

Muddy streets and old mre's. that was jaspers life as he walked through the rubbles of what was once a city block. it was the 4th year of WW3 after earths resources started to dwindle and hostile tensions rose between countries.

hearing running footsteps jasper hides behind a wall while peering out towards the direction of the footsteps.

seeing enemy soldiers he lifts up his automatic rifle and takes aim. After waiting a few seconds for them to walk closer, he pulls the trigger and watches as red flowers blossom on the bodys of the soldiers as they crumple to the ground. the sound of ammo casings hitting the pavement chimed in a deathly tune.

getting out from his hiding spot jasper scavenges some ammo off the corpses taking the moment to reload. afterwards he moves on in his search for enemy combatants. whilst advancing through the streets thunder suddenly rumbled in the clouds above as rain started showering down washing the sweat and grime off his body. pausing jasper waited a moment as he struggled to hear anything over the sound of the rain hitting the pavement.

That was when he heard it. The sound of jet engines screaming above the city. looking up he could see the jet heading towards the center of the city where he saw an object be deployed. Thinking it being nothing but the usual air strike jasper ignored it. That was until he saw the bright flash and huge mushroom cloud expanding outwards. The fiery blast wave ripped through the city burning everything to ashes along with Jasper as he watched his body burn to dust.

what he didn't know was that the pure force generated from the detonation of the bomb managed to tear a tiny crack in space, just enough for what remained of his soul to be sucked in, and be flung into multiple dimensions.

passing through the dimensions jaspers soul bathed in the dimensional energys that helped repair what was left of his soul. slowing down in speed his soul finally stopped in one dimension. the star wars universe, upon entering the force noticed the new foreign soul.

grabbing ahold of his soul the force sifted through the memories of jaspers life up until his fiery death. pitying him the force decided to bless this soul. taking a look at jaspers memories of video games the force decided to bless jasper with the ability to teleport and his own pocket dimension.

after doing so the force let him go, and enter the universes cycle of reincarnation for him to reborn at random.


21 BBY



Gasping jasper awoke. breathing heavily as the phantom pains of bodily disintegration lingered on his new body. slowing his breath down jasper managed to calm his mind as slowly got into a sitting position. feeling something off he looked down at his arms "...paws?"

this story idea has been in my mind for awhile and I managed to get a general plot outline of how this story will go. thanks for giving my first chapter a read. tell me, how did I do?.

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