise I am nothing but a robot. Why do you ask?"

"I am just… confused master. I want to do as the Jedi have always done, to live by the core tenants and become as close to the force as possible," Obi-wan said unable to look his master in the eyes, "But at the same time my thoughts and emotions are nagging at me to do something that goes against those same values. I know I have the willpower to do either one, but I just need to know what to think. Could you please just tell me what I should do?" Obi-Wan practically begged Qui-Gon.

"Obi I can't tell you how to think, nor should you let anyone do so. That is something for you to do. Seek out and find the truth behind the values, behind the words, and decide for yourself what is righteous and unrighteous," Qui-Gon continued, "You are young, but think about everything you felt, experienced, and thought about while being a Jedi. Weigh your choices and actions, and decide from there, and once you do that will be you. You will have made your 'legacy' so to speak, something to be passed down showing what you decided to have faith in and how much faith you had,"

"So it's up to me?" Obi-wan looked up still unsure of his thoughts.

"Yes, my apprentice. It's as they say, 'the future is what you make it'," Qui-Gon said while glancing at the cafe. He saw that the figure had gotten up and paid for their drink and were exiting the shop. He watched the hooded figure notice him and Obi-Wan and hesitate before going her separate way.

"Why don't you go into that shop over there and think more about it," Qui-Gon said nodding in the direction of the cafe before reaching into his pocket and pulling out some credits, "Here, have anything you would like to drink, but make sure you order me some tea,"

Obi-Wan accepted the money but couldn't help but ask, "Are you not coming in master?" his voice was filled with concern.

"Hmm no I think I shall stroll around the city a bit more," Qui-Gon said silently watching the figure out of the corner of his eye. The figure had slowed its pace considerably, it seemed she wanted to have a talk as well.

"Then I shall wait for you," Obi-Wan bowed before heading toward the establishment.

All the while Qui-Gon watched his back pass through with a loving smile on his face, 'That boy will be a great Jedi and an even better man. I hope I can live long enough to see that day,' he thought before turning his attention.

Slowly his smile faded from his face as he began walking past ruins from the war. Before long catching up to the cloaked woman, "Duchess what brings you out? Surely you are covered in work related to the reconstruction of the capital," Qui-Gon inquired falling into stride beside the cloaked Duchess Satine Kryze.

The Duchess held a wry smile underneath her hood, "Indeed Master Qui-Gon, but my attendants nearly forced me to have a 'break'," she said with a hint of exhaustion in her voice.

Qui-Gon couldn't help but chuckle, "Quite a turn from the 'noble' that was on the run to the leader of a new unified world," he said a smile plastering his face.

Satine's face only grew more wry, "Indeed, I have begun to weigh which is worse, paperwork or being hunted by innumerable bounty hunters,"

Qui-Gon let out a few more hearty chuckles as Satine's face grew into a legitimate smile. Eventually, Qui-Gon's laughs faded and he became more serious, "Now, what would you like to discuss with me duchess?" he asked getting down to business.

The Duchess became much more serious as well sensing the tone shifting, "I wanted to inform you that the last of the traditional faction's members have been exiled to Concordia," she said with a bit of uncertainty.

"Well done Satine," Qui-Gon said reassuring her and patting her shoulder, "You stuck true to your pacifistic way, while also meting out a just punishment that will ensure a period of peace. Now, Pre-Viszla and his band of warmongers will be forced to confront their ideology and hopefully, they will recognize the error of their ways," Qui-Gon said summarizing Satine's own thoughts on the matter.

"Thank you, master Jedi, it carries a lot of weight to hear your praise, though I am undeserving of it," Satine said humbly with a small smile.

Qui-Gon then stopped, "Now that, that is out of the way I sense that you have something else to discuss," Qui-Gon said inquisitively shocking Satine who had a look of surprise as she stared at the Jedi, "Perhaps something pertaining to my apprentice?" he asked inquisitively

Satine adopted her wry smile again, but it couldn't hide the slight flush to her cheeks, "Your Jedi powers are truly remarkable Master Qui-Gon," she remarked, "But no, we both have our duties, and it's…it's best we remain professional and go our separate ways," she said through consideration and hesitation.

"I see, perhaps that is best," Qui-Gon said with a thoughtful expression, 'This one has her mind concluded, while Obi-Wan's is still deluded. Though I wonder if something he said would shake that conclusion?' Qui-Gon thought to himself.

"Hmm?" Qui-Gon was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts as he felt a sharp tug in the force. Qui-Gon felt as though there was another force user nearby besides him and his apprentice, which intrigued him, 'There shouldn't be any force sensitives on this planet, and especially no younglings. Master Ropal's memory crystal confirmed such,' Qui-Gon contemplated as he began to move towards the source of the feeling.

However before he could take more than a couple of steps he remembered that he was still technically in the middle of a conversation, "Pardon me Duchess, but it seems we will have to cut our conversation short," Qui-Gon said with sincerity.

The Duchess was confused by the suddenness of Qui-Gon's actions. She thought for a moment and deduced that it was most likely related to Jedi business, "What is it, Master Qui-Gon?"

"I am not sure my lady, but it is…peculiar," Qui-Gon said as his pace increased with the feeling's intensity growing, almost as if he had locked onto a beacon.

He carefully paced through the city's heights into its depths with Satine following closely behind as he searched for what the force had been drawing him to. He slowly noticed that he was going deeper and traveling into the darker parts of Mandalore. Qui-Gon was sure to keep Satine close to his side at all times, while also keeping a hand on his light-saber, ready to use it at a moment's notice.

Eventually, the journey to the underworld of Mandalore was complete, after multiple well-paid speeder rides. Slowly, the 'homing' sensation he felt began to fade, meaning he was nearing his destination. It was rare for such a strong feeling to occur while connected to the force, but not unheard of. Many masters and padawans managed to find each other during times of crisis through this almost sentient feeling. There were many other instances of this occurring as well, but they all occurred before a large calamity gripped the galaxy, whether it was in a month or a century all instances were marred with grim expressions from the high council.

Qui-Gon's senses became heightened as the feeling went away just as he reached the exit of a back alley. The underworld was dark due to its location so far below the giant metal skyscrapers that seemed to puncture through the blue canopy above. It was a disgusting place littered with trash and all kinds of stimulants prohibited by the Republic, nevertheless, Qui-Gon wasn't naive enough to think laws would stop people from doing as they wished.

Qui Gon stepped to the left of the tunnel and slowly swiveled his head back and forth, reaching deep into the force to guide him toward his goal. He knew his objective was a person, and one that was quite young, but something was amiss. He felt no emotions running through his target, 'That can't be,' he thought, 'It's as if I am sensing a robot rather than a living being,'

He slowly scanned his surroundings as he tried to identify the boy. The lack of direct sunlight made it nearly impossible to make out much from a distance. The only assistance besides the force was a single flood light illuminating a curve between the street and what appeared to have been an old statue, now reduced to nothing but a stone slab as the base. Upon that rock base sat a boy with a backpack by his feet. The boy wore clothes too big for him that had holes. He was covered in dust to a degree that Qui-Gon could notice it even with the lack of visibility. The features that stood out the most however were his steel-colored hair and blood-red bandana that was tied below it. The bandana was like a maroon-colored stripe that wrapped around the boy's skull and was tapered into two ribbon-like ends that fluttered in the wind behind him.

Finally, he set his eyes on a small humanoid form in the distance, 'It's him,' Qui-Gon concluded the source of the disturbance to be. Qui-Gon slowly began to walk towards the boy who he could see was simply sitting down on a large stone slab, a piece of rubble from the civil war that had made its way to the lower levels.

Qui-Gon made sure to only display peaceful and welcoming emotions, most younglings were quite sensitive. And though this boy was already peculiar, kindness and goodwill tend to lengths with most people. Not that Qui-Gon would considered treating others without the respect they deserved.

However, before Qui-Gon could close the distance between him and the perceived youngling he watched to his horror a thug crept out of shadows blaster in hand towards the boy. Strangely, the boy seemed already prepared to act, but Qui-Gon didn't feel him use the force to sense the assailant. 

The Jedi Master rushed forward using the force to augment his speed, but the distance was still too great. Qui-Gon could tell that the thug was threatening the boy but was unable to hear the exact content of his message. And he could only watch as the boy shook his head leading to the thug's finger tightening around the trigger.



-Minutes earlier-

(Cypher's Pov)

'What was that?' I snapped my head upward to my 11 o'clock. I narrowed my eyes as I made out nothing in the lightless underground Mandalore, 'It felt as though I was just tugged,' I thought considering the possibilities.

Eventually, I dismissed my thoughts because it was something that my knowledge had not categorized due to me not experiencing such a thing before, 'This wasn't in the simulations,' though I was informed and taught about supernatural powers that surrounded the 'force-users' in the galaxy, the simulations and training I partook in never had any.

'Perhaps this is where that 'creativity' is needed?' I silently asked my brain as I considered my possible courses of action. I sat still, my gaze becoming blurry as I completely focused myself on thinking. I didn't make any noise or make any movement, those would lead to unnecessary distractions.

I concluded after exactly 3 minutes that remaining in my current position would be the most optimal decision I could make at this juncture. I was unable to explain why, but my thoughts gave me a sense that the reason for the 'tug' would be moving to this position anyway. The tug was something most likely caused by the force, according to my knowledge, therefore it is likely that a Jedi or Sith would be approaching me.

If it was a Jedi I would be one step closer to completing my mission, but if it was a Sith…. I would need to retreat, according to notes on the profiles of Sith Lords and their apprentices most were evil to the core, the very opposite of peace seekers, and that made them an enemy. However, due to my lack of strength, I would most likely be dismembered if I tried any confrontation, and would most likely be tortured until they eventually killed me due to my refusal of their way of life. That was an outcome that must be avoided at all costs, I must complete my mission.

Though the chances of a Sith being the one who tugged me were unlikely, below a 1% chance and the chances of the one being a Sith Lord were below 0.000001. According to the records, there could only be two Sith Lords at one time since the era of the old republic, and all Sith were accompanied by a noticeable drop in temperature in their surroundings as well as a sense of 'dread'.

I don't know what this 'dread' felt like nor what its use was. Dread is an emotion that induces fear due to anticipation of a certain event or outcome, and like all the other emotions I didn't understand them. They only inhibited one's actions, so much so that one either spent their whole life attempting to control them like the Jedi, or being a slave to them just as the Sith are.

In the end, they are just something that gets in the way. Another obstacle to overcome, that's all emotions are.

My vision slowly regains focus as I am no longer just centered on my thoughts. My eyes slowly traced my surroundings as I identified a vagabond staring at me intently from a nearby alleyway. I made sure to continue my scan so as to not alert him to my knowledge of his hiding place. Once I completed my scan I concluded that he was most likely a citizen of Mandalore driven to a state of mental instability due to the overuse of recreational drugs.

I spotted a light blaster sidearm in his right hip pocket. He was attempting to conceal it in his pocket, but I identified the outline in his tattered pants and the handle was poking its way out of his pocket, 'He'll try to steal my belongings, and depending on his mind he will try to sexually assault and then kill me, but that order could be wrong as well,' I processed the details of the man's character and made a decision, 'He will inhibit my mission for peace, it is best to eliminate him,' I concluded.

'A cautious enemy's greatest enemy is the presentation of false opportunity,' I recited a quote I had learned during my studies of strategy. I thought that to be the best course of action and began to put my plan into motion.

 I pulled my backpack off and set it by the rock slab I sat on and began to open it. I methodically set out some of the more valuable contents, such as some Mandalorian currency along with food and water. I focused my hearing on the area my enemy sat watching.

I glanced once more to the alley and saw the man getting ready to make his way to me. I saw him peeking around the corner and behind his back to make sure that the area was private. He then began walking, but slowly he was still gauging the risks and benefits of attempting to confront me.

Just as I thought he would retreat I felt a tug again and I had an idea. I turned to face the tug away from my enemy giving him a feeling of a higher chance of success. He took the 'bait', as some called it and I heard his footsteps. I noticed a robed man slowly walking down the street I faced but he was too far away from my position to be identified.

"Hey kid come with me or die," the man said as I heard a click from behind me signaling his blaster was now off of its safety. I turned around noting that the adversary didn't warn me to not turn around. 

The man had a stench that made breathing difficult for many. My sense had stimulated the smell during my virtual missions and it was akin to a burning body. It was unknown why but he had a high sulferous odor that radiated. Besides that noticeable feature, he looked like most stricken with poverty, torn and ragged clothes, missing teeth, and dirty. He was also inexperienced in his occupation based on his mannerisms and actions. I was also able to confirm my previous hypothesis that the man was on a large dose of stimulants, as evidenced by his strenuous breathing, bloodshot eyes, and terrible smell.

"Hey! Get over there before I use this!" he threatened while wildly waving the metallic weapon towards the alley he emerged from. I maintained eye contact and nodded before bending down acting like I was simply using my arms to assist me standing up, but with my right hand, I reached into my bag finding the handle of the item I was looking for.

Suddenly I noticed his eyes widen with apparent fear as he glanced behind me. I saw him make a 'desperate' decision as he looked back at me, "Fuck you kid I am taking your stuff!" he said as my gaze had already left his face.

After he glanced behind me my gaze was no longer on his own but it instead was focused on the finger wrapped around the trigger of his blaster. So when I saw that he was going to fire the weapon I was already moving.

I quickly evaded by taking a big step to my right practically jumping on top of the slab I had previously been sitting on. I angled the largest amount of my surface area away from him by squaring my right shoulder towards him The red laser bolt shot out from the black tool half of a moment later and the target had shock in his eyes as he jerked his arm towards his left to fire again. I brought my right arm holding the machete tight and flexed all the muscles in my right arm and chest as I chopped down with all my strength toward his forearm.

"MY ARM!" he screamed in more shock than pain after my arm had completed its path. The result was a mostly clean diagonal cut through his lower forearm towards his hand. For a moment one could see the white bone, the marrow inside, and the flesh that surrounded it before the bleeding began. I said it was mostly cut through because his hand and wrist dangled limply toward the ground, it looked like peeling wallpaper as it hung.

But I followed through immediately to end the threat. As I brought the blade back up with my right hand I took another step getting up close to the target. I changed my grip to a reverse grip with my right hand and held the pommel with the palm of my left hand. I swiftly brought the blade to my chest before I lowered my stance into a crouch and shot my weapon upwards like a cobra striking its prey. 

The tip of the long dagger impaled through the back of his neck and into his throat as it traveled upward. The man who was about to scream out more in his predicament found that his words were lost. At least I thought so, the angle at which I thrusted accomplished my goal of severing his cerebellum. I made sure of that by being certain to use both of my hands and fully exerting the muscle in one of my triceps to produce as much force as I could, even at the cost of appropriate form.

Without thinking I removed my blade from the man's body as soon as I had completed my strike. Blood didn't even have the time to begin to leak before I was cleaning off the metal of the blade. The enemy's corpse tumbled forward onto its face as I walked back to my backpack and began stowing away my supplies again.

As I picked up my backpack and slung it onto my back I noticed a shadow covering the little light in front of me. Confused I looked up to see that the robed man stood over me, a 'solemn' expression on his face as he stared at me. I already knew he was there and had sensed he had stopped during my brief engagement. Though I didn't understand why he still remained, due to the tug earlier evidence pointed to him being a Jedi. I tilted my head to the side as we began to speak in unison.

""Who are you?""


So that's five chapters in the bag hope you all enjoy.

If you have any questions feel free to drop em.

I plan to have this be every other week with my Halo fic, but who knows if I will be able to keep to that schedule.

Anyway I hope you have a blessed day and I will See You Star Side