
Chapter (1) The Visit

[Author's note: If you are reading this on the 12/2/23 then congrats! Your diligence has been rewarded because this is a simple early release before I upload the next four chapters. I hope you enjoy!]

(3rd Pov)

44 B.B.Y.


Inside the pristine, white, and sterile rooms of Tipoca city sat the Prime Minister Lama Su as he stared out into the stormy world of water surrounding the city. He sipped his tea as he tapped his thin tapered finger impatiently on the handrest of his seat. He had just gotten the message through his holoprojector that the man he had been waiting for was due to arrive shortly, having just disengaged from hyperspace and approaching the planet's atmosphere.

"Sorrin prepare the meeting room," the long white alien spoke to his assistant, "Our special guest will be arriving soon,", his voice contained a certain level of anxiety as he spoke. It was evident that there was a substantial amount of fear contained in the consequences of the event to take place.

"Understood Minister," the female bowed her head before exiting the room to make preparations.

As Sorrin left the Minister stood up from his chair calmly, though internally he was anything but, and made his way to the designated landing pad for his guest. As his long-gaited stride carried him through the halls he began to sift through the details he could remember in hopes of keeping the man pleased during his visit. His goal of course was to sell his product, but from what he knew the man was not someone to ever be considered of crossing.

His experience with the individual began after he was introduced to him by a prominent businessman in the Chomell Sector, who went by the name Dratus Glephi. While visiting the Senator of Naboo at the time, the Senator had in an act of supposed spontaneity invited him to a gala that took place later that day. He was even promised introductions to businesses in need of cheap cloned labor…and that is where it began.

The man who introduced himself as Shadi Duritos was charismatic, of that Su could attest. But between the odd color of his pupils and something to do with the air about him, made Su feel… uneasy. Nevertheless, the man had an ambitious prospect for a job.

He desired to attempt to clone a long-lost ancestor famed for his prowess in battle.

Of course, that fact alone wasn't what made it ambitious, but the fact that the man claimed his ancestor lived over a thousand years ago, and that he had a sample of DNA through an ancient bone made the challenge interesting. Of course, the business man Dratus, even found the prospect amusing throwing in a substantial sum as a 'bet' to see if the minister could do it.

Still had it not been for the downward decline in a desire for clones then Lama Su would not have thought twice. The cloning industry in the galaxy had become far less profitable than what it once was. No corporation would buy clones and then go through with the training, feeding, housing, and other essentials for life. When they could simply buy robotic droids that only need a power supply and yearly maintenance. Though there were the few grieving widows and parents who, in a state of loss, bought a cloned version of a loved one, and though morality might be questioned in taking advantage of a person at such a low, in the end.

Business is still Business.

"Sir the guest has landed and the meeting room is prepared," Sorrin approached behind me as I stared out the sliding door's window into the stormy night. I could see the black silhouette of both the shuttle and the figure approaching.

"That will be all for now Sorrin," he spoke maintaining his cool demeanor as he kept his eyes ahead staring at the figure taking slow strides toward him.

After what felt like an hour had passed the figure walked through the motion-detecting doors, "Good evening Minister Su," he spoke in a low dark raspy voice.

The first thing Lama Su noticed wasn't the dark get-up the man wore, nor was it the piercing yellow eyes, but the coldness that surrounded him. Life in itself seemed to wither in his presence, and fear seemed to form the path he walked. For the minister was certain that he feared this man, and if the yellow eyes were anything to go by then he was certainly a man to be feared.

"Right this way Mr. Duritos," Lama said keeping his cool and beginning to walk along the black and white tile-like floors of the cloning facility. The soft footsteps of the pair were the only sounds that could be heard in all the halls. Silence settled and the anxiety of the Minister increased, hoping to ease this sense of unease he decided to try some small talk.

"If you don't mind my query, what do you plan to do with the clone once we accomplish the task?" He asked still in the dark about the stranger's intentions.

Shadi gave a half laugh before answering, "You sound quite confident with the possibility of making a clone from a thousand-year-old bone. However, if you must know I happen to frequent the colosseums in the galaxy and am interested in placing my own stake in the sport," his words seemed innocent enough and lowered Su's guard and let him relax a bit.

"We wouldn't be the best cloners in the galaxy if we were unable to accomplish the challenge," Su didn't miss the chance to boast about his people's profession.

As he finished his bragging they had finally arrived at the meeting room's automatic doors. The doors slid open revealing an elegant white table and hovering chairs along with another Kaminoan sitting sipping tea. The pair walked in and took their seats at the table, Su sat beside the other Kaminoan. While Shadi Duritos sat across and poured himself a cup of tea. He sat for a moment and swirled the tea, giving it a stare for a brief moment before sipping on it.

"Now who might this be?" he asked taking an active role in the conversation. A glint appeared in his eyes but his expression under his dark hood remained ambiguous.

"This my head of medical and scientific research Taun We," he motioned to the other pale white long lanky Kaminoan baring black eyes with white pupils. She bowed her head in greeting, "Could you please present her with the specimen that we will use to clone?" Su asked calmly.

The cloaked man reached into his coat before grabbing and pulling an item out of his clothing. It was wrapped in a black cloth and formed a cylindrical shape upon first glance. He set it on the table and unwrapped the cloth that bound it displaying a dark, decayed, and somewhat preserved bone. It was long and had two curved ends showing that it had ligament, cartilage, and most probably joints attached. To which Taun We immediately identified and called out.

"This…this is a human bone of a male a bit above average height. A femur to be exact," Tuan We analyzed as she delicately held the bone.

"It is the most intact portion of my ancestor's remains, unfortunately," he explained as she continued to inspect the skeletal remains, "So can it be done?" he asked after a minute or so passed.

"Human DNA unlike many of the other species in the galaxy is not the best for longevity. Heat, Salt, and acids are some of the more common ways to unravel and destroy the double helix structure. Thankfully, there does seem to be some remanent DNA, though there is still an issue," Taun We spike causing the guest's eyes to narrow.

"Was my confidence misplaced? Can you really not accomplish this?" He asked or rather interrogated as his eyes became sharper with each passing moment. The suddenness of his immediate displeasure was noted by both Kaminoans.

"N-No it's just that there are certain risks both for the Clone and the galaxy as a whole due to the nature of the template," Taun quickly explained to appease the guest.

Her words seemed to satisfy him momentarily as he seemed to sit back in his seat, "Go on," he commanded.

"If what you say is true about the time period of the clone's template, then the clone's cells will lack the necessary antibodies and evolved traits to handle some of the more common illnesses and diseases of this time," Taun We began to explain, "Similarly, there is the possibility that we accidentally resurrect diseases and illnesses that were killed off hundreds of years ago,"

Shadi kept his eyes narrowed, "You have a remedy for this issue," he said perceptively.

"Yes, by using retro-viruses we can make changes in the strands of DNA resolving most if not all risks," Taun We's voice had a glimmer of anticipation as she continued, "And with your permission, we can even enhance his genome. Longevity, strength, appearance, and intelligence can all be improved, some more than others,"

"And I am guessing these specifications make the finished product overall more expensive," the figure pointed out with a displeased tone and a hint of anger in his eyes.

Both Taun We and Lama Su looked at each other. The mood reflected in the stranger's voice gave them a feeling of unease. Beads of sweat began to rise from Su's pale white skin, though the guest took no notice or interest in it.

"No matter," Shadi relaxed easing the tension in the room, "A fair day's work should be compensated with a fair day's wage. Wouldn't you agree minister?" He asked pointedly

"Yes, Mr. Duritos," the Minister quickly agreed eager to change the subject to the topic of compensation.

"Good, and so you shall be paid upon completion," he said nodding in agreement. The air had calmed down tremendously until suddenly a wave of blood lust washed over the Kaminoans as they stared across the table, "And if either of you two betray me, then the only thing that will be repaid is blood. Do you understand?" Shadi looked upon them with barbarous hatred. His eyes looked like two unforgiving yellow suns as they bared down at the minister and scientist, and both victims of the stare would agree that his gaze seemed to peer into their very souls.

"Y-Yes sir we w-wouldn't dream of it," Lama Su quickly tried to pacify the monster in front of them's appetite. However, Shadi wasn't done engraving this experience into the two. Their hearts continued to pound in their ears as space itself seemed to become an enemy to them. They felt like two fish that had found themselves on dry land as if they had stumbled upon something or rather someone that should never have been.

"That's good to hear," and just as suddenly as the inside churning presence began, it in the same breath withered away receding into the cloaked figure, "It seems my time here has come to a close. I shall relay the specific details of what I would like integrated into the clone's DNA in the coming cycles. Until then remember my words, and work diligently, because I would hate to see your craft appear… disappointing," he lingered on the last word of the sentence before he strode out the white automatic door.

The pair of Kaminoans sat taking in what had just transpired. Minutes went by as they slowly calmed themselves down, and only once a servant informed them of the guest's departure did one of them dare to speak, "Prepare the genetic materials needed for cloning, spare no expense," Lama Su said definitively.

The doctor looked at her minister in shock, "Minister! You just experienced that monster first hand and you want to continue dealing with him! Are you insane!?" she asked in an out-of-character bout of exasperation.

The minister stood up and looked at Taun We, "Calm yourself doctor this outburst is not appropriate for someone of your position," he said leading Taun We to take a couple of deep breaths and control herself, "Better, now I do indeed intend to pursue this deal for the same reasons why you would rather me turn it down. In other words, while you are cautious and would rather turn down such a frightening figure as a partner I see opportunity because no one would dare backstab that man after having met him," he finished.

"I see," Taun We relented contemplating about what the Minister said, "I will carry out your orders immediately," she said getting up from the table and departing from the meeting room.

'Of course, that's for as long as we prove ourselves useful to him,' Lama Su reminded himself solemnly as his face wore a grim complexion as he once again gazed out the window into the gray atmosphere around the city.